

Difference between revisions of "Sunspots/sandbox"

From Unofficial Stationeers Wiki

< User:Sunspots
Line 128: Line 128:
* WeaponPistolEnergy
* WeaponPistolEnergy
* WeaponRifleEnergy
* WeaponRifleEnergy
=== All English translated Things ===
UPDATEVERSION=Update 0.1.1373.6615
UPDATEDATE=Fri 22/06/2018
* ApplianceMicrowave - [[Microwave]]
* ApplianceReagentProcessor - [[Reagent Processor]]
* BodyPartAstronautFemaleArmL - [[Body Part Astronaut Female Arm L]]
* BodyPartAstronautFemaleArmR - [[Body Part Astronaut Female Arm R]]
* BodyPartAstronautFemaleHead - [[Body Part Astronaut Female Head]]
* BodyPartAstronautFemaleLegL - [[Body Part Astronaut Female Leg L]]
* BodyPartAstronautFemaleLegR - [[Body Part Astronaut Female Leg R]]
* BodyPartAstronautFemaleTorso - [[Body Part Astronaut Female Torso]]
* BodyPartAstronautMaleArmL - [[Body Part Astronaut Male Arm L]]
* BodyPartAstronautMaleArmR - [[Body Part Astronaut Male Arm R]]
* BodyPartAstronautMaleHead - [[Body Part Astronaut Male Head]]
* BodyPartAstronautMaleLegL - [[Body Part Astronaut Male Leg L]]
* BodyPartAstronautMaleLegR - [[Body Part Astronaut Male Leg R]]
* BodyPartAstronautTorso - [[Body Part Astronaut Torso]]
* BodyPartChickBody - [[Body Part Chick Body]]
* BodyPartChickenBrownBody - [[Body Part Chicken Brown Body]]
* BodyPartChickenBrownHead - [[Body Part Chicken Brown Head]]
* BodyPartChickenBrownLegL - [[Body Part Chicken Brown Leg L]]
* BodyPartChickenBrownLegR - [[Body Part Chicken Brown Leg R]]
* BodyPartChickenBrownTail - [[Body Part Chicken Brown Tail]]
* BodyPartChickenBrownWingL - [[Body Part Chicken Brown Wing L]]
* BodyPartChickenBrownWingR - [[Body Part Chicken Brown Wing R]]
* BodyPartChickenWhiteBody - [[Body Part Chicken White Body]]
* BodyPartChickenWhiteHead - [[Body Part Chicken White Head]]
* BodyPartChickenWhiteLegL - [[Body Part Chicken White Leg L]]
* BodyPartChickenWhiteLegR - [[Body Part Chicken White Leg R]]
* BodyPartChickenWhiteTail - [[Body Part Chicken White Tail]]
* BodyPartChickenWhiteWingL - [[Body Part Chicken White Wing L]]
* BodyPartChickenWhiteWingR - [[Body Part Chicken White Wing R]]
* BodyPartChickHead - [[Body Part Chick Head]]
* BodyPartChickLegL - [[Body Part Chick Leg L]]
* BodyPartChickLegR - [[Body Part Chick Leg R]]
* BodyPartChickTail - [[Body Part Chick Tail]]
* BodyPartChickWingL - [[Body Part Chick Wing L]]
* BodyPartChickWingR - [[Body Part Chick Wing R]]
* BodyPartGraylienArmL  - [[Body Part Graylien Arm L ]]
* BodyPartGraylienArmR  - [[Body Part Graylien Arm R ]]
* BodyPartGraylienBody  - [[Body Part Graylien Body ]]
* BodyPartGraylienHead  - [[Body Part Graylien Head ]]
* BodyPartGraylienLegL  - [[Body Part Graylien Leg L ]]
* BodyPartGraylienLegR  - [[Body Part Graylien Leg R ]]
* BodyPartGraylienPelvis  - [[Body Part Graylien Pelvis ]]
* BodyPartRoosterBlackBody - [[Body Part Rooster Black Body]]
* BodyPartRoosterBlackHead - [[Body Part Rooster Black Head]]
* BodyPartRoosterBlackLegL - [[Body Part Rooster Black Leg L]]
* BodyPartRoosterBlackLegR - [[Body Part Rooster Black Leg R]]
* BodyPartRoosterBlackTail - [[Body Part Rooster Black Tail]]
* BodyPartRoosterBlackWingL - [[Body Part Rooster Black Wing L]]
* BodyPartRoosterBlackWingR - [[Body Part Rooster Black Wing R]]
* BodyPartRoosterBrownBody - [[Body Part Rooster Brown Body]]
* BodyPartRoosterBrownHead - [[Body Part Rooster Brown Head]]
* BodyPartRoosterBrownLegL - [[Body Part Rooster Brown Leg L]]
* BodyPartRoosterBrownLegR - [[Body Part Rooster Brown Leg R]]
* BodyPartRoosterBrownTail - [[Body Part Rooster Brown Tail]]
* BodyPartRoosterBrownWingL - [[Body Part Rooster Brown Wing L]]
* BodyPartRoosterBrownWingR - [[Body Part Rooster Brown Wing R]]
* CartridgeAtmosAnalyser - [[Cartridge (Atmos Analyser)]]
* CartridgeMedicalAnalyser - [[Cartridge (Medical Analyser)]]
* CartridgeNetworkAnalyser - [[Cartridge (Network Analyser)]]
* Character - [[Character]]
* CircuitboardAirControl - [[Circuitboard (Air Control)]]
* CircuitboardAirlockControl - [[Circuitboard (Airlock Control)]]
* CircuitboardCameraDisplay - [[Circuitboard (Camera Display)]]
* CircuitboardDoorControl - [[Circuitboard (Door Control)]]
* CircuitboardGasDisplay - [[Circuitboard (Gas Display)]]
* CircuitboardModeControl - [[Circuitboard (Mode Control)]]
* CircuitboardPowerControl - [[Circuitboard (Power Control)]]
* CircuitboardShipDisplay - [[Circuitboard (Ship Display)]]
* CircuitboardSolarControl - [[Circuitboard (Solar Control)]]
* DynamicAirConditioner - [[Portable Air Conditioner]]
* DynamicCrate - [[Dynamic Crate]]
* DynamicCrateBuildingSupplies - [[Crate (Building Supplies)]]
* DynamicCrateCableSupplies - [[Crate (Cabling Supplies)]]
* DynamicCrateConveyorSupplies - [[Crate (Conveyor Supplies)]]
* DynamicCratePipeSupplies - [[Crate (Pipe Supplies)]]
* DynamicGasCanisterAir - [[Portable Tank (Air)]]
* DynamicGasCanisterCarbonDioxide - [[Portable Tank (CO2)]]
* DynamicGasCanisterEmpty - [[Portable Tank]]
* DynamicGasCanisterFuel - [[Portable Tank (Fuel)]]
* DynamicGasCanisterNitrogen - [[Portable Tank (Nitrogen)]]
* DynamicGasCanisterOxygen - [[Portable Tank (Oxygen)]]
* DynamicGasCanisterVolatiles - [[Portable Tank (Volatiles)]]
* DynamicGasCanisterWater - [[Portable Tank (Water)]]
* DynamicGenerator - [[Portable Generator]]
* DynamicLight - [[Portable Light]]
* DynamicScrubber - [[Portable Air Scrubber]]
* EffectSplatEgg - [[Effect Splat Egg]]
* EntityAlien - [[Entity Alien]]
* EntityChick - [[Entity Chick]]
* EntityChickenBrown - [[Entity Chicken Brown]]
* EntityChickenWhite - [[Entity Chicken White]]
* EntityGraylien - [[Entity Graylien]]
* EntityRoosterBlack - [[Entity Rooster Black]]
* EntityRoosterBrown - [[Entity Rooster Brown]]
* GasTankAir - [[Gas Tank (Air)]]
* ItemActiveVent - [[Active Vent]]
* ItemAreaPowerControl - [[Power Controller]]
* ItemBatteryCell - [[Battery Cell (Small)]]
* ItemBatteryCellLarge - [[Battery Cell (Large)]]
* ItemBatteryCellNuclear - [[Battery Cell (Nuclear)]]
* ItemBatteryCharger - [[Battery Cell Charger]]
* ItemBook - [[Book]]
* ItemCableCoil - [[Cable Coil]]
* ItemChemLightBlue - [[Chem Light (Blue)]]
* ItemChemLightGreen - [[Chem Light (Green)]]
* ItemChemLightRed - [[Chem Light (Red)]]
* ItemChemLightWhite - [[Chem Light (White)]]
* ItemChemLightYellow - [[Chem Light (Yellow)]]
* ItemCoalOre - [[Ore (Coal)]]
* ItemCompositeFloorGrating - [[Composite Floor Grating]]
* ItemCopperIngot - [[Ingot (Copper)]]
* ItemCopperOre - [[Ore (Copper)]]
* ItemCorn - [[Corn]]
* ItemCrowbar - [[Crowbar]]
* ItemDataDisk - [[Data Disk]]
* ItemDrill - [[Hand Drill]]
* ItemDuctTape - [[Duct Tape]]
* ItemDynamite - [[Dynamite]]
* ItemEgg - [[Egg]]
* ItemEggBottom - [[Egg Bottom]]
* ItemEggCarton - [[Egg Carton]]
* ItemEggTop - [[Egg Top]]
* ItemEvaSuit - [[Eva Suit]]
* ItemFertilizedEgg - [[Fertilized Egg]]
* ItemFireExtinguisher - [[Fire Extinguisher]]
* ItemFlashingLight - [[Flashing Light]]
* ItemFlour - [[Flour]]
* ItemGasCanisterCarbonDioxide - [[Canister (CO2)]]
* ItemGasCanisterPollutants - [[Canister (Pollutants)]]
* ItemGasCanisterEmpty - [[Canister]]
* ItemGasCanisterFuel - [[Canister (Fuel)]]
* ItemGasCanisterVolatiles - [[Canister (Volatiles)]]
* ItemGasCanisterNitrogen - [[Canister (Nitrogen)]]
* ItemGasCanisterOxygen - [[Canister (Oxygen)]]
* ItemGasCanisterWater - [[Canister (Water)]]
* ItemGasFilterCarbonDioxide - [[Filter (CO2)]]
* ItemGasFilterPollutants - [[Filter (Pollutant)]]
* ItemGasFilterNitrogen - [[Filter (Nitrogen)]]
* ItemGasFilterOxygen - [[Filter (Oxygen)]]
* ItemGasFilterVolatiles - [[Filter (Volatiles)]]
* ItemGasFilterWater - [[Filter (Water)]]
* ItemGasTankStorage - [[Gas Tank Storage]]
* ItemGlassSheets - [[Glass Sheets]]
* ItemGoldIngot - [[Ingot (Gold)]]
* ItemGoldOre - [[Ore (Gold)]]
* ItemGrenade - [[Hand Grenade]]
* ItemHat - [[Hat]]
* ItemHealPill - [[Heal Pill]]
* ItemHydroponicTray - [[Hydroponic Tray]]
* ItemIce - [[Ice (Water)]]
* ItemIgniter - [[Igniter]]
* ItemInsulation - [[Insulation]]
* ItemIronIngot - [[Ingot (Iron)]]
* ItemIronOre - [[Ore (Iron)]]
* ItemKitAirlock - [[Kit (Airlock)]]
* ItemKitAtmospherics - [[Kit (Atmospherics)]]
* ItemKitBattery - [[Kit (Battery)]]
* ItemKitCentrifuge - [[Kit (Centrifuge)]]
* ItemKitChute - [[Construction Kit (Chutes)]]
* ItemKitComputer - [[Kit (Computer)]]
* ItemKitConsole - [[Construction Kit (Consoles)]]
* ItemKitConveyor - [[Construction Kit (Conveyors)]]
* ItemKitCryoTube - [[Construction Kit (Cryo Tube)]]
* ItemKitEngine - [[Construction Kit (Engines)]]
* ItemKitFabricator - [[Kit (Fabricator)]]
* ItemKitFurnace - [[Kit (Furnace)]]
* ItemKitFurniture - [[Kit (Furniture)]]
* ItemKitGyroscope - [[Kit (Gyroscope)]]
* ItemKitRegulator - [[Construction Kit (Pressure Regulator)]]
* ItemKitSensor - [[Construction Kit (Sensors)]]
* ItemKitSign - [[Construction Kit (Sign)]]
* ItemKitSleeper - [[Kit (Sleeper)]]
* ItemKitSolarPanel - [[Kit (Solar Panel)]]
* ItemKitStairs - [[Kit (Stairs)]]
* ItemKitStellarAnchor - [[Construction Kit (Stellar Anchor)]]
* ItemKitStorage - [[Construction Kit (Storage)]]
* ItemKitTank - [[Kit (Tank)]]
* ItemKitTorpedoTube - [[Construction Kit (Torpedo Launcher)]]
* ItemKitTurret - [[Kit (Turret)]]
* ItemKitWall - [[Kit (Wall)]]
* ItemLabeller - [[Labeller]]
* ItemLightSword - [[Light Sword]]
* ItemMilk - [[Milk]]
* ItemMiningBelt - [[Mining Belt]]
* ItemMiningDrill - [[Mining Drill]]
* ItemMuffin - [[Muffin]]
* ItemPassiveVent - [[Passive Vent]]
* ItemPickaxe - [[Pickaxe]]
* ItemPillHeal - [[Pill (Medical)]]
* ItemPillStun - [[Pill (Paralysis)]]
* ItemPipeAnalyizer - [[Pipe Analyser]]
* ItemPipeCorner - [[Pipe (Corner)]]
* ItemPipeCrossJunction - [[Pipe (Cross Junction)]]
* ItemPipeCrossJunction3 - [[Pipe (3-Way Junction)]]
* ItemPipeCrossJunction5 - [[Pipe (5-Way Junction)]]
* ItemPipeCrossJunction6 - [[Pipe (6-Way Junction)]]
* ItemPipeDigitalValve - [[Pipe Digital Valve]]
* ItemPipeGasMixer - [[Pipe Gas Mixer]]
* ItemPipeLabel - [[Pipe Label]]
* ItemPipeMeter - [[Pipe Meter]]
* ItemPipeRadiator - [[Pipe Radiator]]
* ItemPipeStraight - [[Pipe (Straight)]]
* ItemPipeTJunction - [[Pipe (T Junction)]]
* ItemPipeValve - [[Pipe Valve]]
* ItemPipeVolumePump - [[Pipe Volume Pump]]
* ItemPowerConnector - [[Power Connector]]
* ItemReagentMix - [[Reagent Mix]]
* ItemRoadFlare - [[Road Flare]]
* ItemRTG - [[R T G]]
* ItemScanner - [[Handheld Scanner]]
* ItemScrewdriver - [[Screwdriver]]
* ItemSecurityCamera - [[Security Camera]]
* ItemSpaceCleaner - [[Space Cleaner]]
* ItemSpaceHelmet - [[Space Helmet]]
* ItemSpacepack - [[Spacepack]]
* ItemSprayCanBlack - [[Spray Paint (Black)]]
* ItemSprayCanBlue - [[Spray Paint (Blue)]]
* ItemSprayCanBrown - [[Spray Paint (Brown)]]
* ItemSprayCanGreen - [[Spray Paint (Green)]]
* ItemSprayCanGrey - [[Spray Paint (Grey)]]
* ItemSprayCanKhaki - [[Spray Paint (Khaki)]]
* ItemSprayCanOrange - [[Spray Paint (Orange)]]
* ItemSprayCanPink - [[Spray Paint (Pink)]]
* ItemSprayCanPurple - [[Spray Paint (Purple)]]
* ItemSprayCanRed - [[Spray Paint (Red)]]
* ItemSprayCanWhite - [[Spray Paint (White)]]
* ItemSprayCanYellow - [[Spray Paint (Yellow)]]
* ItemSteelFrames - [[Steel Frames]]
* ItemSteelIngot - [[Ingot (Steel)]]
* ItemSteelSheets - [[Steel Sheets]]
* ItemSuitStorage - [[Suit Storage]]
* ItemTablet - [[Handheld Tablet]]
* ItemTankConnector - [[Tank Connector]]
* ItemToolBelt - [[Tool Belt]]
* ItemUraniumOre - [[Ore (Uranium)]]
* ItemWallCooler - [[Wall Cooler]]
* ItemWallHeater - [[Wall Heater]]
* ItemWallLight - [[Kit (Lights)]]
* ItemWeldingTorch - [[Welding Torch]]
* ItemWheat - [[Wheat]]
* ItemWireCutters - [[Wire Cutters]]
* ItemWrench - [[Wrench]]
* MotherboardLogic - [[Motherboard (Logic)]]
* MotherboardManufacturing - [[Motherboard (Manufacturing)]]
* MotherboardSorter - [[Motherboard (Sorter)]]
* MothershipCore - [[Mothership Core]]
* NPCDummyCharacter - [[NPC Character]]
* NpcGrounder - [[Npc Grounder]]
* OrganBrain - [[Human Brain]]
* OrganLungs - [[Human Lungs]]
* SpaceShuttle - [[Space Shuttle]]
* StructureActiveVent - [[Active Vent]]
* StructureAirConditioner - [[Air Conditioner]]
* StructureAirlock - [[Airlock]]
* StructureAreaPowerControl - [[Area Power Control]]
* StructureAreaPowerControlReversed - [[Area Power Control]]
* StructureBackPressureRegulator - [[Back Pressure Regulator]]
* StructureBattery - [[Stationary Battery]]
* StructureBatteryCharger - [[Battery Cell Charger]]
* StructureBench - [[Bench]]
* StructureBlastDoor - [[Blast Door]]
* StructureCableCorner - [[Cable (Corner)]]
* StructureCableCorner3 - [[Cable (3-Way Corner)]]
* StructureCableJunction - [[Cable (Junction)]]
* StructureCableJunction4 - [[Cable (4-Way Junction)]]
* StructureCableJunction6 - [[Cable (6-Way Junction)]]
* StructureCableStraight - [[Cable (Straight)]]
* StructureCamera - [[Camera]]
* StructureCentrifuge - [[Centrifuge]]
* StructureChair - [[Chair]]
* StructureChuteBin - [[Chute Bin]]
* StructureChuteCorner - [[Chute (Corner)]]
* StructureChuteInlet - [[Chute Inlet]]
* StructureChuteJunction - [[Chute (Junction)]]
* StructureChuteOutlet - [[Chute Outlet]]
* StructureChuteStraight - [[Chute (Straight)]]
* StructureCompositeDoor - [[Composite Door]]
* StructureCompositeFloorGrating - [[Structure Composite Floor Grating]]
* StructureCompositeWall - [[Composite Wall]]
* StructureCompositeWallRound - [[Composite Wall Round]]
* StructureCompositeWallType1 - [[Composite Wall Type1]]
* StructureCompositeWallType2 - [[Composite Wall Type2]]
* StructureCompositeWallType3 - [[Composite Wall Type3]]
* StructureCompositeWallType4 - [[Composite Wall Type4]]
* StructureCompositeWindow - [[Composite Window]]
* StructureComputer - [[Computer]]
* StructureConsole - [[Console]]
* StructureConsoleDual - [[Console Dual]]
* StructureConsoleMonitor - [[Console Monitor]]
* StructureControlChair - [[Control Chair]]
* StructureConveyorCorner - [[Conveyor (Corner)]]
* StructureConveyorRiser - [[Conveyor (Riser)]]
* StructureConveyorStraight - [[Conveyor (Straight)]]
* StructureConveyorStraightLong - [[Conveyor (Straight Long)]]
* StructureConveyorStraightShort - [[Conveyor (Straight Short)]]
* StructureCryoTube - [[CryoTube]]
* StructureDaylightSensor - [[Daylight Sensor]]
* StructureDigitalValve - [[Digital Valve]]
* StructureFabricator - [[Fabricator]]
* StructureFiltration - [[Filtration]]
* StructureFlashingLight - [[Flashing Light]]
* StructureFrame - [[Frame]]
* StructureFrameCorner - [[Frame (Corner)]]
* StructureFrameSide - [[Frame (Side)]]
* StructureFurnace - [[Furnace]]
* StructureGasMixer - [[Gas Mixer]]
* StructureGasSensor - [[Gas Sensor]]
* StructureGasTankStorage - [[Gas Tank Storage]]
* StructureGlassDoor - [[Glass Door]]
* StructureGunTurret - [[Gun Emplacement]]
* StructureGyroscope - [[Gyroscope]]
* StructureHydroponicsTray - [[Hydroponics Tray]]
* StructureIgniter - [[Igniter]]
* StructureLocker - [[Locker]]
* StructureMotionSensor - [[Motion Sensor]]
* StructurePassiveVent - [[Passive Vent]]
* StructurePipeAnalysizer - [[Pipe Analyser]]
* StructurePipeCorner - [[Pipe (Corner)]]
* StructurePipeCrossJunction - [[Pipe (Junction)]]
* StructurePipeCrossJunction3 - [[Pipe (3-Way Corner)]]
* StructurePipeCrossJunction5 - [[Pipe (5-Way Junction)]]
* StructurePipeCrossJunction6 - [[Pipe (6-Way Junction)]]
* StructurePipeLabel - [[Pipe Label]]
* StructurePipeMeter - [[Pipe Meter]]
* StructurePipeRadiator - [[Pipe Radiator]]
* StructurePipeStraight - [[Pipe (Straight)]]
* StructurePipeTJunction - [[Pipe (T Junction)]]
* StructurePowerConnector - [[Power Connector]]
* StructurePressureRegulator - [[Pressure Regulator]]
* StructureRailing - [[Railing]]
* StructureRocketEngine - [[Rocket Engine]]
* StructureRocketEngineSmall - [[Rocket Engine (Small)]]
* StructureRocketEngineTiny - [[Rocket Engine (Tiny)]]
* StructureRTG - [[RTG]]
* StructureSleeper - [[Sleeper]]
* StructureSolarPanel - [[Solar Panel]]
* StructureSorter - [[Sorter]]
* StructureStacker - [[Stacker]]
* StructureStackerReverse - [[Stacker]]
* StructureStairs4x2 - [[Stairs]]
* StructureStellarAnchor - [[Stellar Anchor]]
* StructureSuitStorage - [[Suit Storage]]
* StructureTankConnector - [[Tank Connector]]
* StructureTankSmall - [[Small Tank]]
* StructureTankSmallAir - [[Small Tank (Air)]]
* StructureTankSmallFuel - [[Small Tank (Fuel)]]
* StructureTorpedoRack - [[Torpedo Rack]]
* StructureTorpedoTube - [[Torpedo Launcher]]
* StructureValve - [[Valve]]
* StructureVolumePump - [[Volume Pump]]
* StructureWallCooler - [[Wall Cooler]]
* StructureWallHeater - [[Wall Heater]]
* StructureWallLight - [[Wall Light]]
* UniformCommander - [[Uniform Commander]]
* UniformOrangeJumpSuit - [[Jump Suit (Orange)]]
* WeaponEnergy - [[Weapon Energy]]
* WeaponTorpedo - [[Torpedo]]
* ItemWasteIngot - [[Ingot (Waste)]]
* StructureCableStraightBurnt - [[Burnt Cable (Straight)]]
* StructureCableCorner3Burnt - [[Burnt Cable (3-Way Corner)]]
* StructureCableCornerBurnt - [[Burnt Cable (Corner)]]
* StructureCableJunction4Burnt - [[Burnt Cable (4-Way Junction)]]
* StructureCableJunction6Burnt - [[Burnt Cable (6-Way Junction)]]
* StructureCableJunctionBurnt - [[Burnt Cable (Junction)]]
* StructureSolidFuelGenerator - [[Generator (Solid Fuel)]]
* ItemKitGenerator - [[Construction Kit (Generator)]]
* ItemCableFuse - [[Construction Kit (Cable Fuses)]]
* StructureCableStraightH - [[Heavy Cable (Straight)]]
* StructureCableJunctionH6 - [[Heavy Cable (6-Way Junction)]]
* StructureCableJunctionH4 - [[Heavy Cable (4-Way Junction)]]
* StructureCableJunctionH - [[Heavy Cable (3-Way Junction)]]
* StructureCableJunction6HBurnt - [[Burnt Cable (6-Way Junction)]]
* StructureCableJunction4HBurnt - [[Burnt Cable (4-Way Junction)]]
* StructureCableStraightHBurnt - [[Burnt Cable (Straight)]]
* StructureCableJunctionHBurnt - [[Burnt Cable (Junction)]]
* StructureCableCornerHBurnt - [[Burnt Cable (Corner) ]]
* StructureCableCornerH - [[Heavy Cable (Corner)]]
* StructureCableFuse1k - [[Fuse (1kW)]]
* StructureCableFuse5k - [[Fuse (5kW)]]
* StructureCableFuse50k - [[Fuse (50kW)]]
* StructureCableFuse100k - [[Fuse (100kW)]]
* StructureTransformer - [[Transformer]]
* ItemKitTransformer - [[Kit (Transformer)]]
* StructureTransformerSmall - [[Transformer (Small)]]
* WeaponPistolEnergy - [[Energy Pistol]]
* StructureChuteWindow - [[Chute (Window)]]
* StructureArcFurnace - [[Arc Furnace]]
* StructureAutolathe - [[Autolathe]]
* ItemKitFabrication - [[Construction Kit (Fabrication)]]
* ItemKitPipe - [[Kit (Pipe)]]
* CartridgeElectronicReader - [[Cartridge (eReader)]]
* ItemCableCoilHeavy - [[Cable Coil (Heavy)]]
* StructureFrameIron - [[Iron Frame]]
* ItemIronFrames - [[Iron Frames]]
* ItemIronSheets - [[Iron Sheets]]
* ItemSilverOre - [[Ore (Silver)]]
* ItemNickelOre - [[Ore (Nickel)]]
* ItemLeadOre - [[Ore (Lead)]]
* WeaponRifleEnergy - [[Energy Rifle]]
* ItemElectrumIngot - [[Ingot (Electrum)]]
* ItemSilverIngot - [[Ingot (Silver)]]
* ItemLeadIngot - [[Ingot (Lead)]]
* ItemNickelIngot - [[Ingot (Nickel)]]
* ItemInvarIngot - [[Ingot (Invar)]]
* ItemConstantanIngot - [[Ingot (Constantan)]]
* ItemSolderIngot - [[Ingot (Solder)]]
* ApplianceChemistryStation - [[Chemistry Station]]
* StructureDiode - [[LED]]
* ItemSoybean - [[Soybean]]
* ItemAngleGrinder - [[Angle Grinder]]
* ItemSiliconOre - [[Ore (Silicon)]]
* ItemSiliconIngot - [[Ingot (Silicon)]]
* ItemFern - [[Fern]]
* ItemCerealBar - [[Cereal Bar]]
* StructureElectronicsPrinter - [[Electronics Printer]]
* ItemVolatiles - [[Ice (Volatiles)]]
* ItemOxite - [[Ice (Oxite)]]
* StructureWallIron - [[Iron Wall]]
* ItemKitWallIron - [[Kit (Iron Wall)]]
* StructureStorageLocker - [[Locker]]
* SpawnPoint - [[Spawn Point]]
* ItemKitCube - [[Kit (Cube)]]
* Cube - [[Cube]]
* ItemKitTransformerSmall - [[Kit (Transformer Small)]]
* ItemKitSuitStorage - [[Kit (Suit Storage)]]
* ItemKitSolidGenerator - [[Kit (Solid Generator)]]
* ItemKitLocker - [[Kit (Locker)]]
* ItemKitEngineSmall - [[Kit (Engine Small)]]
* ItemKitEngineMedium - [[Kit (Engine Medium)]]
* ItemKitEngineLarge - [[Kit (Engine Large)]]
* ItemKitElectronicsPrinter - [[Kit (Electronics Printer)]]
* ItemKitDoor - [[Kit (Door)]]
* ItemKitAutolathe - [[Kit (Autolathe)]]
* ItemKitBlastDoor - [[Kit (Blast Door)]]
* ItemKitArcFurnace - [[Kit (Arc Furnace)]]
* StructureHydraulicPipeBender - [[Hydraulic Pipe Bender]]
* ItemKitHydraulicPipeBender - [[Kit (Hydraulic Pipe Bender)]]
* ItemKitSorter - [[Kit (Sorter)]]
* ItemKitStacker - [[Kit (Stacker)]]
* CartridgeTracker - [[Cartridge (Tracker)]]
* ItemGasSensor - [[Gas Sensor]]
* ItemBeacon - [[Tracking Beacon]]
* StructureToolManufactory - [[Tool Manufactory]]
* ItemKitToolManufactory - [[Kit (Tool Manufactory)]]
* StructureTransformerSmallReversed - [[Transformer (Small)]]
* StructureLogicUnit - [[Logic Unit]]
* ItemKitLogic - [[Kit (Logic Unit)]]
* StructureLogicReader - [[Logic Reader]]
* StructureLogicMemory - [[Logic Memory]]
* StructureLogicMath - [[Logic Math]]
* StructureLogicWriter - [[Logic Writer]]
* StructureLogicSelect - [[Logic Select]]
* StructureLogicCompare - [[Logic Compare]]
* ItemKitLogicProcessor - [[Kit (Logic Processor)]]
* ItemKitLogicMemory - [[Kit (Logic Memory)]]
* ItemKitLogicInputOutput - [[Kit (Logic I/O)]]
* ItemKitLogicSwitch - [[Kit (Logic Switch)]]
* StructureLogicSwitch - [[Lever]]
* StructureLogicMinMax - [[Logic Min/Max]]
* StructureLogicDisplay5 - [[LED Display (Small)]]
* StructureConsoleLED5 - [[LED Display (Small)]]
* StructureConsoleLED8Large - [[LED Display (Large)]]
* StructureSign1x1 - [[Sign 1x1]]
* StructureSign2x1 - [[Sign 2x1]]
* StructureConsoleLED5Large - [[LED Display (Medium)]]
* StructureSolarPanelDual - [[Solar Panel]]
* StructureLogicBatchWriter - [[Batch Writer]]
* StructureLogicButton - [[Button]]
* StructureLogicSwitch2 - [[Switch]]
* StructureLogicMathUnary - [[Math Unary]]
* StructureRecycler - [[Recycler]]
* ItemKitRecycler - [[Kit (Recycler)]]
* ItemCableAnalyser - [[Kit (Cable Analyzer)]]
* StructureCableAnalysizer - [[Cable Analyzer]]
* StructureLogicDial - [[Dial]]
* StructureConsoleLED1x2 - [[LED Display (Medium)]]
* StructureConsoleLED1x3 - [[LED Display (Large)]]
* NpcChick - [[Chick]]
* NpcChicken - [[Chicken]]
* DynamicSkeleton - [[Skeleton]]
* StructureBeacon - [[Beacon]]
* ItemKitBeacon - [[Kit (Beacon)]]
* StructureTankBig - [[Large Tank]]
* ItemPotato - [[Potato]]
* StructureGasGenerator - [[Gas Fuel Generator]]
* ItemKitGasGenerator - [[Kit (Gas Fuel Generator)]]
* DynamicGPR - [[Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)]]
* CartridgeOreScanner - [[Cartridge (Ore Scanner)]]
* ItemPotatoBaked - [[Baked Potato]]
* ItemSoyOil - [[Soy Oil]]
* ItemFries - [[Fries]]
* StructureCableCornerH3 - [[Heavy Cable (3-Way Corner)]]
* StructureCableCornerH4 - [[Heavy Cable (4-Way Corner)]]
* StructureCableCorner4HBurnt - [[Burnt Heavy Cable (4-Way Corner)]]
* PortableSolarPanel - [[Portable Solar Panel]]
* StructureCableJunction5 - [[Cable (5-Way Junction)]]
* StructureCableCorner4 - [[Cable (4-Way Corner)]]
* StructureCableCorner4Burnt - [[Burnt Cable (4-Way Corner)]]
* StructureCableJunction5Burnt - [[Burnt Cable (5-Way Junction)]]
* StructureCableJunctionH5 - [[Heavy Cable (5-Way Junction)]]
* StructureCableJunctionH5Burnt - [[Burnt Heavy Cable (5-Way Junction)]]
* WallFrameCornerCut - [[Frame (Corner Cut)]]
* StructureFlagSmall - [[Small Flag]]
* ItemFlagSmall - [[Small Flag Kit]]
* StructureCompositeCladdingAngled - [[Composite Cladding (Angled)]]
* StructureCompositeCladdingAngledCorner - [[Composite Cladding (Angled Corner)]]
* StructureCompositeCladdingAngledCornerLong - [[Composite Cladding (Long Angled Corner)]]
* StructureCompositeCladdingAngledLong - [[Composite Cladding (Long Angled)]]
* StructureCompositeCladdingCylindrical - [[Composite Cladding (Cylindrical)]]
* StructureCompositeCladdingCylindricalPanel - [[Composite Cladding (Cylindrical Panel)]]
* StructureCompositeCladdingSphericalCorner - [[Composite Cladding (Spherical Corner)]]
* StructureCompositeCladdingSphericalCap - [[Composite Cladding (Spherical Cap)]]
* StructureCompositeCladdingSpherical - [[Composite Cladding (Spherical)]]
* StructureCompositeCladdingRoundedCorner - [[Composite Cladding (Rounded Corner)]]
* StructureCompositeCladdingRounded - [[Composite Cladding (Rounded)]]
* StructureCompositeCladdingPanel - [[Composite Cladding (Panel)]]
* ItemKitCompositeCladding - [[Kit (Cladding)]]
* StructureCompositeCladdingAngledCornerLongR - [[Composite Cladding (Long Angled Mirrored Corner)]]
* StructureDockPortSide - [[Structure Dock Port Side]]
* ItemKitDockingPort - [[Kit (Docking Port)]]
* StructureDockShipSide - [[Structure Dock Ship Side]]
* StructureLightLong - [[Wall Light (Long)]]
* StructureLightLongAngled - [[Wall Light (Long Angled)]]
* StructureLightLongWide - [[Wall Light (Long Wide)]]
* CircuitboardAdvancedAirlockControl - [[Circuitboard Advanced Airlock Control]]
* ItemKitOrganicsPrinter - [[Kit (Organics Printer)]]
* StructureOrganicsPrinter - [[Organics Printer]]
* StructureCompositeWindowIron - [[Structure Composite Window Iron]]
* CompositeFloorGrating1 - [[Composite Floor Grating1]]
* CompositeFloorGrating2 - [[Composite Floor Grating2]]
* StructureCompositeFloorGrating2 - [[Structure Composite Floor Grating2]]
* StructureCompositeFloorGrating3 - [[Structure Composite Floor Grating3]]
* StructureCompositeFloorGrating4 - [[Structure Composite Floor Grating4]]
* ItemKitWallPanels - [[Kit (Wall Panels)]]
* StructureCompositeWallPanelling1 - [[Structure Composite Wall Panelling1]]
* ItemKitCompositeFloorGrating - [[Kit (Floor Grating)]]
* CompositeRollCover - [[Composite Roll Cover]]
* ItemKitLadder - [[Kit (Ladder)]]
* StructureFrameCornerCut - [[Structure Frame Corner Cut]]
* CompositeWallPanelling1 - [[Composite Wall Panelling1]]
* CompositeWallPanelling2 - [[Composite Wall Panelling2]]
* CompositeWallPanelling3 - [[Composite Wall Panelling3]]
* CompositeWallPanelling4 - [[Composite Wall Panelling4]]
* CompositeWallPanelling5 - [[Composite Wall Panelling5]]
* CompositeWallPanelling6 - [[Composite Wall Panelling6]]
* CompositeWallPanelling7 - [[Composite Wall Panelling7]]
* CompositeWallPanelling8 - [[Composite Wall Panelling8]]
* CompositeWallPanelling9 - [[Composite Wall Panelling9]]
* CompositeWallPanelling10 - [[Composite Wall Panelling10]]
* CompositeWallPanelling11 - [[Composite Wall Panelling11]]
* CompositeWallPanelling12 - [[Composite Wall Panelling12]]
* CompositeWallPanelling13 - [[Composite Wall Panelling13]]
* CompositeWallPanelling14 - [[Composite Wall Panelling14]]
* CompositeWallPanelling15 - [[Composite Wall Panelling15]]
* CompositeWallPanelling16 - [[Composite Wall Panelling16]]
* CompositeWallPanelling17 - [[Composite Wall Panelling17]]
* CompositeWallPanelling18 - [[Composite Wall Panelling18]]
* CompositeWallPanelling19 - [[Composite Wall Panelling19]]
* CompositeWallPanelling20 - [[Composite Wall Panelling20]]
* CompositeWallPanelling21 - [[Composite Wall Panelling21]]
* Corner1 - [[Corner1]]
* StructureWallFlat - [[Structure Wall Flat]]
* StructureWallArch - [[Structure Wall Arch]]
* StructureWallArchArrow - [[Structure Wall Arch Arrow]]
* StructureWallArchPlating - [[Structure Wall Arch Plating]]
* StructureWallArchTwoTone - [[Structure Wall Arch Two Tone]]
* StructureWallGeometryCorner - [[Structure Wall Geometry Corner]]
* StructureWallGeometryStreight - [[Structure Wall Geometry Streight]]
* StructureWallGeometryT - [[Structure Wall Geometry T]]
* StructureWallPaddedArch - [[Structure Wall Padded Arch]]
* StructureWallPaddedArchLightsFittings - [[Structure Wall Padded Arch Lights Fittings]]
* StructureWallPadding - [[Structure Wall Padding]]
* StructureWallPaddingArchVent - [[Structure Wall Padding Arch Vent]]
* StructureWallPaddingLightFitting - [[Structure Wall Padding Light Fitting]]
* StructureWallPaddingThin - [[Structure Wall Padding Thin]]
* StructureWallPlating - [[Structure Wall Plating]]
* StructureWallSimple - [[Structure Wall Simple]]
* StructureWallSmallPanels - [[Structure Wall Small Panels]]
* StructureWallLargePanel - [[Structure Wall Large Panel]]
* StructureWallSmallPanelsAndHatch - [[Structure Wall Small Panels And Hatch]]
* StructureWallSmallPanelsArrow - [[Structure Wall Small Panels Arrow]]
* StructureWallSmallPanelsMonoChrome - [[Structure Wall Small Panels Mono Chrome]]
* StructureWallSmallPanelsTwoTone - [[Structure Wall Small Panels Two Tone]]
* StructureWallLargePanelArrow - [[Structure Wall Large Panel Arrow]]
* ItemKitWallArch - [[Kit (Arched Wall)]]
* ItemKitWallFlat - [[Kit (Flat Wall)]]
* ItemKitWallGeometry - [[Kit (Geometric Wall)]]
* ItemKitWallPadded - [[Kit (Padded Wall)]]
* StructureLadder - [[Ladder]]
* CartridgeGuide - [[Cartridge (Guide)]]
* StructurePipeCrossJunction4 - [[Pipe (4-Way Corner)]]
* ItemAuthoringTool - [[Item Authoring Tool]]
* StructureRocketEngineDestroyed - [[Rocket Engine (Destroyed)]]
* ItemWreckageConstructor - [[Debug Wreckage Constructor]]
* ItemWreckage1 - [[Wreckage]]
* ItemWreckage2 - [[Wreckage]]
* ItemWreckage3 - [[Wreckage]]
* ItemWreckage4 - [[Wreckage]]
* CartridgeAccessController - [[Cartridge (Access Controller)]]
* AccessCardBlack - [[Access Card (Black)]]
* AccessCardBlue - [[Access Card (Blue)]]
* AccessCardBrown - [[Access Card (Brown)]]
* AccessCardGray - [[Access Card (Gray)]]
* AccessCardGreen - [[Access Card (Green)]]
* AccessCardKhaki - [[Access Card (Khaki)]]
* AccessCardOrange - [[Access Card (Orange)]]
* AccessCardPink - [[Access Card (Pink)]]
* AccessCardPurple - [[Access Card (Purple)]]
* AccessCardRed - [[Access Card (Red)]]
* AccessCardWhite - [[Access Card (White)]]
* AccessCardYellow - [[Access Card (Yellow)]]
* StructureSecurityPrinter - [[Structure Security Printer]]
* ItemKitSecurityPrinter - [[Kit (Security Printer)]]
* Handgun - [[Handgun]]
* ItemAmmoBox - [[Ammo Box]]
* HandgunMagazine - [[Handgun Magazine]]
* SMGMagazine - [[SMG Magazine]]
* FireArmSMG - [[Fire Arm SMG]]
* StructureElectrolyzer - [[Electrolyzer]]

Revision as of 11:51, 24 June 2018


All Fabricator recipes

Manually edited names/links (wip)

Object names not edited

  • Labeller
  • MiningBelt
  • MiningDrill
  • PassiveVent
  • Pickaxe
  • PipeAnalyizer
  • PipeDigitalValve
  • PipeGasMixer
  • PipeLabel
  • PipeMeter
  • PipeRadiator
  • PipeValve
  • PipeVolumePump
  • PowerConnector
  • RoadFlare
  • Screwdriver
  • SpaceHelmet
  • Spacepack
  • SteelFrames
  • SteelSheets
  • Tablet
  • TankConnector
  • ToolBelt
  • WallCooler
  • WallHeater
  • WallLight
  • WeldingTorch
  • WireCutters
  • Wrench
  • MotherboardLogic
  • MotherboardManufacturing
  • MotherboardSorter
  • UniformCommander
  • UniformOrangeJumpSuit
  • WeaponPistolEnergy
  • WeaponRifleEnergy

All English translated Things

UPDATEVERSION=Update 0.1.1373.6615 UPDATEDATE=Fri 22/06/2018