

From Unofficial Stationeers Wiki

Kit (Autolathe)
Constructing Options Autolathe
Stacks No
Autolathe 20g Iron, 2g Gold, 10g Copper
Item Hash -1753893214
Item Name ItemKitAutolathe
Logic Classes
StructureAutolathe BuildState4.png
Power Usage 100W
Prefab Hash 336213101
Prefab Name StructureAutolathe
Placed with Kit (Autolathe)
Placed on Small Grid
Stage 1
Next Stage Construction
Constructed with tool Welding Torch
Constructed with item 2 x Iron Sheets
Deconstructed with Wrench
Item received Kit (Autolathe)
Stage 2
Next Stage Construction
Constructed with item 4 x Cable Coil
Deconstructed with Angle Grinder
Item received 2 x Iron Sheets
Stage 3
Next Stage Construction
Constructed with tool Welding Torch
Constructed with item 2 x Plastic Sheets
Deconstructed with Wire Cutters
Item received 4 x Cable Coil
Stage 4
Next Stage Construction
Constructed with tool Screwdriver
Deconstructed with Angle Grinder
Item received 2 x Plastic Sheets
Stage 5
Deconstructed with Hand Drill

Autolathe (Tier Two)
StructureAutolathe BuildState5.png
Power Usage 100W + Recipe Usage
Prefab Hash 336213101
Prefab Name StructureAutolathe
Placed with Kit (Autolathe)
Placed on Small Grid
Stage 5
Next Stage Construction
Constructed with tool Screwdriver
Constructed with item Autolathe Printer Mod
Stage 6
Deconstructed with Hand Drill
Item received Autolathe Printer Mod


"The foundation of most Stationeer fabrication systems, the ExMin autolathe is a multi-axis molecular compositional system. Its complexity demands considerable time to assemble, but it remains an indispensable creation tool. Upgrade the device using a Autolathe Printer Mod for additional recipes and faster processing speeds."
- Stationpedia

Autolathe is a first and the most fundamental fabrication device available for stationeers. One kit for this device is provided with every drop pod, as it is impossible to establish the station and progress without using it.

Autolathe is used to produce all other fabrication and processing machinery kits, construction modules, and devices for storage, management, and automatic distrbution of items, as well as furniture and miscallenous utility items.


Manual usage[edit]

The Autolathe has three options for physical interaction. The first one is a small toggle with which you can power the fabricator. If the Autolathe is off the switch is red and if it's on it glows green. Then there is a pullable lever with the label "PURGE". If it is pulled it ejects all stored materials through the output as long as it isn't producing something at that point of time. Third is a big touchscreen which is only lit while the Autolathe is powered. On the touchscreen are four pressable buttons and one area for information. The green arrows pointing to the left and the right can be used to cycle to the previous/next recipe. Between the arrows is a button for starting and stopping the fabrication of the chosen item. In the lower left corner of the touchscreen you can use the button with the magnifying glass to open a searchable list of all possible recipes. Either use the search bar or scroll through the list and select the wanted item. Right next to it is a blue area where you can see all the materials inside of the Autolathe as long as you look at the blue area.

Tips for manual usage[edit]

If you want the Autolathe to create only one item but it has enough materials inside for another fabrication of the chosen item you can cycle to another recipe after starting the fabrication. This will result in the deactivation of the fabricator after the first item is finished. It doesn't matter if the recipe you cycle to also could be fabricated due to enough stored materials.


The Autolathe supports importing and exporting items. Both of those ports can be interacted by using Chutes. On the left side is the input which only accepts Ingots. The port on the right side is used for exporting fabricated items - which happens automatically - and the stored ingots.


The Autolathe has two connection points for cables. Standing in front of the machine the right port is for power (indicated by a small red thunderbolt) and the left port is for the Data Network (indicated by three small green boxes).


The Autolathe can be upgraded from tier one to tier two by using an Autolathe Printer Mod.


Click here to see/hide all the tiers


Click here to see/hide all the recipes

Data Network Properties[edit]

Click here to see/hide all the data network properties

Internal Memory[edit]

Click here to see/hide all the internal memory

Build States[edit]

Click here to see/hide all the build states


  • Setting the "Activate" parameter to 1, can cause the Autolathe to activate, even when it is empty. Nothing is dropped from the output, once the production is finished in this case and the Autolathe will stop after one production run.