From Unofficial Stationeers Wiki
An item is an entity in the game. So every "thing" you can e.g. pick up and throw around.
Pages in category "Items"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 580 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- Access Card
- Access Controller
- Active Vent
- Active Vent/es
- User talk:Adi2412
- Advanced Furnace
- Advanced Packaging Machine
- Advanced Tablet
- Alien Mushroom
- Ammo Box
- Angle Grinder
- Angle Grinder/en
- Angle Grinder/es
- Arc Furnace/en
- Arc Furnace/es
- Arc Welder
- Atmosphere/en
- Authoring Tool
- Autolathe
- Autolathe/en
- Autolathe/es
- Autolathe/ru
- Automated Hydroponics
- Automated Oven
- Cable Cutters/en
- Cables
- Cables/en
- Cake
- Canned Condensed Milk
- Canned Edamame
- Canned French Fries
- Canned Mushroom
- Canned Powdered Eggs
- Canned Rice Pudding
- Cardboard Box
- Cartridge
- Centrifuge/en
- Cereal Bar
- Charcoal
- Chem light
- Chem Light
- Chemistry Station
- Chemistry Station/en
- Chocolate Bar
- Chocolate Cake
- Chocolate Cereal Bar
- Circuitboard (Advanced Airlock)
- Circuitboard (Air Control)
- Circuitboard (Airlock Control)
- Circuitboard (Airlock)
- Circuitboard (Camera Display)
- Circuitboard (Door Control)
- Circuitboard (Door Control)/en
- Circuitboard (Gas Display)
- Circuitboard (Graph Display)
- Circuitboard (Power Control)
- Circuitboard (Solar Control)
- Cladding
- Cocoa
- Cocoa Powder
- Coffee Mug
- Coloring
- Combustion Centrifuge
- Composite Windows/en
- Computer
- Computer/en
- Condensed Milk
- Console
- Console/en
- Container Mount
- Conveyor
- Cooked Corn
- Cooked Mushroom
- Cooked Pumpkin
- Cooked Rice
- Cooked Soybean
- Cooked Tomato
- Copper
- Corn
- Corn Soup
- Corn/en
- Corn/fr
- Credit Card
- Crowbar
- Crowbar/en
- Cryotube
- Cryotube/en
- Ice (Nitrice)
- Ice (Oxite)
- Ice (Oxite)/de
- Ice (Oxite)/en
- Ice (Oxite)/es
- Ice (Volatiles)
- Ice (Volatiles)/de
- Ice (Volatiles)/en
- Ice (Volatiles)/es
- Ice (Volatiles)/fr
- Ice (Water)
- Ice (Water)/de
- Ice (Water)/en
- Ice (Water)/es
- Ice (Water)/fr
- Ice Crusher
- Igniter
- Ingot (Astroloy)
- Ingot (Constantan)
- Ingot (Constantan)/de
- Ingot (Constantan)/en
- Ingot (Constantan)/es
- Ingot (Copper)
- Ingot (Copper)/de
Media in category "Items"
The following 67 files are in this category, out of 67 total.
- Basic Packaging Machine.png 675 × 945; 395 KB
- Blue Flower 00 0.1.1567.7381.png 323 × 366; 155 KB
- Canned Fries.png 381 × 350; 226 KB
- Carbon Powder 00 0.1.1567.7381.png 265 × 336; 37 KB
- Color Dye - Green 00 0.1.1567.7381.png 269 × 333; 40 KB
- Cooked Corn.png 382 × 253; 81 KB
- Cooked Pumpkin.png 488 × 396; 260 KB
- Cooked Tomato.png 491 × 289; 107 KB
- Dirt Canister.png 108 × 129; 21 KB
- EmptyCan.png 227 × 282; 42 KB
- Fenoxitone Powder 00 0.1.1567.7381.png 282 × 356; 47 KB
- FireArmSMG Rainbow.gif 256 × 256; 141 KB
- ItemArcWelder.png 128 × 128; 9 KB
- ItemBiomass.png 190 × 190; 24 KB
- ItemCannedCondensedMilk.png 190 × 190; 29 KB
- ItemCannedEdamame.png 190 × 190; 30 KB
- ItemCannedMushroom.png 190 × 190; 29 KB
- ItemCannedPowderedEggs.png 190 × 190; 30 KB
- ItemCannedRicePudding.png 190 × 190; 30 KB
- ItemChemLight Rainbow.gif 256 × 256; 24 KB
- ItemDirtyOre.png 190 × 190; 14 KB
- ItemFrenchFries.png 190 × 190; 30 KB
- ItemHeadlamp.png 256 × 256; 18 KB
- ItemInsulatedPipeCrossJunction.png 128 × 128; 18 KB
- ItemInsulatedPipeCrossJunction3.png 128 × 128; 15 KB
- ItemInsulatedPipeCrossJunction4.png 128 × 128; 16 KB
- ItemInsulatedPipeCrossJunction5.png 128 × 128; 18 KB
- ItemInsulatedPipeCrossJunction6.png 128 × 128; 19 KB
- ItemKitDeepMiner.png 182 × 174; 28 KB
- ItemKitHarvie.png 128 × 128; 10 KB
- ItemKitPipeUtilityGas.png 128 × 128; 14 KB
- ItemKitRobotArmDoor.png 128 × 128; 15 KB
- ItemLiquidDigitalValve.png 139 × 124; 13 KB
- ItemLiquidPipeVolumePump2.png 836 × 836; 334 KB
- ItemPipeCrossJunction4.png 128 × 128; 14 KB
- ItemPureIce.png 190 × 190; 29 KB
- ItemPureIceCarbonDioxide.png 190 × 190; 28 KB
- ItemPureIceLiquidCarbonDioxide.png 190 × 190; 28 KB
- ItemPureIceLiquidNitrogen.png 190 × 190; 29 KB
- ItemPureIceLiquidNitrous.png 190 × 190; 29 KB
- ItemPureIceLiquidOxygen.png 190 × 190; 28 KB
- ItemPureIceLiquidPollutant.png 190 × 190; 29 KB
- ItemPureIceLiquidVolatiles.png 190 × 190; 29 KB
- ItemPureIceNitrogen.png 190 × 190; 29 KB
- ItemPureIceNitrous.png 190 × 190; 29 KB
- ItemPureIceOxygen.png 190 × 190; 28 KB
- ItemPureIcePollutant.png 190 × 190; 29 KB
- ItemPureIceSteam.png 190 × 190; 29 KB
- ItemPureIceVolatiles.png 190 × 190; 29 KB
- ItemRocketMiningDrillHead.png 350 × 350; 42 KB
- ItemRocketScanningHead.png 190 × 190; 13 KB
- ItemSolidFuel.png 190 × 190; 15 KB
- ItemSpaceIce.png 190 × 190; 22 KB
- ItemSpaceOre.png 190 × 190; 23 KB
- ItemSprayCan.gif 128 × 128; 73 KB
- ItemTerrainManipulator.png 256 × 256; 42 KB
- ItemWaterBottle.png 256 × 256; 21 KB
- Kit (PowerTransmitter).jpg 273 × 362; 53 KB
- Kit (Stirling Engine).jpg 429 × 335; 57 KB
- Kit (Weather Station).jpg 407 × 291; 45 KB
- Kit iron wall.png 987 × 558; 177 KB
- Laser Rifle 0.png 845 × 328; 129 KB
- Laser Rifle 1.png 538 × 224; 58 KB
- Milk 00 0.1.1567.7381.png 369 × 367; 103 KB
- MotherboardRockets.png 128 × 128; 10 KB
- RailingKit.png 105 × 105; 9 KB
- Tool manufactory kit.jpg 650 × 508; 64 KB