
Powered Chutes

From Unofficial Stationeers Wiki

Kit (Powered Chutes)
Stacks Yes (10)
Created With Autolathe, Hydraulic Pipe Bender
Cost 3g Iron, 2g Electrum, 2g Constantan
Chute Import/Export Bin
StructureChuteBin.png StructureChuteExportBin.png
Power Usage 5W
Prefab Hash Import: -850484480
Export: 1957571043
Prefab Name StructureChuteBin
Placed with Kit (Powered Chutes)
Placed on Small Grid
Stage 1
Deconstructed with Hand Drill
Item received Kit (Powered Chutes)

Chute Digital Valve Left/Right
Power Usage 10W
Prefab Hash Left: 648608238
Right: -1337091041
Prefab Name StructureChuteDigitalValveLeft
Placed with Kit (Powered Chutes)
Placed on Small Grid
Stage 1
Deconstructed with Wrench
Item received Kit (Powered Chutes)

Chute Digital Flip Flop
Splitter Left/Right
StructureChuteDigitalFlipFlopSplitterLeft.png StructureChuteDigitalFlipFlopSplitterRight.png
Power Usage 10W
Prefab Hash Left: -810874728
Right: 163728359
Prefab Name StructureChuteDigitalFlipFlopSplitterLeft
Placed with Kit (Powered Chutes)
Placed on Small Grid
Stage 1
Deconstructed with Wrench
Item received Kit (Powered Chutes)



Used to transport items. The Kit can be used to create 5 different variants, all of which require power and can connect to data ports.

  • Chute Digital Valve Right: Allows a certain number of items through, then closes until reopened either manually or via data network.
  • Chute Digital Valve Left: Allows a certain number of items through, then closes until reopened either manually or via data network.
  • Chute Digital Flip Flop Splitter Right: Splits items between two directions. Ratio can be configured.
  • Chute Digital Flip Flop Splitter Left: Splits items between two directions. Ratio can be configured.
  • Chute Import Bin: Acts as a manual entry point to the Chute network. Can hold one item, and will not insert the item into the network until the lever on the side is pulled.
  • Chute Export Bin: Acts as an exit point to the Chute network. Can hold one item, usually used with a LARrE


Manufactory Materials Time Energy
Autolathe 3g Iron, 2g Electrum, 2g Constantan 5 500
Hydraulic Pipe Bender 3g Iron, 2g Electrum, 2g Constantan 5 500
Recycler 1.5g Iron, 1g Electrum, 1g Constantan 5 1000

Chute Import/Export Bin[edit]

Data Network Properties[edit]

These are all Data Network properties of this device.

Data Parameters[edit]

These are all parameters that can be written with a Logic Writer, Batch Writer, or Integrated Circuit (IC10), and can be read with a Logic Reader, Batch Reader, or Integrated Circuit (IC10).

Click here to see/hide all the data network properties

Chute Digital Valve[edit]

Data Network Properties[edit]

These are all Data Network properties of this device.

Data Parameters[edit]

These are all parameters that can be written with a Logic Writer, Batch Writer, or Integrated Circuit (IC10), and can be read with a Logic Reader, Batch Reader, or Integrated Circuit (IC10).

Click here to see/hide all the data network properties

Chute Digital Flip Flop[edit]

Data Network Properties[edit]

These are all Data Network properties of this device.

Data Parameters[edit]

These are all parameters that can be written with a Logic Writer, Batch Writer, or Integrated Circuit (IC10), and can be read with a Logic Reader, Batch Reader, or Integrated Circuit (IC10).

Click here to see/hide all the data network properties