

From Unofficial Stationeers Wiki

(Redirected from LARrE)
Kit (LArRE)
Constructing Options LArRE Dock
Stacks No
Electronics Printer 10g Inconel, 5g Hastelloy, 15g Astroloy
Item Hash -1228287398
Item Name ItemKitRoboticArm
Logic Classes
LArRE Dock
Power Usage 10W
Prefab Hash -1818718810
Prefab Name StructureRoboticArmDock
Placed with Kit (LArRE)
Placed on Small Grid
Stage 1
Deconstructed with Hand Drill
Item received Kit (LArRE)


The (L)inear (Ar)ticulated (R)ail (E)ntity or LArRE can be used to plant, harvest and fertilize plants in plant trays. It can also grab items from a Chute Export Bin and drop them in a Chute Import Bin. LArRE can interact with plant trays or chute bins built under a linear rail station or built under its dock.
- Stationpedia

LArRE is a robotic arm that can interact with powered chute bins and hydroponic trays or devices.
Compared to Harvie, LArRE can be configured to care for multiple plants and distribute fertilizer. It can also be used to transport items in general.


The dock can be connected on both sides to a network of linear rails to enable LArRE to move horizontally and vertically. Linear rail stations must be positioned so that LArRE can stop and interact with the device below. The network can only be linear (i.e. without intersections).
Each station (including the dock) is assigned a number, starting at 0 with the leftmost station.
If the network is modified (by removing or adding a rail), LARrE will be teleported to its dock. LARrE is also susceptible to collisions with players and structures. If it is blocked while moving towards its target station, LArRE will stop and flash an error until the path is cleared or the target is changed.

Data Network Properties[edit]

These are all Data Network properties of this device.

Data Parameters[edit]

These are all parameters that can be written with a Logic Writer, Batch Writer, or Integrated Circuit (IC10), and can be read with a Logic Reader, Batch Reader, or Integrated Circuit (IC10).

Click here to see/hide all the data network properties
Parameter Name Data Type Access Value Description
Power Boolean
0 Unpowered Can be read to return if the LArRE Dock is correctly powered or not, set via the power system, return 1 if powered and 0 if not
1 Powered
Error Boolean

1 if device is in error state, otherwise 0
1 Error
Activate Integer
Read Write
Set this to 1 to make LArRE use its claw (either to place or fetch an item)
Setting Integer
Read Write
Set this to make LArRE move to a station
On Boolean
Read Write
0 Off The current state of the LArRE Dock.
1 On
RequiredPower Integer
Idle operating power quantity, does not necessarily include extra demand power
Idle Integer
Returns 1 if the LArRE Dock is currently idle (stationary), otherwise 0 (moving). Use this to detect if it has completed its movement/action.
PrefabHash Integer
The hash of the structure
ReferenceId Integer
Unique Reference Identifier for this object
Index Integer
The current index for the LArRE Dock on the rails. Can be non-integer. This usually does not correlate with Setting since it counts non-station rail sections.
NameHash Integer
Provides the hash value for the name of the object as a 32 bit integer.

Data Slots[edit]

These are all parameters, that can be read with a Slots Reader. The outputs are listed in the order a Slots Reader's "VAR" setting cycles through them.

Number Name Description
0 Occupied
0 OccupantHash
0 Quantity
0 Damage
0 Class
0 MaxQuantity
0 PrefabHash
0 SortingCLass
0 ReferenceId


  • Renamed to LArRE to better align with its non-acronym name in 2024-July-22