
Difference between revisions of "AIMEe"

From Unofficial Stationeers Wiki

(add logic class to robot)
(2 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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[[Category:MIPS Programming]]
[[Category:IC10 Programming]]
| name = Kit (AIMeE)
| name = Kit (AIMeE)
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| prefabhash = 434786784
| prefabhash = 434786784
| prefabname = Robot
| prefabname = Robot
| stacks = 1
| slot_class = SlotClass.None
| sorting_class = SortingClass.Default
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{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"

Latest revision as of 12:21, 4 August 2024

Kit (AIMeE)
Constructing Options AIMeE Bot
Stacks No
Electronics Printer (Tier Two) 5g Gold, 5g Copper, 22g Steel, 15g Electrum, 7g Invar, 8g Constantan, 10g Astroloy
Item Hash 496830914
Item Name ItemKitAIMeE
Logic Classes

Stacks No
Item Hash 434786784
Item Name Robot
Logic Classes


Designed by - presumably drunk - Norsec roboticists, AIMeE (or Automated Independent Mechanical Entity) can be a Stationeer's best friend, or tiresome nemesis, or both several times in the same day.

Intended to unearth and retrieve ores automatically, the unit requires basic programming knowledge to operate, and IC Editor Motherboard.

AIMEe has 7 modes:

RobotMode.None = 0 = Do nothing
RobotMode.Follow = 1 = Follow nearest player
RobotMode.MoveToTarget = 2 = Move to target in straight line
RobotMode.Roam = 3 = Wander around looking for ores in 15 co-ords radius
RobotMode.Unload = 4 = Unload in chute input or chute bin within 3 meters / 1.5 large grids
RobotMode.PathToTarget = 5 = Path(find) to target
RobotMode.StorageFull = 6 = Automatic assigned state, shows when storage slots are full

Connects to Logic Transmitter

- Stationpedia

AIMEe or Automated Independent Mechanical Entity is a small mining robot that can be automated to search, mine and retrieve ores. AIMEe does get damaged by storms and can not be repaired with Duct Tape.

Data Network Properties[edit]

These are all Data Network properties of this device.

Data Parameters[edit]

These are all parameters that can be written with a Logic Writer, Batch Writer, or Integrated Circuit (IC10), and can be read with a Logic Reader, Batch Reader, or Integrated Circuit (IC10).

Click here to see/hide all the data network properties
Parameter Name Data Type Access Value Description
Power Boolean
0 Unpowered Can be read to return if the AIMeE Bot is correctly powered or not, set via the power system, return 1 if powered and 0 if not
1 Powered
Mode Integer
Read Write
0 RobotMode.None The mode of the AIMeE Bot.
1 RobotMode.Follow
2 RobotMode.MoveToTarget
3 RobotMode.Roam
4 RobotMode.Unload
5 RobotMode.PathToTarget
6 RobotMode.StorageFull
Error Boolean

1 if device is in error state, otherwise 0
1 Error
PressureExternal Float
Setting for external pressure safety, in KPa
On Boolean
Read Write
0 Off The current state of the AIMeE Bot.
1 On
TemperatureExternal Integer
The temperature of the outside of the AIMeE Bot, usually the world atmosphere surrounding it
PositionX Integer
The current position in X dimension in world coordinates
PositionY Integer
The current position in Y dimension in world coordinates
PositionZ Integer
The current position in Z dimension in world coordinates
VelocityMagnitude Integer
The current magnitude of the velocity vector
VelocityRelativeX Integer
The current velocity X relative to the forward vector of this
VelocityRelativeY Integer
The current velocity Y relative to the forward vector of this
VelocityRelativeZ Integer
The current velocity Z relative to the forward vector of this
TargetX Integer
The target position in X dimension in world coordinates
TargetY Integer
The target position in Y dimension in world coordinates
TargetZ Integer
The target position in Z dimension in world coordinates
MineablesInVicinity Integer
Returns the amount of potential mineables within an extended area around AIMEe.
MineablesInQueue Integer
Returns the amount of mineables AIMEe has queued up to mine.
ReferenceId Integer
Unique Reference Identifier for this object
ForwardX Integer
The direction the entity is facing expressed as a normalized vector
ForwardY Integer
The direction the entity is facing expressed as a normalized vector
ForwardZ Integer
The direction the entity is facing expressed as a normalized vector
Orientation Integer
The orientation of the entity in degrees in a plane relative towards the north origin
VelocityX Integer
The world velocity of the entity in the X axis
VelocityY Integer
The world velocity of the entity in the Y axis
VelocityZ Integer
The world velocity of the entity in the Z axis

Data Outputs[edit]

These are all parameters, that can be read with a Logic Reader or a Slot Reader. The outputs are listed in the order a Logic Reader's "VAR" setting cycles through them.

Output Name Data Type Description
PressureExternal Float Read external pressure in Pascal
TemperatureExternal Float Read external temperature in Kelvin
PositionX Read current position
PositionY Read current position
PositionZ Read current position
Mode Integer 0-6
Power Boolean
On Boolean

Data Slots[edit]

These are all parameters, that can be read with a Slots Reader. The outputs are listed in the order a Slots Reader's "VAR" setting cycles through them.

Number Name Description
0 Battery
1 IC10
2-9 Storage Internal storage slots.


Name Data Type Description
Battery Slot 0
Occupied Boolean Returns whether the slot occupied. (0 for no, 1 for yes).
OccupantHash Integer Returns ItemHash of item in slot.
MaxQuantity Integer Max Size of stack.
Damage Integer Item durability in percent.
Class Integer Item class ID.
Quantity Integer Size of stack.
ChargeRatio Integer Ratio of charge 0-1.
Charge Integer Charge in joules.
PrefabHash Integer Returns ItemHash of item in slot.
Name Data Type Description
IC10 Slot 1
Occupied Boolean Returns whether the slot occupied. (0 for no, 1 for yes).
OccupantHash Integer Returns ItemHash of item in slot.
MaxQuantity Integer Max Size of stack.
Damage Integer Item durability in percent.
Class Integer Item class ID.
Quantity Integer Size of stack.
PrefabHash Integer Returns ItemHash of item in slot.
Name Data Type Description
Inventory Slot 2-9
Occupied Boolean Returns whether the slot occupied. (0 for no, 1 for yes).
OccupantHash Integer Returns ItemHash of item in slot.
MaxQuantity Integer Max Size of stack.
Damage Integer Item durability in percent.
Class Integer Item class ID.
Quantity Integer Size of stack.
PrefabHash Integer Returns ItemHash of item in slot.