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Kit (Furnace)
File:Furnace kit.jpg
Created With Autolathe, Fabricator
Cost 10g Iron, 10g Copper
Placed with {{{placed_with_item}}}
Placed on {{{placed_on_grid}}}


Used to smelt ingots and alloys using an oxygen/volatile gas mix. Ice (Oxite) and Ice (Volatiles) can be manually input directly in the furnace in order to create crude gas mixtures, or to be directly extracted as an easy trick for melting the ice.


Those values require a working piping setup. This can be done by separating gases into tanks using atmospheric units and piping individual gases through a mixer and a pressure regulator connected to the furnace input.

Metal Components Oxygen Volatile Initial Pressure Notes
Steel 3 iron / 1 coal 30% 70% 200kPa Can easily be achieved by just dropping 1 oxite and 2 volatiles
Electrum 1 gold / 1 silver 10% 90% 200kPa
Solder 1 iron / 1 lead 20% 80% 200kPa
Constantan 1 copper / 1 nickel 90% 10% 200kPa
Invar 1 iron / 1 nickel 70% 30% 500kPa