
Automated Hydroponics

From Unofficial Stationeers Wiki

(Redirected from Kit (Automated Hydroponics))
Warning Warning: This item is deprecated as of 0.2.2620.12570. As such this wiki page is only used as an archive.
Kit (Automated Hydroponics)
Stacks Yes (5)
Automated Hydroponics
Placed with Kit (Automated Hydroponics)
Placed on Small Grid
Stage 1
Deconstructed with Hand Drill
Item received Kit (Automated Hydroponics)

Note: The Automated Hydroponics was removed from the survival mode in patch 0.2.2620.12570. Available in Creative Mode only via the spawn menu ('/' key by default).

Automated Hydroponics is used to grow crops.

  • It has 3 control buttons:
    • Plant (plant crop seed from Input Chute)
    • Clear / Harvest (delete crop / Harvest crop and place it to Output chute)
    • Power ON / OFF (this also often kill crop because of lack of growlight)
  • It has only one growing slot.
  • Takes up a 2x2 area.
  • It includes a grow light, which can grow crops without sunlight, but requires 100 W of power.
  • It is airtight.
  • Temperature of the input atmosphere must be within the acceptable range for growing crops.


Wire Power,
Pipe Liquid (Water,
Atmosphere (CO2)
Chutes In,

Data Network Properties[edit]

These are all Data Network properties of this device.

Data Parameters[edit]

These are all parameters that can be written with a Logic Writer, Batch Writer, or Integrated Circuit (IC10).

Parameter Name Data Type Description
Lock Boolean Locks the device for player interaction when set to 1. Unlocks it, when set to 0.
Harvest Boolean Harvests the plant, clearing it's content. If a mature plant is inside, sends it to the export
ClearMemory Boolean reset ImportCount & ExportCount
Setting Integer
Plant Boolean Starts growing the plant from the import
Open Boolean non-functional inherited variable
On Boolean Turns the device on, when set >= 1. Turns it off, when set to <1.

Data Outputs[edit]

These are all parameters, that can be read with a Logic Reader or a Slot Reader. The outputs are listed in the order a Logic Reader's "VAR" setting cycles through them.

Output Name Data Type Description
Maximum Integer Default: 100
Lock Boolean Reads if the device is locked.
ImportCount Integer Amount of items in the inlet chute
ExportCount Integer Amount of items in the outlet chute
Error Boolean Returns whether the device is flashing an error. (0 for no, 1 for yes).
Activate Integer 0 Is idle (Growth). 1 Planting a seed. 2 Harvesting the plant.
Temperature Float Internal atmosphere temperature
Setting Integer  ??
RequiredPower Integer Returns the current amount of power, required by the device, in watts.
RatioWater Float Internal atmosphere while growing plants
RatioVolatiles Float Internal atmosphere while growing plants
RatioPollutant Float Internal atmosphere while growing plants
RatioOxygen Float Internal atmosphere while growing plants
RatioNitrousOxide Float Internal atmosphere while growing plants
RatioNitrogen Float Internal atmosphere while growing plants
RatioCarbonDioxide Float Internal atmosphere while growing plants
Ratio Float  ?
Pressure Float Internal atmosphere pressure, as provided by the atmosphere pipe
PrefabHash Integer Return device ItemHash of itself
Power Boolean Returns whether the device is turned on and receives power. (0 for no, 1 for yes).
Open Boolean non-functional inherited variable
On Boolean Returns whether the device is turned on. (0 for no, 1 for yes)

Data Slots[edit]

These are all parameters, that can be read with a Slot Reader. The outputs are listed in the order a Slots Reader's "VAR" setting cycles through them.

Number Name Description
0 Plant(Slot1) The pot, where the plant grows
1 Export Export slot
2 Import Import slot
Name Data Type Description
MaxQuantity Integer
Mature Integer 1 when the plant is ready to be harvested, 0 when Is growing, -1 when empty
Health Integer The plant takes damage when it does not like it's environment
Growth Integer Growthstage of plant max growthstage can differ per plant
Efficiency Integer How good you are meeting the plants demands in percentages
Damage Integer Health status in percentages
Class Integer Item class ID
Quantity Integer Size of stack
PrefabHash Integer Returns ItemHash of item in slot
Occupied Boolean Returns whether the slot occupied
OccupantHash Integer Returns ItemHash of item in slot

See also[edit]