

From Unofficial Stationeers Wiki

Revision as of 20:14, 23 August 2018 by (talk) (Removed power usage from daylight sensor as it doesn't need power)
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Kit (Sensors)
Constructing Options Daylight, Motion or Gas Sensor
Stacks 5x
Created With Electronics Printer, Fabricator, Hydraulic Pipe Bender
Cost 3g Iron, 1g Gold, 1g Copper
Hydraulic Pipe Bender has an altered recipe 1g iron instead of 3g
Daylight Sensor
Placed with Kit (Sensors)
Placed on Small Grid, On Frames
Stage 1
Deconstructed with Hand Drill
Item received Kit (Sensors)
Gas Sensor
Power Usage 10W
Placed with Kit (Sensors)
Placed on Small Grid, On Frames
Stage 1
Deconstructed with Hand Drill
Item received Kit (Sensors)
Motion Sensor
Power Usage 10W
Placed with Kit (Sensors)
Placed on Small Grid, On Frames
Stage 1
Deconstructed with Hand Drill
Item received Kit (Sensors)


Sensors are used to detect different conditions of the world. They can be read by the Logic Computers as well as used when correctly configured by some devices, such as a Console with a Circuitboard (Airlock Control).

Daylight Sensor

The daylight sensor reports whether the sun hits the large grid the sensor is in, as well as the solar angle (relative to the normal axis of the sensor; the direction perpendicular to the sensor's face). Looking at the sensor will provide a tool-tip readout of this information. The sensor turns green when sunny.

The daylight sensor now has a mode property which can be set with logic writer and memory chip, 0 = default (same as vertical), 1 = horizontal, 2 = vertical. Other values will throw an index-out-of-range error in console if you mouse-over the sensor.

The orientation of the daylight sensor is important, it will read different angle values depending on the orientation. Placing a sensor on a wall towards sunrise (East) will always result in a linear increasing 0-180 angle output thru the day, and decreasing 180-0 angle thru the night. This can be utilized as a daytime sensor, for alarm or clock functions.

Placing a sensor (default/vertical mode) on the 'floor' (any direction) will report the angular difference from zenith (straight up) towards the sun. 90 subtracted by this value will convert this into an angle of horizon/altitude.

Placing a sensor (horizontal mode 1) on the 'floor' will report the angular difference from a fixed horizon point, depending on orientation, towards the actual azimuth of the sun. This value will decrease thru the day. But a properly tracking panel requires increasing values (opposite direction of rotation). You must take some multiple of 90 degrees, depending on solar panel orientation, and subtract this horizontal angle to get a proper azimuth angle towards the sun, for feeding to solar panel tracking.

Alternatively, placing a (horizontal) sensor on the ceiling (aka upside-down) will result in the correct rotation of values. Rotate the sensor power wire 90 degrees clockwise from the direction of the solar panel's power port. (N-> E, E->S, S->W, W->N)

The sensor always reports an angle to a logic reader at all times, but the tooltip will not display the angle if the sensor does not have sunlight.

See for more solar panel logic discussion.

Examples (on the moon/space):

  • If the daylight sensor is fixed on the floor, it will report 90 degrees at sunrise, up to 0 degrees at noon, back to 90 degrees at sunset, to 180 degrees at midnight, and back to 90 at sunrise.
  • If fixed on a ceiling the cycle will be opposite, i.e.: 90 -> 180 -> 90 -> 0 -> 90.
  • If fixed to an east facing wall, the cycle from sunrise is: 0 -> 90 -> 180 -> 90 -> 0.
  • If fixed to a west facing wall, the cycle is opposite, i.e.: 180 -> 90 -> 0 -> 90 -> 180.
  • If fixed to a north or south facing wall it will stay at 90 degrees all the time.

Motion Sensor

The motion sensor activates when a player enters the large grid square where the sensor is, and it will deactivate when no more players are in the area.

Gas Sensor

The gas sensor will report information about the gas in the current atmosphere, such as pressure, contents and temperature.

Note: Temperature is given in Kelvin, while your suit gives a readout in Celsius.

Celsius + 273.15 = Kelvin