
Kit (Arc Furnace)

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Revision as of 06:53, 8 July 2018 by F1r3w4rr10r (talk | contribs) (Update to use the new Data Network templates)
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Kit (Arc Furnace)
Created With Autolathe, Fabricator
Cost 20g Iron, 5g Copper
Logic Parameters
  • Power
  • Error
  • Activate
  • Lock
  • Reagents
  • On
  • ImportQuantity
  • ImportSlotOccupant
  • ExportQuantity
  • ExportSlotOccupant
  • RequiredPower
  • Idle
Arc Furnace
Arc furance.jpg
Power Usage 5W + Recipe Usage
Placed with Kit (Arc Furnace)
Placed on Small Grid
Stage 1
Deconstructed with Hand Drill
Item received Kit (Arc Furnace)


Used to smelt a variety of ores into their ingot form to be used in crafting.

Used to create

Each ore requires a different wattage to smelt. The current values as of 2017-12-28 are as follows

Arc Furnace Output Wattage Required Time to Smelt One Ore Gas Byproduct
Silicon Ingot 100W 3 seconds N2 33% / CO2 33% / X 33% / O2 0%
Iron Ingot 200W 1 second N2 0% / CO2 20% / X 80% / O2 0%
Copper Ingot 500W 3 seconds N2 0% / CO2 0% / X 0% / O2 0%
Lead Ingot 1000W 5 seconds N2 31% / CO2 3% / X 63% / O2 3%
Nickel Ingot 1000W 5 seconds N2 20% / CO2 40% / X 40% / O2 0%
Silver Ingot 1000W 5 seconds N2 17% / CO2 42% / X 42% / O2 0%
Gold Ingot 2000W 6 Seconds N2 17% / CO2 7% / X 69% / O2 7%

Data Network Properties

These are all Data Network properties of this device.

Data Parameters

These are all parameters that can be written with a Logic Writer, Batch Writer, or Integrated Circuit (IC10).

Parameter Name Data Type Description
Activate Boolean Activates the furnace when set to 1. Deactivates it, when set to 0. Note: Deactivating the furnace currently has a bug. (See #Bugs)
Lock Boolean Locks the Arc Furnace when set to 1. Unlocks it, when set to 0.
On Boolean Turns the Arc Furnace on when set to 1. Turns it off, when set to 0.

Data Outputs

These are all parameters, that can be read with a Logic Reader or a Slot Reader. The outputs are listed in the order a Logic Reader's "VAR" setting cycles through them.

Output Name Data Type Description
Power Boolean Returns whether the Arc Furnace is turned on and receives power. (0 for no, 1 for yes)
Error Boolean Returns whether the Arc Furnace is flashing an error. (0 for no, 1 for yes)
Activate Boolean Returns whether the Arc Furnace is activated. (0 for no, 1 for yes)
Lock Boolean Returns whether the Arc Furnace is locked. (0 for no, 1 for yes)
Reagents (Unknown) (Unknown)
On Boolean Returns whether the Arc Furnace is turned on. (0 for no, 1 for yes)
ImportQuantity Integer Returns the size of the current stack inside the Arc Furnace's input slot. It is updated when the furnace is smelting.
ImportSlotOccupant Boolean Returns whether the import slot holds an item. (0 for no, 1 for yes)
ExportQuantity (Unknown) (Unknown)
ExportSlotOccupant Boolean Returns whether the export slot currently holds an item. (0 for no, 1 for yes) This only turns to 1 for a short moment after smelting is finished, before the smelted bar is dropped out.
RequiredPower Integer Returns the current amount of power, required by the Arc Furnace, in Watts. Note: This output currently has a bug. (See #Bugs)
Idle Boolean Returns whether the Arc Furnace is currently idle. This is the negation of the "Activate" output. (0 for no, 1 for yes)


  • Deactivating the Arc Furnace via it's "Activate" logic parameter causes the visual smelting effects to turn off, the input slot to open, but the smelting to still continue. Once the item in the input slot is used up, the smelting result is still dropped from the output. Taking out the item in that state causes the "smelting" to be stopped and the already smelted amount to be dropped from the output. While in the false "smelting" state, the "Activate" output is 0. (Still present in version 0.1.1234.6112)
  • The "RequiredPower" output does not update while smelting. It only returns 5 when on, and 0 otherwise. (Still present in version 0.1.1234.6112)