
Composite Door

From Unofficial Stationeers Wiki

Revision as of 20:39, 29 August 2021 by Torca2001 (talk | contribs) (Correction)

Composite Door
Created With Autolathe, Fabricator
Cost 7g Iron, 3g Copper
Composite Door
Power Usage 10W
Placed with Kit (Door)
Placed on Large Grid
Stage 1
Deconstructed with Crowbar


A Composite Door is one type of door created using the Kit_(Door).



  • A Crowbar can be used to force the door open, as long as it is not Locked.

User Interface

An <ITEM> has no user interface. An <ITEM> provides the following user interface:

Name Type Function
<Name> <Type> <Function>


An <ITEM> has no settings. An <ITEM> will have the following settings:

Name Description
<Name> <Description>



The following tools must be used in order to deconstruct the Door:

Data Network Properties

These are all Data Network properties of this device.

Data Parameters

These are all parameters that can be written with a Logic Writer, Batch Writer, or Integrated Circuit (IC10).

Parameter Name Data Type Description
On Boolean Turns the Door on when set to 1. Turns it off when set to 0.
Open Boolean Opens the Door when set to 1. Closes it when set to 0.
Lock Boolean Locks the Door when set to 1. Unlocks it when set to 0.
Setting Boolean No Function.
Mode Integer 0 = Manual Control, 1 = Logic Control.

Data Outputs

These are all parameters, that can be read with a Logic Reader or a Slot Reader. The outputs are listed in the order a Logic Reader's "VAR" setting cycles through them.

Output Name Data Type Description
Power Boolean Returns whether the Door is turned on and receives power. (0 for no, 1 for yes)
On Boolean Returns whether the Door is turned on. (0 for no, 1 for yes)
Open Boolean Returns whether the Door is currently open.
Lock Boolean Returns whether the lock on the door is active.
Setting Boolean Returns desired state of the door. (0 for close, 1 for open) When Mode = 1
Mode Integer 0 = Manual Control, 1 = Logic Control.
RequiredPower Integer Returns the current amount of power required by the Door, in watts.

See Also

  • [[Guide (<Subject>)]]
  • [[<Related Kits or Items>)]]