
Active Vent

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Revision as of 06:00, 7 April 2018 by F1r3w4rr10r (talk | contribs) (Add logic properties and structure box)
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Active Vent
Stacks Yes (5)
Created With Hydraulic Pipe Bender, Fabricator
Cost 5g Iron, 1g Gold, 5g Copper
Active Vent
Placed with {{{placed_with_item}}}
Placed on {{{placed_on_grid}}}


Used to move gasses from pipes, by using its inward or outward switches. It needs to be powered to function.

Note: The insert slot currently takes any item and seems to have no effect.

Logic Properties

These are all logic properties of this device.

Mode Values

These lists the values and meanings for the "Mode" property of the Active Vent.

Value Meaning
0 "Outward" mode (Pumping gas from the connected pipe network to the outside.)
1 "Inward" mode (Pumping gas from the outside to the connected pipe network.)
2 (Unknown)

Logic Parameters

These are all parameters, that can be written to with a Logic Writer or a Batch Writer. The outputs are listed in the order a Logic Writer's "VAR" setting cycles through them.

Parameter Name Data Type Description
Open Boolean Opens the Active Vent, when set to 1. Closes it, when set to 0. (Untested)
Mode Integer Sets the Active Vent mode to the passed setting. (See Mode Values)
PressureExternal Float Sets the desired external pressure of the space outside the Active Vent. (Untested)
PressureInternal Float Sets the desired internal pressure of the pipe network, connected to the Active Vent. (Untested)
Lock Boolean Locks the Active Vent, when set to 1. Unlocks it, when set to 0.
Setting Float Takes a range from 0.0 to 100.0. (Assumption) This sets the percentage amount of pumping throughput of the Active Vent.
On Boolean Turns the Active Vent on, when set to 1. Turns it off, when set to 0.

Logic Outputs

These are all parameters, that can be read with a Logic Reader. The outputs are listed in the order a Logic Reader's "VAR" setting cycles through them.

Output Name Data Type Description
Power Boolean Returns whether the Active Vent is receiving power and is turned on. (0 for no, 1 for yes)
Open Boolean Returns whether the Active Vent is open. (0 for no, 1 for yes) (Untested)
Mode Integer Returns the setting of the current mode of the Active Vent. (See Mode Values)
Error Boolean Returns whether the Active Vent is currently flashing an error. (0 for no, 1 for yes)
PressureExternal Float Returns the desired external pressure of the Active Vent. (Untested)
PressureInternal Float Returns the desired internal pressure of the Active vent. (Untested)
Lock Boolean Returns whether the Active Vent is locked. (0 for no, 1 for yes)
Setting Float Returns a range from 0.0 to 100.0. (Assumption) Returns the percentage amount of pumping throughput of the Active Vent.
Maximum Integer Returns 100. (Assumption) Returns the maximum throughput percentage of the Active Vent.
Ratio Float Returns a range from 0.0 to 1.0. (Assumption) Returns the percentage amount of pumping throughput of the Active Vent.
On Boolean Returns whether the Active Vent is set to on. (0 for no, 1 for yes)
RequiredPower Integer Returns the current amount of power needed for the Active Vent.