

From Unofficial Stationeers Wiki

Revision as of 04:02, 1 May 2024 by Emilgardis (talk | contribs) (Add structurebox for logic sorter, should probably have its own page)

Kit (Sorter)
Constructing Options Sorter, Logic Sorter
Stacks Yes (10)
Autolathe 10g Iron, 1g Gold, 5g Copper
Prefab Hash 969522478
Prefab Name ItemKitSorter
Power Usage 5W
Prefab Hash -1009150565
Prefab Name StructureSorter
Placed with Kit (Sorter)
Placed on Small Grid
Stage 1
Deconstructed with Hand Drill
Item received Kit (Sorter)

Logic Sorter
Power Usage 5W
Prefab Hash 873418029
Prefab Name StructureLogicSorter
Placed with Kit (Sorter)
Placed on Small Grid
Stage 1
Deconstructed with Hand Drill
Item received Kit (Sorter)


When the Mode is set to 0 or if there is no WhiteList configured on a computer, the Sorter will act as a splitter: items will alternate their output lane each time. The Output property will switch value accordingly.

When controlled by a computer with a Motherboard (Sorter) you can whitelist item(s) or itemgroup(s) and discard the rest out the alternate lane. If you are looking at the output side of the machine (with the power switch on your right) whitelist output is left, discarded items output is right.

Changing Output or Mode via logic or IC can cause an item to get stuck in the sorter until the logic circuit or IC command the Output to either 0 or 1. This behavior is normal. After the first output, the Output variable is set to -1. This is normal behavior and a reset circuit (using logic chips) or Output loop (using IC) will serve the purpose of using the ports properly so long as they send the Output variable after each item enters the sorter.

Data Network Properties

These are all Data Network properties of this device.

Data Parameters

These are all parameters that can be written with a Logic Writer, Batch Writer, or Integrated Circuit (IC10).

Parameter Name Data Type Description
Mode Integer 0 = alternate outputs, 1 = sorter motherboard, 2 = logic mode; Set to 0 by default.
Lock Boolean Disable manual control of surface buttons
On Boolean
ClearMemory Boolean Writing on this Parameter will reset the ExportCount and ImportCount values to zero.
Output Integer If Mode = 2, set Output to 0 to send item in input slot straight through, or set to 1 to send the item to the side (defaults to -1 after action)

Data Outputs

These are all parameters, that can be read with a Logic Reader or a Slot Reader. The outputs are listed in the order a Logic Reader's "VAR" setting cycles through them.

Output Name Data Type Description
Mode Integer
Lock Boolean
ImportCount Integer Incremented each time an item stack enter by the Import slot
ExportCount Integer Incremented each time an item stack exit by the rejected Export Slot (as in : every time a non whitelisted item is sorted.
Error Boolean
Requiredpower Integer In Watts. The Sorter requires 100W of power to function
PrefabHash Integer Returns ItemHash of device
Power Boolean Device on and receiving power (true\false)
Output Integer if set to 0, the next item will exit from the right side slot (while facing the exits side of the sorter). If set to 1, the next item will exit the from the left side. (defaults to -1 after action)
On Boolean

Data Slots

These are all parameters, that can be read with a Slots Reader. The outputs are listed in the order a Slots Reader's "VAR" setting cycles through them.

Number Name Description
0 Import Import slot.
1 Export (accept) Export slot.
2 Export (reject) Export slot.
3 Data Disk Diskslot
Name Data Type Description
MaxQuantity Integer Returns maximum stacksize.
Damage Integer Item durability in percent.
Class Integer Item class ID.
Quantity Integer Size of stack.
PrefabHash Integer Returns ItemHash of item in slot.
Occupied Boolean Returns whether the slot occupied. (0 for no, 1 for yes).
OccupantHash Integer Returns ItemHash of item in slot.

Item Sorting Classes

Reading the class attribute of the input slot will give one of the following values:

Id Type Notes Id Type Notes
0 None 16 Belt
1 Helmet 17 Tool
2 Suit 18 Appliance
3 Back 19 Ingot
4 GasFilter 20 Torpedo
5 GasCanister 21 Cartridge
6 Motherboard 22 AccessCard
7 Circuitboard 23 Magazine
8 DataDisk 24 Circuit
9 Organ 25 Bottle
10 Ore Includes reagent mixes from recycler and ices 26 ProgrammableChip
11 Plant 27 Glasses
12 Uniform 28 CreditCard
13 Entity 29 DirtCanister
14 Battery 30 SensorProcessingUnit
15 Egg 31 LiquidCanister
32 LiquidBottle
33 Wreckage
34 SoundCartridge