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Circuitboards are used in Consoles. Their functionality changes depending on the Circuitboard. They can be produced in the Electronics Printer or Fabricator.

They all cost 5g Gold and 5g Copper except for Gas Display and Airlock Control, which cost an additional 1g Iron.


Name Connected Requirements Description
Advanced Airlock 2 x Airlock, 2 x Active Vent, 1 x Gas Sensor Allows configurable internal and external pressure. Will avoid mixing inside and outside gasses by using a separate active vent for each.
Air Control 2 x Active Vent, 1 x Gas Sensor Features 2 modes of operation: Pressure and Draugh
Airlock Control 2 x Airlock, 1 x Active Vent, 1 x Gas Sensor Cycles between External pressure (0 kPa) and Internal pressure (100 kPa)

Warning - if the Active Vent runs out of air, the pressurization cycle will not complete - you can escape by pressing yellow CANCEL pressurize button on Console, or by using the Data Disk on the Console, removing an Airlock from the config, and then manually opening it (or by deconstructing an unlinked airlock, or a nearby wall). In the case of "No Power" while you are cycling the airlock, you can manually open the doors with the crowbar if you cut the cables connections of the doors to the console.
Camera Display 1 x Gas Sensor Behaves like a gas display
Door Control Any number of Glass Doors or Blast Doors Toggles connected doors between closed and opened
Gas Display 1 x Gas Sensor Can switch between Pressure & Temperature display
Graph Display Any device connected in the same network as the console Displays the value of its input (or average value of multiple inputs) on an XY graph
Hash Display Any device connected in the same network as the console, and exposing a Hash Display the icon corresponding to the item in slot, or the current recipe
Mode Control Any device connected in the same network as the console The selected devices are switched between operating modes.
Power Control Any device connected in the same network as the console The selected devices are powered on/off. Used to remotely start or stop devices.
Ship Display  ?  ?
Solar Control N x Solar Panel Controls a group of solar panels in synchronized way.