
Kit (Logic Transmitter)

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Kit (Logic Transmitter)
Stacks Yes (5)
Electronics Printer 2g Gold, 1g Copper, 3g Electrum, 5g Silicon
Item Hash 1005397063
Item Name ItemKitLogicTransmitter
Logic Transmitter
Mounted Logic Transmitter
Power Usage 50W
Prefab Hash -693235651
Prefab Name StructureLogicTransmitter
Placed with Kit (Logic Transmitter)
Placed on Small Grid
Stage 1
Deconstructed with Hand Drill
Item received Kit (Logic Transmitter)


The Logic Transmitter are used to transmit values in a logic network wirelessly.

The Logic Transmitter starts in Passive mode and can be tied to Active transmitters, AIMEe, Hardsuit and Rover. While tied to anything but another Logic Transmitter is basically acts like a Logic Mirror, except from far distance.

If you set a Logic Transmitter to active, you can write to the Setting variable on it to transmit that value to one or multiple Logic Transmitter that are tied to it in passive mode. You tie a passive Logic Transmitter to an active Logic Transmitter by adjusting the screw on the passive Logic Transmitter until it matches the name of the active Logic Transmitter. NOTE: The active Logic transmitter must be on and active to show up as an option in the screw of the passive Logic Transmitter. You can then read the Setting variable from the passive Logic Transmitter.

This is the toggle button that can be manually used to change the Logic Transmitter Mode: Example of where find the toggle button for the mode of the Logic Transmitter

The Logic Transmitter can also be tied to an Advanced Tablet which it then locally represents (mirrors) in the network. This allows playing of sounds on the tablet or to read out the tablet's values: The off/on state can be read as well as the current mode (representing which Cartridge is selected). Therefore, the tablet can now be used as a remote control.


  • There seems to be no limit to the distance at which two devices can connect.
  • The Logic Transmitter have three data input ports and one for power. Due the fact that when the Logic Transmitter is in Active is used to mirror a signal from another Logic Transmitter, seems that all of the three input ports are not necessary on the same network (because they are all or output or input), but can be used for sharing the same value in different networks without mixing logic networks and/or having to build many Logic Transmitter for recieving the same value.
  • The placed object prefabhash is -693235651.

Data Network Properties

These are all Data Network properties of this device.

Data Parameters

These are all parameters that can be written with a Logic Writer, Batch Writer, or Integrated Circuit (IC10).

Parameter Name Data Type Description
On Boolean
Mode Boolean 0 for Passive, 1 for Active
Setting Any Any setted o mirrored value from another device

Data Outputs

These are all parameters, that can be read with a Logic Reader or a Slot Reader. The outputs are listed in the order a Logic Reader's "VAR" setting cycles through them.

Output Name Data Type Description
On Boolean If is enabled
Mode Boolean 0 for *Passive*, 1 for *Active*
Power Boolean If is taking power
PrefabHash Integer -693235651
RequiredPower Integer Power required to work (50W)
Setting Any Any setted o mirrored value from another device