
Nitrous Oxide

From Unofficial Stationeers Wiki

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Nitrous Oxide
Specific heat 23 Joule / mol

Nitrous oxide "N2O" is an inert gas. Inhalation of nitrous oxide stuns the player and eventually causes them to blackout.

Nitrous oxide has a specific heat of 23 Joule / mol.

Combusts with Volatiles at a 1:1 ratio (auto combusts at 50C), burns much hotter than h2/o2 (2:1 ratio).

For rocketry, N₂O has a mass of about 21.7 mol/kg, giving the 1:1 fuel mix a mass of 32.2 mol/kg compared to 62.5 for Vol/Oxy fuel mix.

Nitrous oxide is pretty easy to condense with a little pressure. Almost every N2O storage build will include a condensation trap to avoid pipe ruptures.

Nitrous oxide naturally occurs as a small part of Ice (Nitrice), Ore_(Lead), and Ore_(Silver) or can be created by the Nitrolyzer from its constituent elements.

Alien Mushrooms breathe Nitrous Oxide and exhale oxygen and nitrogen.


0.2.3499.17067 Introduced N2O combustion mix


  • Added Nitrous Oxide. Currently inert, other than at certain concentrations will cause the player to take (progressively more) stun damage. Only the first pass, will be utilized more with the implementation of surgery later.
Gases and Liquids
Elements Compounds Mixtures Other

Oxygen Nitrogen Volatiles Pollutant

Carbon Dioxide Water Nitrous Oxide

Icon-fuel.pngFuel (66.6% H2 + 33.3% O2)
Icon-nitro.pngSuperfuel (50% H2 + 50% N2O)
Icon-air.pngAir (75% N2 + 25% O2)

Icon-atmosphere.png Atmosphere
Icon-coolant.png Coolant