

From Unofficial Stationeers Wiki

(Redirected from Kit (Transformer Small))

Kit (Transformer)
Stacks No
Created With Electronics Printer, Fabricator
Cost 10x Iron, 1x Gold , 3x Copper

Kit Transformer (Large)
Stacks No
Created With Electronics Printer, Fabricator
Cost 10x Steel, 5x Electrum


The transformer is used to control the maximum amount of power that will flow on a cable, preventing the cables from overloading on high power draw. There are three variants of the transformer:

The Transformer (Small) requires 1x Kit (Transformer) to place and is limited to 5,000 W of output. It can be placed in any orientation on a supporting surface (floor, wall, or ceiling) and is available as Transformer Reversed (Small).

The Transformer (Medium) requires 3x Kit (Transformer) to place and is limited to 25,000 W of output. Similarly, it can be placed on any floor, wall, or ceiling and is available as a Transformer Reversed (Medium).

The Transformer (Large) requires 1x Kit Transformer (Large) to place and is limited to 50,000 W of output. It can only be placed in one orientation, ideally the floor, but it can be stacked above floor level by placing it partway into a frame.


Given that the transformer can limit power very specifically (with large 100 W increments or small 10 W increments), you can control or stop the output line from drawing more than the transformer gives out. This can be used to control many items that don't have a changing power usage, such as lights, volume pumps, pipe regulators, active vents, and more. This is similar to the Area Power Controller but does not have a battery buffer.


Data will not flow through a transformer, isolating the circuit behind their input.
The transformers seem to generate a large amount of heat.

The Transformer will use 10W itself(all sizes), so setting a small transformer to 5000 and feeding with a regular cable will cause the supply cable to blow as it can draw 5010W at max load

Data Network Properties[edit]

These are all Data Network properties of this device. This list is not tested at all for the Transformer Small and not complete for Transformer (kit/large variant).

Data Parameters[edit]

These are all parameters, that can be written to with a Logic Writer, Batch Writer, or Integrated Circuit (IC10). The outputs are listed in the order a Logic Writer's "VAR" setting cycles through them.

Header text Header text Header text
On Boolean Turns the Transformer on when set to 1. Turns it off when set to 0.
Lock Boolean Locks the Transformer when set to 1. Unlocks it when set to 0
Setting Integer Sets the Transformer's power (in Watts) limit.

Data Outputs[edit]

These are all parameters, that can be read with a Logic Reader or a Slot Reader. The outputs are listed in the order a Logic Reader's "VAR" setting cycles through them. You cannot read ratios in IC2 chip (so far)

Parameter Name Data Type Description
On Boolean Returns whether the Transformer is turned on. (0 for no, 1 for yes)
Maximum Integer Maximum setting of this device. (How high the device can be set, see description for specific numbers.)
Lock Boolean Returns whether the Transformer is locked. (0 for no, 1 for yes)
Error Boolean 1 if device is in error state, otherwise 0.
Setting Integer Returns the current power limit (in Watts) of the Transformer.
RequiredPower Integer Idle operating power quantity. (how much power, in watts, the device itself is using, rather than how much power it is passing through.)
Ratio Float Ratio of the current power limit to the maximum power limit of the device
PrefabHash Integer The hash of the device. (Can be found in the Stationpedia.)
Power Boolean Returns 1 if the device is powered and on, otherwise 0.