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<!-- Please. Do not mark this page for translation nor translate it. For translated patch notes, visit Patch Notes page, as this one is more like info for nerds. -->
<!-- Please. Do not mark this page for translation nor translate it. For translated patch notes, visit Patch Notes page, as this one is more like info for nerds. -->
--><Del>Note: [ Stationeering] has up-to-date patch notes.</Del> (Last update was {{#dateformat:8 Jun 2022}})
==[Version 0.1.1259.6211]==
*Fixed disappear wilted plant when reloaded.
*Added Third person camera, Can be activated with mouse wheel.
==[Version 0.1.1257.6203]==
*Added docking port prefabs and animations
*Fixed SolidFuelGenerator max sound distance set to correct (much lower) value.
*Fixed collider for Composite Cladding Spherical Corner not being referenced correctly.
==[Version 0.1.1255.6192]==
*Fixed wheat wriggling. Had the wrong shader applied to the material
*Fixed missing stars. The stars had been removed from the scene for some reason, they just needed adding back in.
==[Version 0.1.1254.6186]==
*Fixed value not set on wall cooler construction kit preventing them from being placed.
==[Version 0.1.1253.6184]==
*Fixed Server now synchronizes game mode with clients, so if modified manually in the save this change should now correctly propagate to clients.
==[Version 0.1.1252.6182]==
*Fixed issue where machine inventories were not displaying portions of their contents correctly.
*Fixed NRE when player respawned while building mode.
*Fixed various visual issues with new Wall devices (Cooler, Heater, Lights).
==[Version 0.1.1250.6175]==
*Fixed bug with some recipes not recognizing the correct list of ingredients due to small floating point precision errors.
*Replaced models for WallCooler, WallHeater and WallLights.
*Fixed stuttering sounds of object on Mars.
*Fixed MaxVoltage value on 5-way Heavy Power Cable Junction. Was 50k instead of 100k.
==[Version 0.1.1247.6166]==
*Fixed dedicated server could play some kind of client sounds.
==[Version 0.1.1246.6163]==
*Fixed 5-way heavy cables de-spawn on game reload
==[Version 0.1.1241.6148]==
*Fixed Missing cladding type now appears in the construction kit as an available option.
*Regenerated blueprints for cladding that had some graphical artefacts.
*Fixed collision box size for several cladding types.
==[Version 0.1.1240.6146]==
*Added missing mirrored variant of long angled corner cladding.
*Added vertex shader to plants for slight movement
*Fixed console screen interactions flickering when moving quickly. Console buttons should now be able to be selected correctly on fast moving motherships.
*Fixed wilted plants being deleted immediately.
==[Version 0.1.1237.6132]==
*Added 12 variants of cladding, a paintable, largely cosmetic outer layer for your base. Blocks sunlight but not atmosphere. Grouped into Angled, Cylindrical, Spherical and Rounded options. Deconstructed using the Angle Grinder. ItemKitCompositeCladding craftable in the Fabricator or Autolathe for 1 Iron per kit.
*Fixed bug where Iron Wall Kits were twice as expensive to manufacture in the Fabricator vs the Autolathe.
*Fixed collider issue on new CornerCut frame piece.
*Added Flags. Small, paintable objects that remain visible for 2x the distance of frames, to make it easier to mark the way back to base in case your tracker runs out of power. Craftable in the Tool Manufacturer and available in one of your starting crates.
*Fixed stars not appearing if switching from a mars map during the day to a moon or space map.
*Fixed bug where some actions would not be performed correctly if using SecondaryAction mapped to a key rather than a mouse button.
==[Version 0.1.1235.6122]==
*First pass on dock for motherships - they work as airlocks currently except that if an airlock is on a mothership and gets close to a non-mothership airlock then it will auto align itself and move it to the docking position. This is probably not final behaviour.
*Added Corner Cut version of steel frames, the the last missing variant for the existing cosmetic frame corner options.
*Added new Skybox elements - Now there's stars and they move with the sun
==[Version 0.1.1234.6112]==
*Fixed bug where the quantity of food consumed would be removed from the item twice, resulting in consuming a full item rewarding no nutrition.
==[Version 0.1.1227.6101]==
*Fixed issue with plants showing all growth states at once in storage or when dropped in world.
==[Version 0.1.1225.6098]==
*Fixed Issue using chutes with Furnaces, Simple Fabricators and Stackers occasionally causing them to get jammed due to incorrect execution order. [Credit: Kamuchi]
*Fixed Issue where machines could occasionally output incorrectly sized stacks due to a rounding error. [Credit: Risu]
*Fixed Issue with slots on some objects not being occluded based on range correctly. [Credit: Risu]
*Fixed missing burnt cable reference for Heavy Cable 5-Way Junction.
*Added localization key for Burnt Heavy Cable 5-Way Junction.
*fixed spelling of pipe analyser
*Removed unused intro vidoes
==[Version 0.1.1224.6093]==
*Re-enabled flagging of items as out of bounds
==[Version 0.1.1223.6091]==
*Fixed Rocket Engines gauge needle rotating around the wrong axis. Needles on the rocket engine gauge should no longer rotate into it's face.
*Added missing normal and heavy cable variants (4-way and 5-way corners).
*Cable variant construction list order is now shared across both cable types.
*Fixed some inconsistencies around cable configuration and rotation restrictions.
*Fixed performance problem with ConsoleDebug - added an additional check before setting _fadingOut to true as it was always being set back to true.
==[Version 0.1.1218.6078]==
*Fixed frame drop caused by garbage created by SolarPanel.
==[Version 0.1.1216.6070]==
*Fixed Network Analyser now reports correct power usage values including draw from heating or battery charging etc. rather than just the base usage of the device itself.
==[Version 0.1.1215.6065]==
*Fixed issue couldn't load broken save file caused by same reference ID of object.
*Added Manufacturing machines current recipe and job progress now persist through save/load.
==[Version 0.1.1214.6060]==
*Fixed problem where stackers would occasionally back up by changing their order of execution.
==[Version 0.1.1212.6057]==
*Fixed Skeletons will no longer decompose if flagged as Indestructible.
*Fixed Removed superfluous raycast on solar panels.
*Fixed issue calculating correct nutrition values to give from eating items.
*Fixed issue where consuming a whole piece of food at once would reward no nutrition.
==[Version 0.1.1210.6049]==
*Added power used by individual devices to network analyser display in place of the 'Powered' message.
*Fixed Milk to now work with food consumption changes.
==[Version 0.1.1209.6046]==
*Modified food consumption based on player feedback. Each item now provides a set quantity of calories, and can be consumed in as small or large increments as you like, based on how long you hold down the SecondaryAction button. You can no longer consume food beyond 100%. Different foods contain varied amounts of calories and can be consumed at varying speeds, very roughly balanced around ingredients and complexity of production (likely to change).
*Fixed power usage value of reversed stacker so it uses as much as the default version.
==[Version 0.1.1208.6043]==
*Fixed issue where clients would have issues joining dedicated servers running the Mars map.
==[Version 0.1.1205.6038]==
*Fixed over stacking plants when harvesting, now they drop in the world instead
*Added random rotation to plants when they are plated
*Fixed issue with Disable Particles on Menu checkbox behaviour being inverted and not applying correctly on load.
*Fixed issue where manually entering a decimal value on a settings slider would result in an error.
==[Version 0.1.1203.6028]==
*Fixed another couple of instances where sounds had incorrect MaxDistance values set and as a result could be heard much further away than intended.
==[Version 0.1.1202.6025]==
*Fixed a bug with room data was not cleaned up when session ended.
*Fixed an issue atmosphere would exit when deleting Sleeper.
==[Version 0.1.1199.6020]==
*Fixed bug with Scrubber not venting air when set to Open due to exceeded pressure error state. Now will vent even when completely full, if the lever is open.
*Added Portable Solar. When placed outside of inventory, the panels will open. A battery can be placed inside, and available sunlight will be used to slowly charge the battery. Can be constructed using the Electronics Printer, using similar resources to the large solar panel.
*Added Heavy Cable variant for 4-way corner piece. Constructable from Heavy Cable Coil.
*Changed heavy cable to models which were more distinct and fitting with aesthetic of the game.
*Added 3-way corner heavy cable model, in line with normal cable coil corner.
*Fixed out of focus main menu
*Added DOF to be removed when enabling menu lite option
*Fix construction cursor flickering when building walls and windows.
==[Version 0.1.1197.6007]==
*Added Soy Oil that can be produced in the Reagent Processor from Soy Beans.
*Added Fries that can be made in the microwave using a Potato and a small quantity of Soy Oil. Provides a lot of calories.
*Added Baked Potato recipe. One potato can now be turned into a baked potato in the microwave, for more nutrition.
*Changed Portable Scrubber. Now will suck in all atmosphere when no filter is installed. Also added a level, when open, the internal atmosphere of the scrubber will be ejected into the world. This makes the scrubber more useful for different functions, such as clearing all of an atmosphere from a room on a planet.
==[Version 0.1.1196.6000]==
*Added an option in misc settings to enable a bare bones menu with no particles
*Fixed issue with on/off sounds on Wall Heaters/Coolers MaxDistance setting, meaning they were always playing at full volume no matter where the player was in relation to them. Let us know if you notice any other objects behaving in a similar way.
*Fixed Clients joining servers with custom global atmosphere. Client now receives the global gas mix during the joining phase
==[Version 0.1.1195.5989]==
*Fixed items and structures occluding when moving too fast. Things no longer flicker on and off when moving quickly on a mothership.
==[Version 0.1.1194.5987]==
*Fixed self collision for all things in thing Awake
*Fixed construction tooltip while building on moving mothership
*Fixed motherships velocity is now correctly clamped. This value will probably change but it's set to the same as the player for now.
*Fixed motherships constantly pitching/yawing before snapping back to upright after collision.
*Fixed being unable to build on mothership while it's moving. Still some problems when the ship is rotating that need fixing.
*Fixed tooltips jittering on motherships.
*Fixed Active Vent missing box collider so could not be deconstructed. Now has correct collider.
==[Version 0.1.1193.5974]==
*Fixed dynamic scrubbers not working in global atmospheres. Dynamic Scrubbers should now be able filter and trap gasses from global (e.g. Martian) atmospheres.
*Reverted global atmosphere per AtmosphericsController back to a single global atmosphere
*Fixed most interactions on moving motherships - Now using the interpolated RigidBody position with the camera offset added. Camera position wont work properly while the player is moving
*Added sun fading out at night time to reduce the occurrences of seeing the sun through the terrain and the terrain not casting shadows on objects
*Fixed HandleCollision doing excessive work - HandleCollisionsWith was being called multiple times on each structure and was doing it for each other structure. Removed pointless checks and added a magnitude distance check using the bounds of both objects to see if they could potentially be touching.
*Fixed items jittering when being pushed by a mothership. When their grid controller is changed to a mothership interpolation is enabled.
*Fixed issue where Asteroids in space were not visible after loading from save.
*Changed Active Vent model to new model, in line with other atmospheric item changes.
*Added first pass of new New World Menu including custom world settings screen. Customizing some settings not yet supported, so consider it a work-in-progress for now.
==[Version 0.1.1192.5959]==
*Fixed motherships using the main global atmosphere to using their own copy - still more work to be done on the mothership AtmosControl
*Fixed Tanks dynamic tanks in tank connectors colliding with motherships affecting the motherships movement
*Made Mothership be affected by Gravity
*Fixed NRE when fail to join server.
==[Version 0.1.1191.5952]==
*Added new localization strings for Workshop page
==[Version 0.1.1189.5948]==
*Fixed creative mode setting not applying correctly from map presets.
==[Version 0.1.1188.5944]==
*Fixed broken scene reference to Speech Recognizer.
*Changed Mars temperature to -60
==[Version 0.1.1187.5938]==
*Fixed issue where world settings were not being properly initialized if you started a second game without restarting the client.
*Fixed issue where world name was not being set correctly when loading a game.
*Disabled custom world parameters temporarily while a couple of server issues get resolved.
*Changed automatically assigned tags for workshop saved game submissions.
*Fixed stuttering introduced in 5919 by reverting some bad logic in WorldManager
*Fixed error when pressing the create world button without selecting an option. It now defaults to the moon world if no button was selected
*Fixed hunger no longer applies to characters inside a sleeper.
==[Version 0.1.1186.5926]==
*Fixed holes in terrain caused by registering with incorrect neighbours
*Fixed incorrect mars atmosphere composition
==[Version 0.1.1185.5924]==
*Fixed items falling through terrain when loading a saved game caused by terrain not loading in properly around things
*Added World Settings are now saved out when the world is in worldsettings.xml. When loading a game, if this file is not found it will fall back to the old method/presets.
*Moved world settings to XML. All world settings are now exposed in XML. This allows for adding custom world types and exposing the settings in game
*Added custom world generation parameters. It is now possible to define your own world terrain generation via XML
*Improved speed of terrain generation significantly through micro optimisations and removing unnecessary bounds checking when setting voxel.
*Fixed NRE by checking that CurrentBuildState is set before attempting to access its renderer.
*Fixed will now display default image if no mod preview image is provided.
==[Version 0.1.1183.5913]==
*Replaced Passive Vent model with new model.
*Fixed cast bar getting stuck when consuming cereal bars too quickly.
*Fixed airlocks leaking atmosphere when internal doors are open. 1x1 rooms should no longer leak atmosphere.
*Missing material for baked potatoes.
==[Version 0.1.1181.5904]==
*Fixed ore smelting gas always being output into world atmosphere. Now smelting gases in furnaces should output into connected pipe network again instead of world atmosphere.
==[Version 0.1.1179.5896]==
*Added egg carton recipe for the fabricator
*Added Baked Potato.
==[Version 0.1.1178.5891]==
*Fixed ice not melting in vacuum. Ice now melts either if it is in a warm enough atmosphere, or if it's in sunlight and not in a cold atmosphere - including vacuum.
*Fixed Open Workshop button on Workshop page to correctly take you to the page for the currently selected mod rather than the Stationeers workshop.
*Fixed bug where smelting would calculate the resulting gas mixture cumulatively for stacks of ore, resulting in huge quantities of gas being produced. [credit: Risu]
*Fixed water spreading. Water was not spreading after the global atmos update but has now been reintroduced and made to work with the global atmosphere system
*Fixed labeller cancel button not doing anything.
*Fixed Stairs being able to be built on top of eachother/other things - Stairs was overriding a wrapper method that wasn't being called wrapper method removed and override corrected
*Added an egg carton to the starting crate.
*Fixed DynamicGPR colliding with player when in an inventory slot - The item was tagged as "CollidersAlwaysVisible", should have been untagged
*Added Potatoes to starter crate.
==[Version 0.1.1176.5874]==
*Fixed bug where status icons would not refresh properly when loading into a game where they should be visible.
==[Version 0.1.1175.5869]==
*Removed buggy bedrock texture - the bedrock level is not making it's way to the shader correctly. This data is already being reworked in a coming update.
*Added decay state for chickens. Chicken corpses now disappear after a minute.
*Added new Hydroponics Tray model.
*Fixed accessing WorldAtmospheres adding a lock to GetAtmosphereLocal when accessing from outside the manager thread and redirecting all reading of WorldAtmosphere through GetAtmosphereLocal
*Added warning for waste tank when it is broken, and therefore will leak air.
*Added warning indicators and voice notification for Waste Tank. Now will disable warning when caution and critical, for either no waste tank existing, or over pressure. This helps avoid embarrassing instances where you have too much pressure in your waste tank and it explodes.
*Added Ore Scanning. An item can be made called a "Ground Penetrating Radar". When activated, it scans the surrounding area. Using a Ore Scanner Cartridge in your tablet will allow you to view the scanned data. These items can be built on the Electronics Printer. This will help you locate different kinds of ores without having to directly mine. Different types of ores have different colors on the scan results.
*Added voice notifications for Helmet Closed, and Helmet Opened. This will help avoid those embarrassing situations where you die because you pressed I and vented your breathing atmosphere into space, but didn't realize it was because your helmet was open.
==[Version 0.1.1173.5851]==
*Fixed sounds of nearby structures in vacuum popping in and out while you're in a pressured room. Should no longer hear phantom sounds from machines in vacuum.
==[Version 0.1.1172.5847]==
*Fixed radiators not working in vacuum. Radiators should now begin radiating heat again on the moon.
*Added new filter options in Join World menu. Incompatible versions are now hidden by default, along with options to hide password protected and empty servers. Other improvements have also been added to stop it from locking up while refreshing the server list.
*Tweaked some values for the quest panel in the tutorial. This should be a bit easier to read now.
*Fixed power connector not able to have portable generator wrenched onto it. Now can correctly wrench a portable generator to a power connector, to get generated power from it. Credit to Risu on Discord for solution.
*Fixed unable to change dynamic air conditioner's mode while wrenched onto tank connectors.
==[Version 0.1.1171.5834]==
*Fixed duplicate atmosphere error causing atmospheric controller to crash
*Fixed null error on atmospheric things when entering rooms with no Atmosphere
*Fixed Soybeans never maturing and becoming harvestable.
==[Version 0.1.1168.5828]==
*Added Hunger Rate to settings screen (temporarily). Allows you to scale how fast your character gets hungry by 0-4x. Not yet available for dedicated servers.
*Fixed ScreenFilter not clearing when loading mod data, preventing loading data more than once per launch.
*Added Mods now reload whenever you leave the workshop menu, allowing changes to be applied without relaunching the game.
*Fixed bug where large batteries in the mining drill were rotated in a way that meant you couldn't see their charge level.
==[Version 0.1.1167.5824]==
*Added first pass of gas generator. Provides power from the gas combusted inside.
*Updated Hunger status icons
*Fixed NRE in dedicated server when stop server and press ESC button.
*Fixed some duplicate initializations when starting a new world
*Removed some unused ore game objects from WorldManager Prefab
*Removed old code for changing material on ores that was no longer needed
==[Version 0.1.1166.5815]==
*Fixed data disk slots incorrectly oriented on StructureComputer. DataDisks placed in a computer should now be rotated correctly. (Thanks Risu!)
*Fixed bug with APCs drawing more power than needed if charging nearly-full batteries. APC power draw now takes into account battery charge.
*First pass on global atmosphere system
==[Version 0.1.1165.5810]==
*Fixed NRE in tracker on dedicated server
==[Version 0.1.1164.5807]==
*Fixed issue where client didn't play WeldingTorch and MiningDrill sound when they activated.
*Added tag support for Steam Workshop mods.
*Fixed bug with some operating systems where the game couldn't determine voice control compatibility.
*Fixed bug where starting condition selection dropdown box could get into an infinite loop.
*Fix sync problem in out of sight objects. Client caches things information within 60m. When a thing is interpolating while in and out 60m, it can stunk if there is an obstacle between 2 positions. And it's properly tracking player who is out of 60m.
==[Version 0.1.1162.5798]==
*Fixed non-latin languages not working on signs and pipe labels. Signs and labels should now show non-latin text correctly if the right game language is selected.
==[Version 0.1.1161.5796]==
*Fixed missing nutrition warning voice messages and missing heath icons.
*Added Potato as growable (and edible) plant. Currently same growth stats as the wheat.
*Fixed Chutes ejecting contents during load. When a world was loaded chute contents (and possibly manufacturing devices as well) would eject their contents. Now they will continue to loop correctly. Note: this will only work with saves from now on. Old saves with items in chutes will eject their contents until they are resaved.
==[Version 0.1.1158.5789]==
*Added cereal bars to your uniform slots in case you're starting a new multiplayer game with lots of players.
*Fixed issue where workshop mods would not be tagged as such if they were disabled.
*Updated readme and comment in
*Loading now skips items saved with invalid locations.
*Enabled Workshop Menu.
*Added to the StreamingAssets folder. See the readme.txt contained within for basic instructions on current mod support.
*Fixed saves loaded with dead characters were not given the option to respawn. Now the respawn dialogue correctly loads when player loads their game.
==[Version 0.1.1157.5783]==
*Increased calorie storage for humans. A full stomach will last over one hour of playtime.
*Added Corn calorie value. Now corn will provide a small amount of calories when eaten.
*Increased Muffin calorie value. Only two bites of a muffin will provide full calorie storage for a player.
==[Version 0.1.1156.5777]==
*Added new status icons for Hunger and Heath. Full, low, and critical food and health indicators appear and also include their current values.
*Fixed Damage states not being serialized. Now damage values for all things are included in save file and are correctly deserialized when loaded.
*Fixed total damage for entities incorrectly using body oxygen damage state when should use the brains oxygen damage state.
*Added milk, muffin, cereal bar, egg, and wheat as edible types. These can be eaten using secondary action, or force feed to another human using primary action.
*Fixed UnauthorizedAccessException when starting dedicated server in different path. It's caused by wrong initialization orders. You can run it in any path.
*Fixed bug where resetting controls to defaults was not saving the new keys correctly.
*Fixed wrong recipe index when server and client have different language settings. It's fixed in Autolathe, ElectronicsPrinter, HydraulicPipeBender, ToolManufactory, ScreenConstructionJob, ScreenFilter.
*Fixed issue where new implementation of starting equipment did not include Duct Tape.
*Added first pass of Hunger and Nutrition. If nutrition drops too low, player starts taking Starvation damage. Eat muffins or cereal bars to increase nutrition. More updates to follow with the new survival mechanics.
*Fixed issue where any progress panel displayed after the first would have no background.
*Updated upload progress prompt
*Fixed gas canisters disappearing when blown up. Canisters now remain in the world, in a blown up state.
==[Version 0.1.1155.5760]==
*Fixed Game Settings heading in settings page not having a localized key.
*Changed StartingCrates definition to be generic for DynamicThings. Now includes definitions for AirConditioner and Scrubber.
*Added support for custom name and custom color in InventoryData and DynamicThingData, used with the ConditionData custom starting condition systems.
*Changed initial spawn items. Now air conditioner, scrubber, and beacon spawn with fully charged battery cells.
*Changed Starting Inventory and Starting Crates to be combined as a Starting Condition type. Different Starting Conditions can be loaded and, for now, appear as options in the Gameplay settings menu. This will be expanded to affect only new worlds, but for now, will affect any world running on the host. These can be made as mods.
*Updated Portuguese and Spanish localization files
*Fixed Players now start with the correct number of Iron Frames.
*Fixed Disconnecting from a game (or getting disconnected from a game) now closes any prompt that is up on screen.
*Fixed NRE when respawning
==[Version 0.1.1151.5747]==
*Fixed NRE when sending player state while disconnecting.
*Fixed starting equipment now gives you the correct number of cables.
*Reduced memory usages and connecting time. Client receives chunks data around own player when connecting. Explored chunks are cashed on client. It will be reset when you connecting. Server(host player, dedicated server) has all players' explored chunks.
==[Version 0.1.1150.5743]==
*Updated Simplified Chinese localization
==[Version 0.1.1149.5741]==
*Added XML game data for player starting inventory. The StartingInventory game data list from XML contains references for what all players will have as starting inventory. This allows servers to run custom starting inventories for players. This is currently a global value, but will be subject to change to support scenarios in future.
*Added Skeleton's Ragdoll
*Fixed frames and other items spontaneously combusting when it shouldn't.
*Added Starting Crate data to XML. Basic starting crate data will now be configurable based on data contained in the StreamingAssets/Data XML file contents. This might be shifted into scenario data XML classes in later updates however so is subject to change.
*Added ReagentProcessor recipes to XML data format. Currently takes input prefab and output prefab. System to be extended to include quantity calculations in future.
*Added duplicate recipe check to Autolathe, ElectronicsPrinter and PipeBender for recipe mod support.
*Moved map upload progress bar to it's own window so more workshop functionality from map publishing can be used for mods.
==[Version 0.1.1148.5732]==
*Added Japanese localization files
*Updated German, Spanish and Traditional Chinese localization files
*Fixed Atmospherics error when picking atmosphere to emit visualizer particle from.
*Fixed Large Gas Tank exceeding current maximum small grid allocation. Old max was 200 small grids, new max is 800 small grids.
==[Version 0.1.1145.5726]==
*Added large tank, requiring 5x regular tank kits. Takes up 8 grid squares (vs 1) and has a volume of 50000 (vs 6000).
==[Version 0.1.1143.5721]==
*Significantly improved terrain generation by splitting terrain features in to regions. Each voxel now only samples from close regions.
==[Version 0.1.1141.5717]==
*Fixed NullReferenceException in updating grid information.
*Removed some unused calculations from the water shader
*Fixed the water connectivity calculations for the water VisualizerExtents
*Fixed water not dissipating in vacuum
==[Version 0.1.1140.5711]==
*Improved connecting time and added sync data progress. You might miss to progress it because small size of network messages are combined up to 100 messages.
*Fixed Steam AuthTicket Exception. When it happens, game will proceed to join. You'd better to restart game. It already lost steam connection.
==[Version 0.1.1135.5701]==
*Updated New World menu thumbnails
*Upgraded Gas Display Circuitboard to connect to Gas Tank Storage. Gas Display now shows temperature and pressure of gas canisters stored in Gas Tank Storage.
*Added logic support to GasTankStorage. GasTankStorage now exposes it's held gas tank's atmosphere data (pressure, temperature etc) on the logic network.
==[Version 0.1.1133.5689]==
*Updated German, Spanish and Traditional Chinese localization files.
*Fixed wall heaters not drawing enough power. Wall heaters now draw 1005w of power when working.
*Fixed gas display displaying wrong values when it exceeded 999. Now updates the unity under the value to be correct.
==[Version 0.1.1132.5681]==
*Fixed Atmos leaking bug
*Added support for localizing unmined mineral names.
==[Version 0.1.1130.5676]==
*Fixed Player's weird movement when you unconsious or dead.
*Deleted invisible body on decay and respawn (if decayed)
*Fixed IndexOutOfRangeException when you create Moon and then create Space. One of necessary variable wasn't initialized when switch world.
==[Version 0.1.1128.5668]==
*removed water visualizer when using openGL
==[Version 0.1.1127.5663]==
*removed water visualizer when using DX9 due to lack of compute shader support
*added a fallback for the terrain shader to the standard shader for dx9
*Updated Korean and German language files
==[Version 0.1.1126.5657]==
*Added OpenGLCore to Graphics APIs for someone who has crash in related to video car and driver. It can be enabled with -force-glcore parameter.
==[Version 0.1.1124.5651]==
*Added support for Japanese translation.
*Added support for Korean translation.
*Fixed broken atmosphere on game client. It usually happened before sync dropped item, tried to update atmosphere in multiplay. It broke atmospheres of all items. Now that, it shouldn't be broken in any case.
*Fixed floating point numbers log spam. It happened when infinite floating numbers set in rotation of Inverse Kinematics. Now it doesn't use wrong value in rotation.
==[Version 0.1.1122.5642]==
*Replaced Gas Tank Storage model. Same dimensions. Also has a data port, so you can read values from it using the logic system.
*Fixed Air Conditioner operation flawed. Community provided new coded solution. Credit to Illiux who did math for heat-pump, ???Zaneo for providing advice for direction, and Dimitri for the actual code. Heat-pump calculates per tick power cost of energy transfer when heating and cooling. Additionally energy from pump work is added to waste or output, because of this heating cost a bit less then cooling. Cost of energy transfer and amount of additional energy added is calculated using Coefficient of Performance?.
==[Version 0.1.1121.5639]==
*Added support for Simplified Chinese. Along with Simplified Chinese translation files.
*Fixed unreadable tips on loading screen when using a CJK font.
*Fixed dialog boxes showing squares in some languages.
*Updated German, Spanish and Traditional Chinese translation files.
*Added support for kick and ban messages for servers hosted via dedicated server or full client.
==[Version 0.1.1120.5635]==
*Fixed tablets not working when loading with them in player inventory. They were not being correctly initialized on player locality change. Now they will correctly reinitialize when a player takes control of a entity.
*Added Fixed Beacon. This is a placeable structure that requires 300W of power, but broadcasts its location. This can be accessed via the Tracker Cartridge, just like normal beacons. It can be built using the Electrical Printer.
*Fixed connection problem when there are hundreds of linked devices including Logic reader/writer, filter, Circuitboard, LogicMotherboard. It didn't check message buffers size when sending sync data. It usually stuck in applying chunks data 90%-100%. You can join server that it was fixed.
==[Version 0.1.1119.5631]==
*Fixed Join World button is disabled when player returns join menu from game.
*Fixed Inactive ServerListItem Animators being called when disabled. causing lag on player load
*Eyes should now correctly close when you die
*Fixed writing decimals to logic memory unit from logic computers
==[Version 0.1.1117.5624]==
*Added Traditional Chinese localization.
*Added more missing strings for localization including the Change Appearance screen.
*Fixed missing EntryTools for Chair, Turret and engines.
*Fixed truncate chatting text when it's full. It will scroll properly.
==[Version 0.1.1114.5617]==
*Fixed items being invisible when viewing your own dead body after re-spawning
*Fixed error when disabling shadows on re-spawn
*Added skeleton despawning after 60 seconds.
*Fixed re-spawn while in decayed State(wasn't working at all)
*Fixed some dropped items being invisible(because they were still on the wrong layer)
*Removed all shadows of dead players
*Avoided possible divide by zero in cell charger. (Thanks Risu!)
*Fixed ores not appearing on load for play host players
*Updated localization files for German, Russian, Spanish and French
==[Version 0.1.1113.5609]==
*Fixed NRE in CameraCollisionHandler. It failed to join server on a certain pc because of delay to initial camera. It makes you join server properly.
*Fixed battery charger distributing power to charged batteries. Now the charger only adds charge to batteries that aren't full. (Thanks Risu!)
==[Version 0.1.1111.5605]==
*Fixed skeletons turning into Ghost Rider. Skeletons can no longer be set on fire. (thanks FlashDim!)
==[Version 0.1.1110.5602]==
*Fixed healpill not healing lung damage.
*Respawn player on join if dead. Prevents situation where player disconnects while dead, and unable to respawn afterwards.
*Fixed invisible favorite server list on join menu.
==[Version 0.1.1109.5598]==
*Fixed respawn button disconnecting you instead.
*Fixed airlocks not cycling properly on dedicated servers
==[Version 0.1.1108.5595]==
==[Version 0.1.1108.5595]==
*Fixed respawning beside old body instead of spawn point.
*Fixed respawning beside old body instead of spawn point.

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