
Kit (Automated Rocket Automation)

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Warning Warning: This item is deprecated.
Kit (Automated Rocket Automation Module)
Created With Electronics Printer Mk2
Cost 10g Gold, 40g Copper, 25g Steel, 30g Electrum, 30g Invar, 15g Solder, 25g Stellite, 10g Inconel
Automated Rocket Automation Module
Placed with Kit (Automated Rocket Automation)
Placed on Large Grid
Stage 1
Item received Kit (Automated Rocket Automation)
Stage 2
Next Stage Construction
Constructed with tool Welding Torch
Constructed with item 25 x Steel Sheets
Item received 25 x Steel Sheets
Stage 3
Next Stage Construction
Constructed with tool Welding Torch
Constructed with item 25 x Plastic Sheets
Item received 25 x Plastic Sheets
Stage 4
Next Stage Construction
Constructed with item 20 x Electronic Parts
Item received 20 x Electronic Parts

The automation module completes the rocket. It passes logic to its respective components.

Data Network Properties[edit]

These are all Data Network properties of this device.

Data Parameters[edit]

These are all parameters that can be written with a Logic Writer, Batch Writer, or Integrated Circuit (IC10).

Parameter Name Data Type Description
ClearMemory Boolean Resets internal counters, such as ExportCount, to zero when set to 1.
Activate Integer Set the desired mode of the rocket.
Note: Setting Activate to the same value multiple times will not register a change beyond the initial set point.
To remedy this, set Activate to a 'safe' value such as 0 or 1 first if encountering strange triggering behaviour.

1 = Launch to Space.
2 = Travel in Space. This can be used to find new ice, ore, or salvage.
4 = Stop Traveling in Space.
5 = Return to the Launch Pad. Only valid from mode 3 or 4

Setting Float Unknown
Open Boolean Unknown

Data Outputs[edit]

These are all parameters, that can be read with a Logic Reader or a Slot Reader. The outputs are listed in the order a Logic Reader's "VAR" setting cycles through them.

Output Name Data Type Description
Mode Integer The current mode of the rocket.

0 = Idle on the Launch Pad. The rocket can be launched by setting the Activate variable to 1.
1 = Launching to Space. This will automatically transition to 4 after a short time.
2 = Traveling in Space. The rocket will continue traveling unless you set the Activate variable to to 4 or 5, such as when the CollectableGoods variable changes to 1.
3 = Arriving at Location in Space. This is the automatic transition state between mode 2 and 4.
4 = Idle in Space. If the CollectableGoods variable is 1 you can now mine or salvage, else if 0 then you can find a new mining or salvaging spot by setting the Activate variable to 2.
5 = Returning to Launch Pad. This is not automatic, the rocket must be commanded to return by setting the Activate variable to 5.
6 = Returned to Launch Pad (Seemingly unused; you will see mode 0 instead).
7 = Out of Fuel in Space (Can still deconstruct the launch tower to get parts back?).

Maximum Integer Unknown
ImportCount Integer Unknown
Fuel Float The quantity of onboard fuel, in moles.
ExportCount Integer Unknown
CollectableGoods Boolean Whether the rocket can currently harvest ice, ore, or salvage. If 0, then the rocket must be moved to a new area by setting Mode to 2.
Setting Integer Unknown
ReturnFuelCost Integer The amount of fuel needed, in moles, for the rocket to safely return to the launch pad. The rocket does not actually consume this much fuel to return.
Ratio Float Unknown
PrefabHash Integer Unknown
Open Boolean Unknown. Possibly commands all silo modules to open or close.