
Mineral de Oro

From Unofficial Stationeers Wiki

Revision as of 14:32, 10 January 2018 by Dewasha (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Procesado == Gold Ore se puede fundir en Gold Ingots usando el Arc Furnace o el Furnace.")
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Gold Ore
Gold ore drop.jpg
Used With
Stacks 50x

Gold Ore (Unmined)
Gold ore.jpg
Requires Mining Drill
Placed with {{{placed_with_item}}}
Placed on {{{placed_on_grid}}}


Gold Ore se puede minar a lo largo de la superficie de la luna usando el Mining Drill.


Gold Ore se puede fundir en Gold Ingots usando el Arc Furnace o el Furnace.

Gold Ore can also be combined with equal amounts Silver Ore in the Furnace to create Electrum Ingot.