
Медная руда

From Unofficial Stationeers Wiki

Revision as of 07:42, 20 December 2017 by Snaksan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Описание == Copper Ore добывается на поверхности луны с помощью Mining Drill.")
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Медная руда
Copper ore dropped.jpg
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Медная руда (Недобытая)
Copper ore.jpg
Для добычи необходим Mining Drill
Placed with {{{placed_with_item}}}
Placed on {{{placed_on_grid}}}


Copper Ore добывается на поверхности луны с помощью Mining Drill.


Copper Ore can be turn into Copper Ingot using an Arc Furnace or Furnace. It can be turned into Copper Ingot by smelting it in the Furnace or Arc Furnace. Copper Ore can also be combined with equal amounts Nickel Ore in the Furnace to create Constantan Ingot.