
Pressurant Valve

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Pressurant Valve
Pressurant Valve.png
Power Usage 100W
Prefab Hash 23052817
Prefab Name StructurePressurantValve
Placed with Kit (Pressure Regulator)
Placed on Small Grid
Stage 1
Deconstructed with Hand Drill
Item received Kit (Pressure Regulator)


Pumps gas into a liquid pipe in order to raise the pressure
- Stationpedia

See also Purge Valve which does quasi the opposite.

Data Network Properties

These are all Data Network properties of this device.

Data Parameters

These are all parameters that can be written with a Logic Writer, Batch Writer, or Integrated Circuit (IC10), and can be read with a Logic Reader, Batch Reader, or Integrated Circuit (IC10).

Click here to see/hide all the data network properties
Parameter Name Data Type Access Value Description
Power Boolean
0 Unpowered Can be read to return if the Pressurant Valve is correctly powered or not, set via the power system, return 1 if powered and 0 if not
1 Powered
Error Boolean

1 if device is in error state, otherwise 0
1 Error
Lock Boolean
Read Write
0 Unlocked Disable manual operation of the Pressurant Valve.
1 Locked
Setting Integer
Read Write
0.0 to 60795.0 A variable setting that can be read or written.
Maximum Float
Maximum setting of the Pressurant Valve
Ratio Float
0.0 to 1.0 Context specific value depending on device, 0 to 1 based ratio
On Boolean
Read Write
0 Off The current state of the Pressurant Valve.
1 On
RequiredPower Integer
Idle operating power quantity, does not necessarily include extra demand power
PrefabHash Integer
The hash of the structure
ReferenceId Integer
Unique Reference Identifier for this object
NameHash Integer
Provides the hash value for the name of the object as a 32 bit integer.