
Ingot (Solder)

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Revision as of 00:28, 28 August 2022 by (talk) (Changed max temp to c)
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Ingot (Solder)
Stacks Yes (500g)
Created With Furnace
Cost 1:1 ratio of Iron and Lead
Item Hash -82508479


Ingot (Solder) is a metal alloy. It is used in crafting of various machines and items.

NOTE: Pressure and Temp requirements were changed in the December 2020 Blown Away update.


It is created by smelting equal parts Iron and Lead in a Furnace.

Remember smelting can be achieved using 2 Volatile and 1 Oxite

Note: The temperature for smelting solder is quite low. Allow the furnace to cool down below 550 K to smelt.

Items used in

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10g Battery Cell Nuclear
5g Tablet
3g Power Controller
2g Kit (Beacon)
2g Kit (Elevator)
8g Autolathe Printer Mod
4g Kit (Turbine Generator)
10g Mining Drill (Heavy)
2g Kit (IC Housing)
8g Tool Printer Mod