
Autolathe/Internal Memory

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Revision as of 06:08, 2 July 2024 by Artus (talk | contribs) (Internal Memory)
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These are all of the Autolathe Internal Memory descriptions in the game.

Internal Memory[edit]

These are all valid instructions, that can be written or read with IC10, on Autolathe's stack.

Op_code Name Description Valid Address Bits Bits Description
1 StackPointer Desc 63 0-7 Op_code
8-23 Index
24-63 Unused
2 ExecuteRecipe Desc 0-53 0-7 Op_code
8-15 Quantity
16-47 Prefab_hash
48-63 Unused
3 WaitUntilNextValid Desc 0-53 0-7 Op_code
8-63 Unused
4 JumpIfNextValid Desc 0-53 0-7 Op_code
8-23 Stack_Address
24-63 Unused
5 JumpToAddress Desc 0-53 0-7 Op_code
8-23 Stack_Address
24-63 Unused
6 DeviceSetLock Desc 0-53 0-7 Op_code
8-15 Lock_State
16-63 Unused
7 EjectReagent Desc 0-53 0-7 Op_code
8-39 Reagent_Hash
40-63 Unused
8 EjectAllReagents Desc 0-53 0-7 Op_code
8-63 Unused
9 MissingRecipeReagent Desc 54-62 0-7 Op_code
8-15 Quantity_Ceil
16-47 Reagent_Hash
48-63 Unused
Update 0.2.5025.22811 - Fri 02/07/2024 /Internal Memory