
Editing Air Conditioner

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| name = Air Conditioner
| name             = Air Conditioner
| image = [[File:Atmospherics front.jpg]]
| image           = [[File:Atmospherics front.jpg]]
| prefab_hash = -2087593337
| power_usage     = Up to 7000W based on temperature difference
| prefab_name = StructureAirConditioner
| placed_with_item = [[Kit (Atmospherics)]]
| power_usage = 10W + 340W when active
| placed_on_grid  = Small Grid
| placed_on_grid = Small Grid
| decon_with_tool1 = [[Hand Drill]]
| decon_with_tool1 = [[Hand Drill]]
| item_rec1        = [[Kit (Atmospherics)]]
| placed_with_item = [[Kit (Atmospherics)]]
| item_rec1 = [[Kit (Atmospherics)]]
| decon_with_tool2 = [[Wrench]]
| const_with_item1 = 2 x [[Kit (Pipe)]]
| decon_with_tool3 = [[Hand Drill]]
| const_with_tool2 = [[Screwdriver]]
| const_with_item2 = 2 x [[Cable Coil]]
An Air Conditioner is a powered Atmospheric processor used to lower and raise the temperature. [[Guide (Air Conditioning)]] provides additional information regarding the function, construction, and operation of an Air Conditioner.
Used to lower or raise the temperature of [[Gas]] in a [[Pipes|pipe]] network. It has a range of -270 through 999 Celsius for the temperature output. [[Guide (Air Conditioning)]] provides additional information regarding the function, construction, and operation of an Air Conditioner.
Once you have placed the Air Conditioner Unit in your desired location, there are 3 separate connections that will need to be made:
# '''Input''' - The starting gas that is desired to be cooled or heated
# '''Output''' - The exhausted gas after energy has been transferred to or from the [[Coolant]] in the waste pipe network
# '''Waste''' -  Connection where energy is transferred to the [[Coolant]] in the pipe network
The Air Conditioner will take the excess heat from the input gas and transfer it to the [[Coolant]] stored in the waste pipe network. Attached to the waste pipe network should be either [[Pipe Radiator|Pipe Radiators]] or [[Medium Radiator|Medium Radiators]] to either convect heat in a pressurized environment or radiate heat in a vacuum environment. Make the pipe network loop on back to the waste port after the radiators for slightly better efficiency.
==== Cooling on Hot Planets ====
Cooling down to room temperatures (<30°C) on hot planets can be challenging due to the significant temperature difference, which can lead to a decrease in efficiency.
For better cooling results, set up multiple air conditioners in a series. Each air conditioner cools the waste of the previous one, until the last unit expels heat into the environment. This prevents efficiency drops due to high temperature differences.
Use insulated pipes for the of the middle air conditioners for higher efficiency. As a rule, aim for one air conditioner per every 50°C difference in temperature. This keeps cooling effective on hot planets.
On planet Vulcan, consider using high pressure and/or volume for the last pipe network to store cold from the night for the day. An extra room that you can open at night will also help improve efficiency.
Ensuring the temperature of the [[coolant]] is higher than the temperature of the gas you are attempting to heat will allow the Air Conditioner Unit to heat the gas being run through the input port. Attaching a [[Pipe Heater]] is a quick method of raising the temperature of the coolant in the waste pipe network.
===Waste Pipe Network===
A connected gas [[Pipes|pipe]] network containing any desired [[Coolant]]. The Air Conditioner Unit will draw or expel heat from/to the coolant to adjust the input gas temperature to match the selected output temperature.
NOTE1: You must pressurize the waste pipe with a coolant gas before the unit will operate.
NOTE2: This image is also out of date. An active vent is no longer required. Two passive vents or two pipe cowls will work just fine for example, saving the 100 W of power an active vent uses and other strangeness with pressurizing the intake side of the pipe.
[[File:Coolant Example.png|frameless|Example A/C Setup]]
* It has a manual power switch.
* It can raise or lower gas temperature within a range from -99 to 99 Celsius.
* It has a door on the face of the unit that hides an IC chip slot and the two pins to connect two devices, via logic on the chip.
* It consumes 5W of [[Power]] per [[Tick]] when idle.
* It consumes 10W of [[Power]] per [[Tick]] when idle.
* It consumes a maximum of 7kW of [[Power]] per [[Tick]] when active.
* It consumes 350W of [[Power]] per [[Tick]] when active.
* Basically, both speed and true efficiency is best at small temperature differences. For large temperature differences, more aircon units need to be put in series.
* It has a separate [[Power Port]] and [[Data Port]].
* It has a separate [[Power Port]] and [[Data Port]].
* It has a touchpad that provides manual temperature control.
* It has a touchpad that provides manual temperature control.
* It has a pipe port (labelled "Input") for the gases that '''will be''' heated or cooled to the designated temperature.
* It has a pipe input for the gases that '''will be''' heated or cooled to the designated temperature.
* It has a pipe port (labelled "Output") for the gases that '''have been''' heated or cooled to the designated temperature.
* It has a pipe output for the gases that '''have been''' heated or cooled to the designated temperature.
* It has a pipe port (labelled "Waste") for gases to or from which heat will be transferred to raise or lower the input gases' temperature.
* It has a waste pipe input/output for gases to or from which heat will be transferred to raise or lower the input gases' temperature.
* Performance drops significantly if the temperature difference becomes too great. Chaining multiple systems, where each aircon cooling/heating the waste pipe of the previous, seems the best way to reach large temperature differences.
* If the waste pipe network is below 100kpa, input gases will be diverted to the waste pipe network to raise its pressure.
* Efficiency changes the effective cooling or heating speed. If it is due to decreasing the volume per tick or J per tick, I do not know.
Efficiency is lost if:
* you want to cool and the waste temp is higher than the input temp (and vice versa)
* Input temperature is outside optimal working temperature from -50 to 100 C.
* input temperature at 400°C ~ 33% efficency
* input temperature at 600°C ~ 10% efficency
* input temperature at 1000°C ~ 0% efficiency
* Efficiency drop due to temperature difference between input and waste is not linear. From 0 difference, efficiency ramps down, after goes straight, and finally levels around T diff ~= 100 (asymptote?) reaching 0% efficiency beyond. Treating it linear anyway, roughly speaking, the efficiency drops 1% per unit temperature difference.
* Efficiency drop due to temperature difference can be negative (>100%), if heat flow is in the working direction, but is low.
NOTE: The information below was left in, in case its still useful. It may not apply to the AC unit in its current form, due to changes in the AC unit. Will require further testing.
** The formula used appears to be: n x T x R = 10123
*** n = the number of moles of gas processed
*** T = input pipe temperature
*** R = 8.3144
* Once the amount of processed gas is known, the output temperature can be calculated
** T2 = T1 - 6000 / (n x H)
*** T2 = output processed gas temperature
*** T1 = input pipe temperature
*** n = number of moles of processed gas, see above
*** H = heat capacity of the gas in J/(mol x K), i.e. for CO2 it's 28.2 J/mol*K
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{{Data Network Header}}
{{Data Network Header}}
{{Data Parameters|
{{Data Parameters}}
{{Data Parameters/row|Power|Boolean|w=0|Can be read to return if the Air Conditioner is correctly powered or not, set via the power system, return 1 if powered and 0 if not|multiple=2|0|Unpowered|1|Powered}}
{{Data Parameters/row|Open|Integer|Returns whether the Air Conditioner's IC Slot cover is open or closed.|multiple=2|0|Closed|1|Open}}
{| class="wikitable"
{{Data Parameters/row|Mode|Integer|The mode of the Air Conditioner.|multiple=2|0|Idle|1|Active}}
{{Data Parameters/row|Error|Boolean|w=0|1 if device is in error state, otherwise 0|multiple=2|0|<p></p>|1|Error}}
! Parameter Name !! Data Type !! Description
{{Data Parameters/row|Lock|Boolean|Disable manual operation of the Air Conditioner.|multiple=2|0|Unlocked|1|Locked}}
{{Data Parameters/row|Setting|Integer|Target temperature setpoint in kelvin (K).}}
| Open || Boolean || Activates the Air Conditioner when set to 1. Idles it when set to 0.
{{Data Parameters/row|Maximum|Float|w=0|Maximum temperature in kelvin (K)}}
{{Data Parameters/row|Ratio|Float|w=0|Context specific value depending on device, 0 to 1 based ratio|0.0 to 1.0}}
| Mode || Integer || (Unknown) (Judging by the "Mode" output, it accepts values in the range 0-2.)
{{Data Parameters/row|On|Boolean|The current state of the Air Conditioner.|multiple=2|0|Off|1|On}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RequiredPower|Integer|w=0|Idle operating power quantity, does not necessarily include extra demand power}}
| Lock || Boolean || Locks the Air Conditioner when set to 1. Unlocks it when set to 0.
{{Data Parameters/row|PrefabHash|Integer|w=0|The hash of the structure}}
{{Data Parameters/row|PressureInput|Float|w=0|The current pressure reading of the Air Conditioner's input}}
| On || Boolean || Powers on the Air Conditioner on when set to 1. Powers off when set to 0.
{{Data Parameters/row|TemperatureInput|Float|w=0|The current temperature reading of the Air Conditioner's input}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioOxygenInput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Oxygen]] in Air Conditioner's input|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioCarbonDioxideInput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Carbon Dioxide]] in Air Conditioner's input|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Outputs}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioNitrogenInput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Nitrogen]] in Air Conditioner's input|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioPollutantInput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Pollutant]] in Air Conditioner's input|0.0 to 1.0}}
{| class="wikitable"
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioVolatilesInput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Volatiles]] in Air Conditioner's input|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioWaterInput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Water]] in Air Conditioner's input|0.0 to 1.0}}
! Output Name !! Data Type !! Description
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioNitrousOxideInput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Nitrous Oxide]] in Air Conditioner's input|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|TotalMolesInput|Float|w=0|Returns the total moles of the Air Conditioner's input}}
| Power || Boolean || Returns whether the Air Conditioner is turned on and receives power. (0 for no, 1 for yes)
{{Data Parameters/row|PressureOutput|Float|w=0|The current pressure reading of the Air Conditioner's output}}
{{Data Parameters/row|TemperatureOutput|Float|w=0|The current temperature reading of the Air Conditioner's output}}
| Open || Boolean || Returns whether the Air Conditioner is active or idle. (0 for no, 1 for yes)
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioOxygenOutput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Oxygen]] in Air Conditioner's output|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioCarbonDioxideOutput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Carbon Dioxide]] in Air Conditioner's output|0.0 to 1.0}}
| Mode || Integer || (Unknown) (Returns output in the range 0-2, equivalent to the input of the "Mode" parameter.)
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioNitrogenOutput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Nitrogen]] in Air Conditioner's output|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioPollutantOutput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Pollutant]] in Air Conditioner's output|0.0 to 1.0}}
| Error || Boolean || Returns whether the Air Conditioner is flashing an error. (0 for no, 1 for yes)
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioVolatilesOutput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Volatiles]] in Air Conditioner's output|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioWaterOutput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Water]] in Air Conditioner's output|0.0 to 1.0}}
| Lock || Boolean || Returns whether the Air Conditioner is locked. (0 for no, 1 for yes)
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioNitrousOxideOutput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Nitrous Oxide]] in Air Conditioner's output|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|TotalMolesOutput|Float|w=0|Returns the total moles of the Air Conditioner's output}}
| On || Boolean || Returns whether the Air Conditioner is turned on. (0 for no, 1 for yes)
{{Data Parameters/row|PressureOutput2|Float|w=0|The current pressure reading of the Air Conditioner's waste output}}
{{Data Parameters/row|TemperatureOutput2|Float|w=0|The current temperature reading of the Air Conditioner's waste output}}
| RequiredPower || Integer || Returns the current amount of power in Watts required by the Air Conditioner.
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioOxygenOutput2|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Oxygen]] in Air Conditioner's waste output|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioCarbonDioxideOutput2|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Carbon Dioxide]] in Air Conditioner's waste output|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioNitrogenOutput2|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Nitrogen]] in Air Conditioner's waste output|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioPollutantOutput2|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Pollutant]] in Air Conditioner's waste output|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioVolatilesOutput2|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Volatiles]] in Air Conditioner's waste output|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioWaterOutput2|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Water]] in Air Conditioner's waste output|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioNitrousOxideOutput2|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Nitrous Oxide]] in Air Conditioner's waste output|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|TotalMolesOutput2|Integer|w=0|Returns the total moles of the Air Conditioner's waste output}}
{{Data Parameters/row|CombustionInput|Boolean|w=0|Assess if the atmosphere is on fire. Returns 1 if Air Conditioner's input is on fire, 0 if not.|0 or 1}}
{{Data Parameters/row|CombustionOutput|Boolean|w=0|Assess if the atmosphere is on fire. Returns 1 if Air Conditioner's output is on fire, 0 if not.|0 or 1}}
{{Data Parameters/row|CombustionOutput2|Boolean|w=0|Assess if the atmosphere is on fire. Returns 1 if Air Conditioner's waste output is on fire, 0 if not.|0 or 1}}
{{Data Parameters/row|OperationalTemperatureEfficiency|Float|w=0|How the input pipe's temperature effects the machines efficiency}}
{{Data Parameters/row|TemperatureDifferentialEfficiency|Float|w=0|How the difference between the input pipe and waste pipe temperatures effect the machines efficiency}}
{{Data Parameters/row|PressureEfficiency|Float|w=0|How the pressure of the input pipe and waste pipe effect the machines efficiency}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioLiquidNitrogenInput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Nitrogen#Liquid|Liquid Nitrogen]] in Air Conditioner's input|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioLiquidNitrogenOutput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Nitrogen#Liquid|Liquid Nitrogen]] in Air Conditioner's output|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioLiquidNitrogenOutput2|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Nitrogen#Liquid|Liquid Nitrogen]] in Air Conditioner's waste output|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioLiquidOxygenInput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Oxygen#Liquid|Liquid Oxygen]] in Air Conditioner's input|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioLiquidOxygenOutput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Oxygen#Liquid|Liquid Oxygen]] in Air Conditioner's output|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioLiquidOxygenOutput2|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Oxygen#Liquid|Liquid Oxygen]] in Air Conditioner's waste output|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioLiquidVolatilesInput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Volatiles#Liquid|Liquid Volatiles]] in Air Conditioner's input|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioLiquidVolatilesOutput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Volatiles#Liquid|Liquid Volatiles]] in Air Conditioner's output|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioLiquidVolatilesOutput2|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Volatiles#Liquid|Liquid Volatiles]] in Air Conditioner's waste output|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioSteamInput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Steam]] in Air Conditioner's input|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioSteamOutput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Steam]] in Air Conditioner's output|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioSteamOutput2|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Steam]] in Air Conditioner's waste output|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioLiquidCarbonDioxideInput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Carbon Dioxide#Liquid|Liquid Carbon Dioxide]] in Air Conditioner's input|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioLiquidCarbonDioxideOutput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Carbon Dioxide#Liquid|Liquid Carbon Dioxide]] in Air Conditioner's output|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioLiquidCarbonDioxideOutput2|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Carbon Dioxide#Liquid|Liquid Carbon Dioxide]] in Air Conditioner's waste output|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioLiquidPollutantInput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Pollutant#Liquid|Liquid Pollutant]] in Air Conditioner's input|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioLiquidPollutantOutput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Pollutant#Liquid|Liquid Pollutant]] in Air Conditioner's output|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioLiquidPollutantOutput2|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Pollutant#Liquid|Liquid Pollutant]] in Air Conditioner's waste output|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioLiquidNitrousOxideInput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Nitrous Oxide#Liquid|Liquid Nitrous Oxide]] in Air Conditioner's input|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioLiquidNitrousOxideOutput|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Nitrous Oxide#Liquid|Liquid Nitrous Oxide]] in Air Conditioner's output|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|RatioLiquidNitrousOxideOutput2|Float|w=0|The ratio of [[Nitrous Oxide#Liquid|Liquid Nitrous Oxide]] in Air Conditioner's waste output|0.0 to 1.0}}
{{Data Parameters/row|ReferenceId|Integer|w=0|Unique Reference Identifier for this object}}
{{Data Parameters/row|NameHash|Integer|w=0|Provides the hash value for the name of the object as a 32 bit integer.}}
==See Also==
==See Also==
* [[Guide (Air Conditioner)]]
* [[Guide (Air Conditioning)]]
* [[Kit (Atmospherics)]]
* [[Kit (Portable Air Conditioner)]]
* [[Kit (Portable Air Conditioner) Portable Air Conditioner|Portable Air Conditioner]]
* [[Kit (Radiator)]]
* [[Kit (Radiator) Radiator|Radiator]]
* [[Kit (Wall Cooler)]]
* [[Kit (Wall Cooler)|Wall Cooler]]
* [[Kit (Wall Heater)]]
* [[Kit (Wall Heater)|Wall Heater]]
* [ Stationeers Experiment - Air Conditioner]

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