
Pumped Liquid Engine/Data Network

From Unofficial Stationeers Wiki

Input Data (Write)[edit]

Parameter Name Data Type Value Description
On Boolean 0 Turns the device off.
1 Turns the device on.
Setting  ??? A variable setting that can be read or written, depending on the device.
Throttle  ??? Increases the rate at which the machine workes (range: 0-100)
Update 0.2.4726.21691 - 19/01/2024 /Data_Network

Output Data (Read)[edit]

Parameter Name Data Type Value Description
Power Boolean Can be read to return if the device is correctly powered or not, set cia the power system, return 1 if powered and 0 if not.
Error Boolean 1 if device is in error state, otherwise 0.
Pressure  ??? The current pressure reading of the device.
Temperature  ??? The current temperature reading of the device.
Setting  ??? A variable setting that can be read or written, depending on the device.
RatioOxygen  ??? The ratio of Oxygen in device atmosphere.
RatioCarbonDioxide  ??? The ratio of Carbon Dioxide in device atmosphere.
RatioNitrogen  ??? The ratio of Nitrogen in device atmosphere.
RatioPollutant  ??? The ratio of Pollutant in device atmosphere.
RatioVolatiles  ??? The ratio of Volatiles in device atmosphere.
RatioVolatiles  ??? The ratio of water in device atmosphere.
Maximum  ??? Maximum setting of the device.
Ratio  ??? Context specific value depending on device, 0 to 1 based ratio.
Ratio Boolean The current state of the device, 0 for off, 1 for on.
RequiredPower  ??? Idle operating power quantity, does not nevessarily include extra demand power.
TotalMoles  ??? Returns the total moles of the device.
RatioNitrousOxide  ??? The ratio of Nitrous Oxide in device atmosphere.
PrefabHash  ??? The hash of the structure.
Combustion Boolean The assess atmosphere is on fire. Returns 1 if atmosphere is on fire, 0 if not.
Throttle  ??? Increases the rate at which the machie works (range: 0-100)
ReferenceId  ??? Unique Reference Identifier for this object.
PassedMoles  ??? The number of moles that passed through this device on the previous simulation tick.
Update 0.2.4726.21691 - 19/01/2024 /Data_Network