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Revision as of 20:20, 13 August 2022 by MCZarin (talk | contribs) (Some test data)
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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Sandbox/MCZarin/ItemData/doc

-- Stationeers Version : 0.2.3545.17252

return {
    items = {
        ['ItemKitAutolathe'] = {
            ['prefabHash'] = -1753893214,
            ['maxQuantity'] = 1,
            ['paintableMaterial'] = false,
            ['shatterTemperature'] = 1,
            ['flashpointTemperature'] = 373.15,
            ['autoignitionTemperature'] = 573.15,
            ['translation'] = {
                ['english'] = {
                    ['name'] = 'Kit (Autolathe)',
                    ['description'] = ''
        ['ItemCableCoil'] = {
            ['prefabHash'] = -466050668,
            ['maxQuantity'] = 50,
            ['paintableMaterial'] = true,
            ['shatterTemperature'] = 1,
            ['flashpointTemperature'] = 413.15,
            ['autoignitionTemperature'] = 523.15,
            ['translation'] = {
                ['english'] = {
                    ['name'] = 'Cable Coil',
                    ['description'] = 'Bodily metaphors are tired and humancentric, but it was Frida Stuppen, the first {LINK:ODA;ODA} Administrator, who said, \'Let the cabling be as the nerve and the vessel, transmitting power and data alike through systems we forge among the stars.\' Later commentators suggested that she was simply putting a romantic gloss on a piece of dubious economy. Whatever the case, standard cabling is where any {LINK:Stationeers;Stationeer\'s} network begins. \nNormal coil has a maximum wattage of 5kW. For higher-current applications, use {THING:ItemCableCoilHeavy}.'