

Difference between pages "Template:Itembox" and "Template:Itembox/sandbox"

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| name = Itembox
| name = Itembox
| title = {{{name|}}}
| title = {{{name|}}}
| image =  {{{image|}}}
| image =  {{{image|}}}
| header19 = {{ #if: {{{stacks|}}}{{{autoignition|}}}{{{flashpoint|}}}{{{paintable|}}} | Properties <!--
| label2 = Stacks
-->{{Infobox | decat = yes | child = yes
| data2 = {{#if: {{{stacks|}}} |
    | label1 = Stacks
    | data1 = {{#if: {{{stacks|}}} |
  {{#expr: {{{stacks|}}}+1 }}
  | {{{stacks|}}} |
        {{#expr: {{{stacks|}}}+1 }}
  {{#ifexpr: {{{stacks|}}} = 1 | No | Yes ({{{stacks|}}}) }}
        | {{{stacks|}}} |
        {{#ifexpr: {{{stacks|}}} = 1 | No | Yes ({{{stacks|}}}) }}
| label4 = Paintable
| data4 = {{{paintable|}}}
| label6 = Constructing Options
    | label2 = Paintable
| data6 = {{{constructs|}}}
    | data2 = {{{paintable|}}}
| header60 = {{ #if: {{{createdwith|}}} | Recipe}}
    | label3 = Autoignition
| label62 = Created With
    | data3 = {{{autoignition|}}}
| data62 = {{{createdwith|}}}
    | label4 = Flashpoint
| label64 = Cost
    | data4 = {{{flashpoint|}}}
| data64 = {{{cost|}}}
<!-- New recipe style -->
| header65 = {{ #if: {{{recipe_machine1|}}} | Recipes}}
| label6 = Constructing Options
| label67 = [[{{{recipe_machine1|}}}]]
| data6 = {{{constructs|}}}
| data67 = {{{recipe_cost1|}}}
| label7 = Used With
| label70 = [[{{{recipe_machine2|}}}]]
| data7 = {{{usedwith|}}}
| data70 = {{{recipe_cost2|}}}
| label8 = Max Input Power
| label72 = [[{{{recipe_machine3|}}}]]
| data8 = {{{maxinpower|}}}
| data72 = {{{recipe_cost3|}}}
| label9 = Max Output Power
| data9 = {{{maxoutpower|}}}
| label30 = Used With
| label10 = Max Pressure
| data30 = {{{usedwith|}}}
| data10 = {{{maxpressure|}}}
| label32 = Max Input Power
| label11 = Pressure Range
| data32 = {{{maxinpower|}}}
| data11 = {{{pressurerange|}}}
| label34 = Max Output Power
| label12 = Max Temperature
| data34 = {{{maxoutpower|}}}
| data12 = {{{maxtemp|}}}
| label36 = Max Pressure
| label13 = Temperature Range
| data36 = {{{maxpressure|}}}
| data13 = {{{temprange|}}}
| label37 = Pressure Range
| label14 = Volume
| data37 = {{{pressurerange|}}}
| data14 = {{{volume|}}}
| label38 = Max Temperature
| header20 = {{ #if: {{{createdwith|}}} | Recipe <!-- Old recipe style
| data38 = {{{maxtemp|}}}
-->{{Infobox | decat = yes | child = yes
| label39 = Temperature Range
    | label1 = Created With
| data39 = {{{temprange|}}}
    | data1 = {{{createdwith|}}}
| label47 = Logic Parameters
    | label2 = Cost
| data47 = {{{logic|}}}
    | data2 = {{{cost|}}}
| label42 = Volume
| data42 = {{{volume|}}}
| label44 = Prefab Hash
| header21 = {{ #if: {{{recipe_machine1|}}} | Recipes <!-- New recipe style
| data44 = {{#if: {{{prefabhash|}}} | <span style="font-family: monospace;">{{{prefabhash|}}}</span> | {{#if: {{{hashid|}}}| <span style="font-family: monospace;">{{{hashid|}}}</span> }}}}
-->{{Infobox | decat = yes | child = yes
| label45 = Prefab Name
    | label1 = [[{{{recipe_machine1|}}}]]
| data45 = {{#if: {{{prefabname|}}} | <span style="font-family: monospace;">{{{prefabname|}}}</span>}}
    | data1 = {{{recipe_cost1|}}}
| label46 = Logic Classes
    | label4 = [[{{{recipe_machine2|}}}]]
| data46 = {{#if: {{{slot_class|}}}| <div style="font-family: monospace;">{{{slot_class|}}}</div> }}{{#if: {{{sorting_class|}}}|<div style="font-family: monospace;">{{{sorting_class|}}}</div> }}
    | data4 = {{{recipe_cost2|}}}
| header50 = {{ #if: {{{nutrition|}}}{{{quality|}}}{{{growthtime|}}}{{{moodbonus|}}} | Food }}
    | label6 = [[{{{recipe_machine3|}}}]]
| label51 = Food Nutrition
    | data6 = {{{recipe_cost3|}}}
| data51 = {{{nutrition|}}}
| label52 = Food Quality
| data52 = {{{quality|}}}
| header22 = {{ #if: {{{logic|}}}{{{prefabhash|}}}{{{prefabname|}}}{{{slot_class|}}}{{{sorting_class|}}}{{{hashid|}}} | Logic <!--
| label53 = Growth Time
-->{{Infobox | decat = yes | child = yes
| data53 = {{{growthtime|}}}
    | label1 = Item Hash
| label54 = Mood Bonus
    | data1 = {{#if: {{{prefabhash|}}} | <span style="font-family: monospace;">{{{prefabhash|}}}</span> | {{#if: {{{hashid|}}}| <span style="font-family: monospace;">{{{hashid|}}}</span> }} }}
| data54 = {{{moodbonus|}}}
    | label2 = Item Name
}}<includeonly>[[Category:Items]]{{ #if: {{{nutrition|}}}{{{quality|}}}{{{moodbonus|}}} | [[Category:Food]] }}</includeonly>
    | data2 = {{#if: {{{prefabname|}}} | <span style="font-family: monospace;">{{{prefabname|}}}</span>}}
    | label3 = Logic Classes
    | data3 = {{#if: {{{slot_class|}}}| <div style="font-family: monospace;">{{{slot_class|}}}</div> }}{{#if: {{{sorting_class|}}}|<div style="font-family: monospace;">{{{sorting_class|}}}</div> }}
    | label4 = Logic Parameters
    | data4 = {{{logic|}}}
| header23 = {{ #if: {{{nutrition|}}}{{{quality|}}}{{{growthtime|}}}{{{moodbonus|}}} | Food <!--
-->{{Infobox | decat = yes | child = yes
    | label1 = Food Nutrition
    | data1 = {{{nutrition|}}}
    | label2 = Food Quality
    | data2 = {{{quality|}}}
    | label3 = Growth Time
    | data3 = {{{growthtime|}}}
    | label4 = Mood Bonus
    | data4 = {{{moodbonus|}}}
}} [[Category:Items]] {{ #if: {{{nutrition|}}}{{{quality|}}}{{{moodbonus|}}} | [[Category:Food]] }} {{ #if: {{{constructs|}}} | [[Category:Kits]] }} {{ #if: {{{createdwith|}}}{{{cost|}}} | [[Category:Itembox with old style recipe]] }} {{ #if: {{{prefabhash|}}}{{{hashid|}}} | | [[Category:Infobox without prefab data]] }} {{ #if: {{{prefabname|}}} | | [[Category:Infobox without prefab data]] }} {{ #if: {{{slot_class|}}}{{{sorting_class|}}} | | [[Category:Itembox without logic classes]] }} {{#ifeq: {{{slot_class}}}|SlotClass.Tool|[[Category:Tools]]|}} </includeonly>