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 h English (en)==== Version 0.1.1062.5426 ====
* Fixed bug with Area Power Controller using increasing amounts of power when operating off battery. Caused batteries to drain completely very fast.
* Fixed Logic Compare NotEquals always reporting false. Was not implemented, so always returning 0. Now returns 1 if values are not approximately equal (within float variant).
* Fixed Reconnecting players spawning inside of grids. Now players position is reset client side if there has been a delay taking control.
* Fixed OnThreadUpdate not running on dedicated servers. Dedicated servers should now work correctly with Daylight Sensors
* Added text display to slots for Circuitboards, Motherboards, and Cartridges as a temporary solution so you know what they are instead of needing to drop them.
* Reduced the cost of steel frames and sheets. Players using steel as a construction material will be rewarded by not needing to use as many resources.
* Fixed issue where players would put open gas canisters into portable tanks, welders, etc..., and the canisters would leak all the air out. Now when a gas canister is inserted into something, it will be automatically closed.
* Added recycler recipe to autolathe and fabricator.
* Fixed glass recipe on fabricator to match that of autolathe
* Fixed suit atmospherics will continue to use a gas canister when it is open. Now the suit will close tanks when using atmospheres, to avoid putting gas into waste tanks when they are open.
* Added Recycler. Made from Kit (Recycler). Put things into this and receive resources back. Resources come out as generic reagent mixes, and will usually need to be placed into the Centrifuge to separate out into component ores for smelting. Also useful for turning ingots into ore again.
* Changed Reagent mixtures from floats to double, to avoid floating point issues.
* Draggable items now require you to be closer then 3 meters to interact with
* Fixed bug where power usage for circuits reset to defaults.
* Fixed signs not dropping kits on deconstruct, and large sign now uses 2 kits.
* Fixed items spawned from stackers not saving.
* Fixed floating point errors for reagents causing ratio issues with furnace. This meant that despite looking like you had the ratios, it was possible to not produce anything.
* Added small screws to Logic Memory. Large screws provide increments of 100 (10 if holding ALT). Small screws provide increments of 1 (0.1 if holding ALT).
* Fixed Power Controller abnormal behavior. They were discharging one tick, and then recharging the next. Now they will follow a steady state. Also, power controllers without a battery will act as a passthrough if there is any power available in the upstream network.
* added LogicSwitch recipe to fabricator
* Fixed stuck in loading screen when failed to join server on steam client. 
* Adjusted logic unit models so they will be hidden when a wall is placed over them. Cleaned up corrupted geometry on sides and back of model.
* Fixed furnace arrows rotating weirdly. Furnace pressure arrow should no longer rotate out of the furnace.
* Fixed asteroids not being rendered on load making them very hard to find. Space now renders all chunks on load.
* Fixed players lungs were heating up to fast due to increased oxygen requirements. Now energy released due to heat is not scaled based on oxygen usage of the entity. This fixes players overheating very fast when suit air conditioning is turned off.
* Fixed more circumstances of welders exploding, and players thermodynamics not making sense. Now solar heating is a seperate value. When suit AC is turned off, players suit will get hotter in the sun, and cooler in the shade (due to radiation of heat). Welders will still not heat up in the sun, but will allow quite a lot of heat convection/radiation. This means that they will radiate any excess heat away over time. But it does mean if doing lots of welding in a hot environment, you need to make sure the welder tank does not overpressurize.
* Fixed batteries requesting more power than they can store. Batteries will now request up to their maximum power delta (difference between their storage capacity, and their current power stored). This means they will stop requesting power when they are full. Batteries will take and provide up to their maximum power delta in on tick, however, so use transformers to regulate this or you will blow wires.
* Updated Ore Coal material with new textures
* Fixed gas mask would retain its atmosphere when not worn. It could heat up and cause huge issues with atmosphere around it. Now when you are not wearing it, it will share its contents with the atmosphere so that this can't happen.
* Fixed, in almost all cases, the sun casting light through terrain. Sun light and flare fade out as it hits the horizon on planets. Not changed in space.
* Fixed issue with PlayerCharacters occasionally dropping through ground when loading a large world
* Fixed transformers would always try to meet the entire demand of their child networks. This mean that they would overuse power. Now they will work together to meet a child networks power requirements.
* Fixed transformers would not work unless their entire power requirement was met (which was usually the entire network load). Now they will flow through even part of their power requirement. They will be considered powered if they meet the network requirement, even if they don't meet their own setting. This means you only need to set the maximum requirement on a transformer, and not the exact amount.
* Fixed Batteries (and other power storage) would not evenly charge. Now two (or more) batteries will split the charge available between them. Previously a bug meant that many devices would request infinite amounts of power during a power tick, forcing the use of transformers. Now if you place two batteries off a single solid generator, 10kW per battery will be applied. Previously the first battery would take all 20kW.
* Added Required power info to the Network Analyser. This value is how much the network wants, versus potential which is how much it can provide, and actual which is how much it is providing. Helps with debugging power networks.
* Fixed solar panels giving tiny amounts of power when they should not. This was due to floating point errors.
* Fixed linux dedicated server fails to start when Blocked.txt doesn't exist.
* Fixed broken dedicated server on linux. It couldn't load world data.
* Fixed rooms not loading back in after save. This resulted in atmospheric loss, and zero gravity (in space) in places that were previously rooms.
* Added flare recipe to the tool manufactory.