
Logic Sorter

From Unofficial Stationeers Wiki

Revision as of 03:44, 20 May 2024 by Emilgardis (talk | contribs) (add Distinguish)
Logic Sorter
Power Usage 5W
Prefab Hash 873418029
Prefab Name StructureLogicSorter
Placed with Kit (Sorter)
Placed on Small Grid
Stage 1
Deconstructed with Hand Drill
Item received Kit (Sorter)


Contains an Internal Memory which is assessed to check whether something should be sorted. When an item is in the Import slot Slot, the stack is checked and if result is true the thing is moved to the Export2 slot slot, otherwise it is moved to the Export slot slot. The Mode is used in how the stack is assessed, by default the mode is ALL, so every instruction in the stack would need to return true.
- Stationpedia
  • This section is still a work in progress.

Logic sorter is similar in almost every way to the previous sorter but has a internal memory, a.k.a stack, that can be accessed with logic and bit shifting to sort items passing through. When an item enters the import slot, its checked against the stack and if the result is true, moves the item to the export 2 slot, otherwise its moved to the export slot. The mode is how the stack is assessed. If mode is set to "ALL", every instruction in the stack would need to return as true.

Logic Parameters

Check the in game Stationpedia [F1 on your keyboard] for formatting and instruction sizes to determine how to construct the stack information.

Sorter Instruction OP Code Description
FilterPrefabHashEquals 1 Compares Hash of item in import slot to the set hash and returns true if equal.
FilterPrefabHashNotEquals 2 Compares Hash of item in import slot to the set hash and returns true if not equal.
FilterSortingClassCompare 3 Compares the sorting class of an object in input slot. Example would be all ores.
FilterSlotTypeCompare 4 Compares the item type of an object in the input slot. See slot type table below for item comparisons.
FilterQuantityCompare 5 Compares the stack size of the items in the import slot.
LimitNextExecutionCount 6 Ensures the next executable instruction will only return true a specified number of times. Each time it returns true, it decrements by one.

Data Network Properties

These are all Data Network properties of this device.

Data Parameters

These are all parameters that can be written with a Logic Writer, Batch Writer, or Integrated Circuit (IC10), and can be read with a Logic Reader, Batch Reader, or Integrated Circuit (IC10).

Click here to see/hide all the data network properties
Parameter Name Data Type Access Value Description
Power Boolean
0 Unpowered Can be read to return if the Logic Sorter is correctly powered or not, set via the power system, return 1 if powered and 0 if not
1 Powered
Mode Integer
Read Write
0 All The mode of the Logic Sorter.
1 Any
2 None
Error Boolean

1 if device is in error state, otherwise 0
1 Error
Lock Boolean
Read Write
0 Unlocked Disable manual operation of the Logic Sorter.
1 Locked
On Boolean
Read Write
0 Off The current state of the Logic Sorter.
1 On
RequiredPower Integer
Idle operating power quantity, does not necessarily include extra demand power
ClearMemory Integer
When set to 1, clears the counter memory (e.g. ExportCount). Will set itself back to 0 when actioned
ExportCount Integer
How many items exported since last ClearMemory
ImportCount Integer
How many items imported since last ClearMemory
PrefabHash Integer
The hash of the structure
ReferenceId Integer
Unique Reference Identifier for this object
NameHash Integer
Provides the hash value for the name of the object as a 32 bit integer.

Data Slots

These are all parameters, that can be read with a Slots Reader. The outputs are listed in the order a Slots Reader's "VAR" setting cycles through them.

Number Name Description
0 Import Import slot.
1 Export (reject) Export slot.
2 Export (accept) Export slot.
3 Data Disk Diskslot
Name Data Type Description
MaxQuantity Integer Returns maximum stacksize.
Damage Integer Item durability in percent.
Class Integer Item class ID for slot type comparison.
SortingClass Integer Class group of items.
Quantity Integer Size of stack.
PrefabHash Integer Returns ItemHash of item in slot.
Occupied Boolean Returns whether the slot occupied. (0 for no, 1 for yes).
OccupantHash Integer Returns ItemHash of item in slot.

Item Slot Classes / Types

Reading the class attribute of the input slot will give one of the following values:

Note that you can use
directly in IC code instead of the numeric value
  • NOTE The classes listed in this section are FilterSlotTypeCompare and NOT sorting class. eg: SortingClass.Ores vs SlotClass.Ore
Item values and descriptions
Item Value Description Item Value Description Item Value Description
None 0 Helmet 1 Suit 2
Back 3 GasFilter 4 GasCanister 5
Motherboard 6 Circuitboard 7 DataDisk 8
Organ 9 Ore 10 Includes reagent mixes from recycler and ices Plant 11
Uniform 12 Entity 13 Battery 14
Egg 15 Belt 16 Tool 17
Appliance 18 Ingot 19 Torpedo 20
Cartridge 21 AccessCard 22 Magazine 23
Circuit 24 Bottle 25 ProgrammableChip 26
Glasses 27 CreditCard 28 DirtCanister 29
SensorProcessingUnit 30 LiquidCanister 31 LiquidBottle 32
Wreckage 33 SoundCartridge 34 DrillHead 35
ScanningHead 36 Flare 37 Blocked 38
SuitMod 39