
Fridge (Large)

From Unofficial Stationeers Wiki

Fridge (Large)
Stacks No
Max Input Power 250w
Created With Electronics Printer
Cost 20g Iron, 5g Gold, 5g Copper, 15g Steel


Food Items spoil significantly slower. When the fridge is powered and the doors are closed, food inside can last up to 4x longer than normal without perishing. The fridge will then fill with N2 and cool itself to -131C. If you open the doors and turn fridge off, the internal nitrogen will escape into the atmosphere, and the food will begin to perish at a normal rate until the doors are closed again. The doors will beep if you leave them open too long. It has 15 slots in which you can store food and store other items just as a regular locker. (Does NOT work in a vacuum)