
Bug List

From Unofficial Stationeers Wiki

  • Printer lists have weird gaps, overlapping texts sometimes when searching for items.
  • Network Messages
    • Host waves, but clients do not see wave. clients can wave to host. throws error "cannot send message, only clients can send message."
    • Clients updating advanced air lock chip pressures, the pressures on the dipslay update for the host immediately.
      • Client sees update once assigned devices are changed.
    • Computer + Sorter motherboard to set whitelist, get this error : "Messages should only be processed on the server. Message : (Assets.Scripts.Networking.SorterFilterMessage) Assets.Scripts.Networking.SorterFilterMEssage
    • Host and client both see ingots in a stacker as x1. But, items such as solar panels in stackers show as correct.
  • text on tablet is no longer lined up, overlapping like the size or font changed.
  • Thrown when a client splits stack on something in a bottom row of a back pack:

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index

 at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].get_Item (System.Int32 index) [0x00009] in <7b935204f5ff4bcab44b3b0ebca330bf>:0 
 at Assets.Scripts.Networking.InteractionMessage.Process () [0x00037] in <39374a2742c348ada627094b2c3f3664>:0 
 at NetworkBase.DeserializeReceivedData (Assets.Scripts.Networking.RocketBinaryReader reader) [0x000d8] in <39374a2742c348ada627094b2c3f3664>:0 
 at Assets.Scripts.Networking.NetworkManager.HandleGeneralTraffic (System.Int32 incReceivedSize) [0x0004c] in <39374a2742c348ada627094b2c3f3664>:0 
 at Assets.Scripts.Networking.NetworkManager.HandleDataEvent (System.Int32 incChannelId, System.Int32 incReceivedSize) [0x0004a] in <39374a2742c348ada627094b2c3f3664>:0 
 at Assets.Scripts.Networking.NetworkManager.ReceiveEvents () [0x0005d] in <39374a2742c348ada627094b2c3f3664>:0 
 at Assets.Scripts.Networking.NetworkManager.Update () [0x00010] in <39374a2742c348ada627094b2c3f3664>:0 
  • low duct tape percentage incorrectly applies full heal amount until game restarted, or panels are further damaged in another storm.
  • Clicking on scenarios on main menu throws errors.
  • Chickens are not moving around.
    • Chickens dont die when health is at 0.
  • Splitting cables, cables wants to go to left hand. If a tool such as wire cutters is present. split stack is lost instead of dropped. Bug is intermittent.
  • Cyrotubes and sorter have Very Deep bases that stick through floors below them.
  • Pipe lables have no texture, they come out pink from the printer
    • Diode slides have no color
  • IC editor screen when using a computer with more than 3 IC housings, bottom ones become hard to select.
    • Sorter Motherboard drop down menus are hard to use when clicking on down arrow, or dragging scroll bar, menu will close and have to do it again.
  • Logic Button Activate (only writeable setting) cannot be activated via logic, only the important button can be.
  • Ores appear and disappear as you mine. (long time bug)
  • Regional input of "," instead of "." does not work depending on region. (though, I cannot test). (long time bug). (Risu posted a potential fix).
  • Cable junctions (regular cable)have no damage model and when destroyed, are not removed which could cause difficulty troubleshooting a cable network
  • Heavy Cable junctions are always placed upsidedown and damage is only show on a single side
  • Fixing plant decay made produce also invincible because it's the same item class
    • Decay on produce as a result of changes to centralized decay system seem to be stuck at 1hr.
  • Autominer doesn't work networkmessage issues
  • First worldchunks generated ignore the mineableoverrides
  • IC LR function uses localnames for reagent so breaks when playing on non-english for example
  • Forcefeeding a stun-pill to another player will crash that players game
  • Some items such as Signs and medium shelves cannot placed anywhere at all, in any orientation
  • passive vent smart rotate
  • Tooltips elements overlap themselves
    • IC labels not pushed to tooltip (actually hiding behind bigger tooltip, overlap).
  • custom savepath also effects mods folder
    • steam_autocloud.vdf still gets saved in the default location when savepath is set
    • PlayerCosmetics_0.xml still gets saved in the default location when savepath is set
  • Mousedragging a seedbag in growing slot will glitch and throw errors
  • (Just a general) Resource rockets can't be disassembled completely, usually the couplers can't be targeted successfully.
  • Doors will still remember being tied to airlock circuitboards that are not in a console anymore
    • (seem to randomly switch back and forth between which one it operates on loading of save)
  • There is no version check on joining multiplayer.
  • When joining with wrong version you tend to get cablenetwork, pipenetwork and wirelessnetwork errors where ID is already in use.
    • Wireless transmitters cause issues deserializing networkings, avoid them for now
  • save data is not cleared between loading up completely other saves
    • overlapping bases
    • wrong world textures
    • etc etc
  • wall corners not placeable.
    • wall corners not covering point of cube.
  • Rovers do not return plastic sheets properly, you only get the rover kit back unlike every other machine in the game.
  • clicking on scenarios button main menu causes errors. (put a screen or pop up saying scenarious are temporarily disabled).
  • Fires appear for clients at 0,0,0 but not for host. And fire is only visual not effecting anything. Also plants randomly appear.
  • Canned french fries are rotated wrong in lockers.
  • Canned french fries recipe is wrong. stationpedia states it takes 1x frenchfries and 1x frenchfries, but the recipe only needs 1xfrenchfries. (the canning machine when you put in

1 french fries shows it repeated. It should make clear that you only need 1 french fries to make it work.

  • Refrigerated vending machine stacker wheel translation is broken, wheel is pointed the wrong way.
  • All rovers currently do not function. They don't move.