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Revision as of 21:41, 22 October 2018 by Droxlar (talk | contribs) (added links from script functions in the index to their definitions / examples.)


MIPS scripting language for IC10 housings / chips

// Text after a // will be ignored to the end of the line. The amount of white
// space between arguments isn't important, but new lines start a new command.

alias str r? d? // labels register or device reference with name. When alias is applied to a device, it will effect what shows on the screws in the IC base. (housing)

alias vTemperature r0
alias dAutoHydro1 d0

d s // stores the value of s in d

move r0 42 # Store 42 in register 0

d s t // calculates s + t and stores the result in d

add r0 r1 1 # add 1 to r1 and store the result as r0
add r0 r0 1 # increment r0 by one

d s t // calculates s - t and stores the result in d
d s t // calculates s * t and stores the result in d
d s t // calculates s / t and stores the result in d
d s t
// calculates s mod t and stores the result in d. Note this
// doesn't behave like the % operator - the result will be
// positive even if the either of the operands are negative
d s t // stores 1 in d if s < t, 0 otherwise
d s // calculates sqrt(s) and stores the result in d
d s // finds the rounded value of s and stores the result in d
d s // finds the truncated value of s and stores the result in d
d s // calculates the ceiling of s and stores the result in d
d s // calculates the floor of s and stores the result in d
d s t // calculates the maximum of s and t and stores the result in d
d s t // calculates the minimum of s and t and stores the result in d
d s // calculates the absolute value of s and stores the result in d
d s // calculates the natural logarithm of s and stores the result
// in d
d s // calculates the exponential of s and stores the result in d
d // selects a random number uniformly at random between 0 and 1
// inclusive and stores the result in d
// boolean arithmetic uses the C convention that 0 is false and any non-zero
// value is true.
d s t // stores 1 in d if both s and t have non-zero values,
// 0 otherwise
d s t // stores 1 in d if either s or t have non-zero values,
// 0 otherwise
d s t // stores 1 in d if exactly one of s and t are non-zero,
// 0 otherwise
d s t // stores 1 in d if both s and t equal zero, 0 otherwise

// Lines are numbered starting at zero

a // jumps to line a.
s a // jumps to line a if s < 0
s a // jumps to line a if s <= 0
s a // jumps to line a if s >= 0
s a // jumps to line a if s > 0
s t a // jumps to line a if s == t
s t a // jumps to line a if s != t
d? a(r?|num) // Jump execution to line a and store current line number if device d? is set.

bdseal d0 32 #Store line number and jump to line 32 if d0 is assigned.
bdseal dThisVictim HarvestCrop #Store line in ra and jump to sub HarvestCrop if device dThisVictim is assigned.

// ceases code execution for this power tick
// The following text will be ignored during compiling; use this to create comments.

This is a sample timer command set, alternating between 1 for 1 tick (0.5s), then off for 2 ticks (1s).

move r0 0		// Line 0: move the value 0 to register0
sub r1 r0 3		// Line 1: subtract 3 from the value in r0 and write it to r1
bltz r1 4		// Line 2: jump to line 4 if r1 < 0 (skip the next line)
move r0 0		// Line 3: move the value 0 to register0 
slt o r0 1		// Line 4: if r0 < 1 write 1 to the output, otherwise 0.
add r0 r0 1		// Line 5: increment r0 by 1
yield			// Line 6: wait until next power tick (0.5s)
j 1			// Line 7: jump back to line 1	


so you will do l r0 d0 SolarAngle
Sorry had last args swapped
That would read in the value
s d1 Vertical r0
Would write the contents of r0 into the devices 1's Vertical property
additionally you can make some aliases
alias SolarSensor d0
l r0 SolarSensor SolarAngle

Another example:

Now the IC is inserted into the housing. The screws D0-D5 can be adjusted directly to the equipment (sensor, console, solar panel, etc.). The ports 'o' and 'i0-i2' have been removed. Instead, commands that directly read and write hardware parameters are added.
l <register> <data_channel> <parameter>
 reads the value of the parameter
s <data_channel> <parameter> <register_or_value>
 writes the value of the parameter
ls <register> <data_channel> <slot_number> <parameter> 
 reads the parameter value from the slot
For example, 
l r0 d0 Horizontal
s d5 Activate 1
ls r3 db 0 OccupantHash