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[[Category:IC10 Programming]]
[[Category:MIPS Programming]]
=Scripting language for IC10 housings / chips=
=MIPS scripting language for IC10 housings / chips=
MIPS is [[Stationeers]]' inspiration for the in-game scripting language called IC10. It runs on [[Integrated Circuit (IC10)|IC10 chips]] crafted at the [[Electronics Printer]].
Internal registers '''r?''': The IC contains 16 CPU registers, numbered '''r0''' to '''r15'''. From now on referred to as '''r?'''.
Device registers '''d? logicType''': Device registers are written to and from the IC. A device register is numbered '''d0''' to '''d5''' (select via screw), or '''db''' (connected device). From now on referred to as '''d?'''.
=== Logic and algorithmic with '''Internal registers''' ===
All calculations are exclusively performed to and from '''r?''' registers, or generally more understood as variables in programming. You can use aliases to give convenient names with the <code>alias string r?|d?</code>command (see below).
Internal registers can be manipulated in various ways.
* Write constant values <code>move r? (r?|num)</code>: Example: <code>move r0 2</code> sets r0 to the number 2.
* Calculate: Calculations are done to- and from these registers, like <code>add r? a(r?|num) b(r?|num)</code>. Example: <code>add r1 r0 3</code> adds 3 to r0, and writes to r1.
Note, for any kind of if statements or loop behaviours, knowing about labels, branching, and jumps is essential knowledge. See below.
=== IO to '''Device registers''' ===
Acronym '''d?''' stands for device, where ? is a number corresponding to the screw device selector on the socket.
You can also read/write to the device where the IC is planted in using device '''db'''.
Generally, there are up to 6 devices which can be set using the screwdriver '''d0''' to '''d5'''. A special device register '''db''' is the device wherever the IC is mounted upon. Very convenient for atmospheric devices where no separate IC socket is required.
Note, the IC is completely unaware where d? is actually connected to. So if you get a logicType error, check d? number, or check if the screw has been set opn the socket. An alias is only convenient to convey what is expected to be set on the d? screw, it does not actually set or program the screq.
* Read from device (load) <code>l r? d? logicType</code>: Reads logicType, like Pressure from a [[Sensors|gas sensor]], from device d? to register r?. Values can be read from connected devices and put into the register using the '''l''' (load) command. For example, if you want to load the state of a door. <br> Example: <code>l r0 Door Open</code> reads the 'Open' field of an object named 'Door', that would be connected to the IC housing of the chip.
* Write to a device (set) <code>s d? logicType r?</code>: Write a value from a register back to a device using the command <code>s d? logicType r?</code>. For example, if d0 is set to a door using the screwdriver, <code>s d0 Open 0</code> sets the 'Open' status of the d0 (a door) to 0, effectively closing the door.
=== batch IO to - '''Device registers''' ===
'''Batch writing''' needs to be done to a specific '''deviceHash''' instead of d?. Is unique per device type, which you can find in the [[Stationpedia]] entries.
* <code>lb r? deviceHash logicType batchMode</code>
* <code>sb deviceHash logicType r?</code>
Additionally, using the following batch commands, a '''nameHash''' can be provided to only modify devices with a certain name.
* <code>lbn r? deviceHash nameHash logicType batchMode </code>
* <code>sbn deviceHash nameHash logicType r?</code>
'''batchMode''' is a parameter equal to 0, 1, 2, or 3. These are also defined as the constants '''Average''', '''Sum''', '''Minimum''', and '''Maximum''' respectively. The word or number can be used.
Combining one of these functions with the <code>HASH()</code> function can be advantageous:
<code>lbn r0 HASH("StructureGasSensor") HASH("Sensor 1") Temperature Average</code>
This code will load the average temperature of all gas sensors on the network named "Sensor 1" onto register '''r0'''
If the batch read (lb/lbn) is done on a network without any matching devices the results will be as specified in the table:
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Batch read with no devices
! Batch Mode !! Result
| Average (0) || nan
| Sum (1) || 0
| Minimum (2) || 0
| Maximum (3) || ninf
=== Examples ===
Here are some examples demonstrating all three batch mode operations:
<code>move r0 10</code><br>Sets register '''r0''' to the value 10
<code>move r0 r1</code><br>Copies the value of register '''r1''' to register '''r0'''
<code>l r0 d0 Temperature</code><br>Reads the Temperature parameter from device '''d0''' and places the value in register '''r0'''.
Note: not all devices have a Temperature parameter, check the in-game stationpedia.
To set a device specific value (like '''On'''), you can write into this value.
<code>s d0 On r0</code><br>Writes the value from register '''r0''' out to '''On''' parameter of device '''d0'''. In this example the device will be turned On, if valve of register r0 equals 1, otherwise (register r0 equals 0) it will turned off. See section [[MIPS#Device_Variables|Device Variables]].
It's recommended to use labels (like: ''someVariable'') instead of a direct reference to the register. See '''alias''' in section [[MIPS#Instructions|Instructions]].
=== Special registers ===
There are two more registers. One called '''ra''' (return address) and one called '''sp''' (stack pointer). The '''ra''' is used by certain jump and branching instructions (those ending with '''-al''') to remember which line in the script it should return to. The '''sp''' tracks the next index within the stack (a memory that can store up to 512 values) to be pushed (written) to or popped (read) from. Neither '''ra''' or '''sp''' is protected, their values can be changed by instructions like any other register.
==Stack Memory==
;push r?: adds the value  '''sp''' and increments the '''sp''' by 1.
;pop r?: loads the value in the stack memory at index <code>sp-1</code> into register '''r?''' and decrements the '''sp''' by 1.
;peek r?: loads the value in the stack memory at index <code>sp-1</code> into register '''r?'''.
;get r? d? address(r?|num): loads the value in the stack memory at index <code>address</code> on provided device into register '''r?'''.
;getd r? id(r?|num) address(r?|num): loads the value in the stack memory at index <code>address</code> on provided device id into register '''r?'''.
;put d? address(r?|num) value(r?|num): adds the value to the stack memory off the provided device at index <code>address</code>.
;putd id(r?|num) address(r?|num) value(r?|num) : adds the value to the stack memory off the provided device id at index <code>address</code>.
As mentioned previously, '''sp''' can be both written to and read from any time. When reading ('''peek''' or '''pop'''), '''sp''' must be between 1 and 512, inclusive. While writing ('''push'''), '''sp''' must be between 0 and 511, inclusive.
Stack memory is persistent on logic chips. This means that if you have a logic chip and push values to the stack, the code that pushes those values can be removed and the stack will retain those values.
Note that this does not carry over to any other logic chips which receive the program of the original; They will need to have their stack memories programmed individually.
'''Stack Traversing'''
Traversing the stack can be done similarly to how an array would be traversed in some other languages:
#this will traverse indices {min value} through {max value}-1
move sp {min value}
add sp sp 1
peek r0
#do something here with your stack values (loaded into r0)
blt sp {max value} loop
#continue on
Alternatively, you can use the pop function's decrementing to make a more efficient loop:
move sp {max value}
add sp sp 1
pop r0
#do something here with your stack values (loaded into r0)
bgt sp {min value} loop
#continue on
==Device Ports==
ICs can interact with up to 6 other devices via d0 - d5, as well as the device it's attached to via db. To change or set a device, use a screwdriver and adjust the device in the IC housing. You can read or set any of the device's properties, so it is possible to do things like read the pressure or oxygen content of a room on the same Device port.
Additionally, is possible to set other IC housings as devices, allowing you to create programs that run across multiple ICs together. For example, an Gas Mixing IC could check the ''' Setting'''  field of a Atmosphere Sensor IC and act based on the value of the sensor chip.
The '''l''' (load) or '''s''' (set) instructions you have to read or set these values to your device. Examples:
#Reads the 'Temperature' from an atmosphere sensor
# at device port 'd0' into register 'r0'.
l r0 d0 Temperature
# Writes the value of the register 'r0' to the
# device on port 'd1' into the variable 'Setting'.
s d1 Setting r0
Labels are used to make it easier to jump between lines in the script. The label will have a numerical value that is the same as its line number. Even though it's possible to use a labels value for calculations, doing so is a bad idea since any changes to the code can change the line numbers of the labels.
main: # define a jump mark with label 'main'
j main # jumps back to 'main'
Instead of using a register to store a fixed value, a constant can be made. Using this name will refer to the assigned value. With the help of Constants you can save register places.
# defines a Constant with name 'pi'
# and set its value to 3.14159
define pi 3.14159
You can use these constants like any other variables (see: alias in section [[MIPS#Instructions|Instructions]]). Example:
# set the value of register 'r0' to the value of constant named 'pi'.
move r0 pi
==Indirect referencing==
This is a way of accessing a register by using another register as a pointer. Adding an additional r in front of the register turns on this behaviour. The value stored in the register being used as the pointer must be between 0 to 15, this will then point to a register from r0 to r15, higher or lower values will cause an error.
move r0 5 # stores the value 5 in r0
move rr0 10
# is now the same as 'move r5 10'
# since r0 has the value 5, rr0 points at the register r5
Additional r's can be added to do indirect referencing multiple times in a row.
move r1 2
move r2 3
move rrr1 4
# is now the same as 'move r3 4'
# since r1 points at r2 which points at r3
This also works with devices
move r0 2 # stores the value 2 in r0
s dr0 On 1
# is now the same as 's d2 On 1'
# r0 has the value 2 so dr0 points at d2
==Network Referencing / Channels==
All cable networks have 8 Channels which can have data loaded from/stored to via a device and connection reference. Connections for each supported device are listed in the stationpedia. All 'connections' a device can make are a connection (pipe, chute, cable), but only cable networks have channels.
The 8 channels (Channel0 to Channel7) are however volatile, in that data is destroyed if any part of the cable network is changed, removed, or added to, and also whenever the world is exited. All these channels default to NaN. Strictly speaking, they default to what we would call "quiet NaN", in that its not an error it simply means its not a number yet. Recommend you use these channels for reading and writing between networks, rather than as a data store. This effectively means an IC can read all the networks for all devices to connected to it, so not just their own local network, but any networks any device they can reference is connected to.
# d0 is device zero, and the :0 refers
# to that device's 0 connection
l r0 d0:0 Channel0}}
For example: on an IC Housing, the 0 connection is the data port and 1 is power, so you could write out r0 to Channel0 of the power network of the Housing using <code>s db:1 Channel0 r0</code>
Comments can be placed using a '''#''' symbol. All comments are ignored by the game when it reads commands. Below is an example of valid code with two comments.
alias MyAlias r0 # Text after the hash tag will be ignored to the end of the line.
# You can also write comments on their own lines, like this.
==Debugging advices==
The value stored in a register or variable can easily be displayed by writing it to the Setting parameter of the IC housing. This has no side effects. To see the value, just stand close to the IC housing and look directly at the housing.<br>
<code>s db Setting r0</code>. # sets/writes the value of register '''r0''' into the parameter '''Setting''' of the IC Housing('''db''')
To check if a certain block of code is executed, use the above trick but with a random number that you choose, like the line number.<br> This example will display the number 137 on the IC housing.<br>
<code>s db Setting 137</code>  # sets/writes the number 137 into the parameter '''Setting''' of the IC Housing('''db''')
Always use unique names for labels. When a label is named after a MIPS keyword like "Temperature:" or "Setting:" the original meaning of the keyword is overwritten, so when an instruction tries to use it an error will occur.
A [[Cartridge#Configuration|configuration cartridge]] installed in a [[Handheld_Tablet|tablet]]  can be used to see all available values and configuration parameter for all devices you focus on.
==Learning MIPS==
MIPS can be difficult to get started with. So here is a list of instructions that are useful for beginners. These can be used to write many different scripts.
* <code>alias</code> make the script easier to read by assigning a name to a register or device, example: <code>alias rTemperature r15</code>
* <code>label:</code> where "label" can be replaced with almost any word, jump and branch instructions can use these in place of line numbers, example: <code>start:</code>
* <code>yield</code> pause for 1-tick and then resume, if not used the script will automatically pause for 1-tick after 128 lines
*<code>j someLabelName</code> jump to line with '''someLabelName'''
*<code>jal someLabelName</code> stores the next line number into the register ra (return address) and then jump to '''someLabelName'''
*<code>j ra</code> jump to register ra (return address)
<br>Branching (jump-if):<br>
<code>beq a(r?|num) b(r?|num) c(r?|num)</code> if '''a''' is equal to '''b''' goto '''c'''  (label or linenumber) <br>
<code>bne a(r?|num) b(r?|num) c(r?|num)</code> if  '''a''' not-equal '''b''' goto  '''c''' (label or linenumber) <br>
<code>bgt a(r?|num) b(r?|num) c(r?|num)</code> if  '''a''' greater than '''b''' goto  '''c''' (label or linenumber) <br>
<code>blt a(r?|num) b(r?|num) c(r?|num)</code> if  '''a''' less than '''b''' goto '''c''' (label or linenumber) <br>
The suffix -al can be added to each of these (example: beqal) to save the '''next''' line number into the "return address" register. this is called using <code>j ra</code>
<br>Device interactions:
l (load)
lb (load batch, requires one of the following: 0(Average) / 1(Sum) / 2(Minimum) / 3(Maximum))
ls (load slot)
s (store)
sb (store batch)
<br>Logic and Math:
seqz (common NOT-gate: turns 0 into 1, and all other values into 0)
add (addition)
sub (subtraction)
mul (multiplication)
div (division)
<br>Common device variables:
On (1 is on, 0 is off)
Open (1 is open, 0 is closed)
Setting (meaning varies between devices, example: a LED display(console) will show this value)
Activate (1 usually means running, example: a Daylight sensor is 1 when the sun shines on it)
Temperature (in Kelvin, Celsius - 273.15)
Pressure (in kPa)
<br>-All instructions and variables can be seen in-game in the MIPS editor window by clicking the "f", "x" and "s(x)" buttons on the top right.
<br>-The stationpedia is the best source to see which variables are available to each device.
<br>-Most scripts are loops, they end with a jump instruction that leads back up to the start. Otherwise they will just run once and then stop.
Two practice scripts:
<br>Automatic Night Light: Load "Activate" from a Daylight sensor, flip the value with a NOT-gate, store the value to the "On" variable of one or more lights.
<br>Automatic Wall Cooler: Read "Temperature" from a Gas Sensor. Branch if the value is greater than X, turn on the cooler. Branch if the value is less than Y, turn off the cooler. (Wall coolers need a minimum of 12.5 kPa pressure in the connected pipe)
See [[MIPS/instructions]]
[ Other examples]
== Conditional functions cheatsheet ==
{| class="wikitable"
! suffix !! description !! branch to line !! branch and store return address !! relative jump to line !! set register
| prefix: ||  || b- || b-al || br- || s-
|  || unconditional || j    || jal    || jr    ||
| -eq  || if a == b || beq  || beqal  || breq  || seq
| -eqz || if a == 0 || beqz || beqzal || breqz || seqz
| -ge  || if a >= b || bge  || bgeal  || brge  || sge
| -gez || if a >= 0 || bgez || bgezal || brgez || sgez
| -gt  || if a > b  || bgt  || bgtal  || brgt  || sgt
| -gtz || if a > 0  || bgtz || bgtzal || brgtz || sgtz
| -le  || if a <= b || ble  || bleal  || brle  || sle
| -lez || if a <= 0 || blez || blezal || brlez || slez
| -lt  || if a < b  || blt  || bltal  || brlt  || slt
| -ltz || if a < 0  || bltz || bltzal || brltz || sltz
| -ne  || if a != b || bne  || bneal  || brne  || sne
| -nez || if a != 0 || bnez || bnezal || brnez || snez
| -nan || if a == NaN || bnan ||  || brnan || snan
| -nan || if a != NaN ||  ||  || || snanz
| -dns || if device d is not set          || bdns || bdnsal || brdns || sdns
| -dse || if device d is set              || bdse || bdseal || brdse || sdse
| -ap  || if a approximately equals b    || bap  || bapal  || brap  || sap
| -apz || if a approximately equals 0    || bapz || bapzal || brapz || sapz
| -na  || if a not approximately equals b || bna  || bnaal  || brna  || sna
| -naz || if a not approximately equals 0 || bnaz || bnazal || brnaz || snaz
All <code>b-</code> commands require target line as last argument, all <code>s-</code> commands require register to store result as first argument. All <code>br-</code> commands require number to jump relatively as last argument. e.g. <code>breq a b 3</code> means if a=b then jump to 3 lines after.
All approximate functions require additional argument denoting how close two numbers need to be considered equal. E.g.: <code>sap r0 100 101 0.01</code> will consider 100 and 101 almost equal (not more than 1%=0.01 different) and will set r0 to 1. The exact formula is <code>if abs(a - b) <= max(c * max(abs(a), abs(b)), float.epsilon * 8)</code> for <code>-ap</code> and is similar for other approximate functions.
  FLT_EPSILON = 2^(−23) ≈ 1.19e−07;        <span style="color:blue;">float (32 bit)</span>
  DBL_EPSILON = 2^(−52) ≈ 2.20e−16;        <span style="color:#4c9700;">double (64 bit)</span>
  <code>if abs(100 - 101) <= max(0.01 * max(abs(100), abs(101)), float.epsilon * 8)</code>
  <code>if abs(-1) <= max(0.01 * 101), float.epsilon * 8)</code>
  <code>if 1 <= max(0.01 * 101, float.epsilon * 8)</code>
  if 1 <= max(1.01, FLT_EPSILON * 8)
  if 1 <= max(1.01, DBL_EPSILON * 8)
  <span style="color:blue;">if 1 <= max(1.01, 1.19e−07 * 8)</span>
  <span style="color:#4c9700;">if 1 <= max(1.01, 2.20e−16 * 8)</span>
  <span style="color:blue;">if 1 <= max(1.01, 0.000000952)</span>
  <span style="color:#4c9700;">if 1 <= max(1.01, 0.00000000000000176)</span>
  <span style="color:blue;">if 1 <= 1.01  TRUE  1</span>
  <span style="color:#4c9700;">if 1 <= 1.01  TRUE  1</span>
==Device Variables==
<div id="Activate"></div>
:1 if device is activated (usually means running), otherwise 0
:<code>l r0 d0 Activate # sets r0 to 1 if on or 0 if off</code>
<div id="AirRelease"></div>
<div id="Charge"></div>
:    The current charge the device has.
<div id="CLearMemory"></div>
:    When set to 1, clears the counter memory (e.g. ExportCount).  Will set itself back to 0 when triggered.
<div id="Color"></div>
:    <span style="color:blue;">▇▇▇</span>&nbsp; 0 (or lower) = Blue
:    <span style="color:grey;">▇▇▇</span>&nbsp;1 = Grey
:    <span style="color:green;">▇▇▇</span>&nbsp;2 = Green
:    <span style="color:orange;">▇▇▇</span>&nbsp;3 = Orange
:    <span style="color:red;">▇▇▇</span>&nbsp;4 = Red
:    <span style="color:yellow;">▇▇▇</span>&nbsp;5 = Yellow
:    <span style="color:white;">▇▇▇</span>&nbsp;6 = White
:    <span style="color:black;">▇▇▇</span>&nbsp;7 = Black
:    <span style="color:brown;">▇▇▇</span>&nbsp;8 = Brown
:    <span style="color:khaki;">▇▇▇</span>&nbsp;9 = Khaki
:    <span style="color:pink;">▇▇▇</span>&nbsp;10 = Pink
:    <span style="color:purple;">▇▇▇</span>&nbsp;11 (or higher) = Purple
<div id="CompletionRatio"></div>
<div id="ElevatorLevel"></div>
<div id="ElevatorSpeed"></div>
<div id="Error"></div>
: 1 if device is in error state, otherwise 0
<div id="ExportCount"></div>
:    How many items exporfted since last ClearMemory.
<div id="Filtration"></div>
: The current state of the filtration system.  For example filtration = 1 for a Hardsuit when filtration is On.
<div id="Harvest"></div>
: Performs the harvesting action for any plant based machinery.
:  <code>s d0 Harvest 1 # Performs 1 harvest action on device d0</code>
<div id="Horizontal"></div>
<div id="HorizontalRatio"></div>
<div id="Idle"></div>
<div id="ImportCount"></div>
<div id="Lock"></div>
<div id="Maximum"></div>
<div id="Mode"></div>
<div id="On"></div>
<div id="Open"></div>
<div id="Output"></div>
<div id="Plant"></div>
:    Performs the planting operation for any plant based machinery.
:  <code>s d0 Plant 1 # Plants one crop in device d0</code>
<div id="PositionX"></div>
<div id="PositionY"></div>
<div id="PositionZ"></div>
<div id="Power"></div>
<div id="PowerActual"></div>
<div id="PowerPotential"></div>
<div id="PowerRequired"></div>
<div id="Pressure"></div>
<div id="PressureExternal"></div>
<div id="PressureInteral"></div>
<div id="PressureSetting"></div>
<div id="Quantity"></div>
: Total quantity in the device.
<div id="Ratio"></div>
: Context specific value depending on device, 0 to 1 based ratio.
<div id="RatioCarbonDioxide"></div>
<div id="RatioNitrogen"></div>
: The ratio of nitrogen in device atmosphere.
<div id="RatioOxygen"></div>
: The ratio of oxygen in device atmosphere.
<div id="RatioPollutant"></div>
: The ratio of pollutant in device atmosphere.
<div id="RatioVolatiles"></div>
: The ratio of volatiles in device atmosphere.
<div id="RatioWater"></div>
: The ratio of water in device atmosphere.
<div id="Reagents"></div>
<div id="RecipeHash"></div>
<div id="RequestHash"></div>
:    Unique Identifier of a Device, this value is different for every device in a save.
<div id="ReferenceId"></div>
<div id="RequiredPower"></div>
<div id="Setting"></div>
<div id="SolarAngle"></div>
:    Solar angle of the device.
:  <code>l r0 d0 SolarAngle # Sets r0 to the solar angle of d0.</code>
<div id="Temperature"></div>
<div id="TemperatureSettings"></div>
<div id="TotalMoles"></div>
<div id="VelocityMagnitude"></div>
<div id="VelocityRelativeX"></div>
<div id="VelocityRelativeY"></div>
<div id="VelocityRelativeZ"></div>
<div id="Vertical"></div>
: Vertical setting of the device.
<div id="VerticalRatio"></div>
: Ratio of vertical setting for device.
<div id="Volume"></div>
: Returns the device atmosphere volume
==Slot Variables==
In general (always?) slots are assigned as follows.
:Slot 0: Import
:Slot 1: Export
:Slot 2: Inside Machine
<div id="Occupied"></div>
:<code>ls r0 d0 2 Occupied #Stores 1 in r0 if d0 has more seeds</code>
:<code>ls vOccupied dThisVictim 2 Occupied #stores 1 in vOccupied if dThisVictim has more seeds</code>
<div id="OccupantHash"></div>
<div id="Quantity"></div>
<div id="Damage"></div>
<div id="Efficiency"></div>
<div id="Health"></div>
<div id="Growth"></div>
:<code>ls r0 d0 0 Growth # Store the numerical growth stage of d0 in r0</code>
<div id="Pressure"></div>
<div id="Temperature"></div>
<div id="Charge"></div>
<div id="ChargeRatio"></div>
<div id="Class"></div>
<div id="PressureWaste"></div>
<div id="PressureAir"></div>
<div id="MaxQuantity"></div>
<div id="Mature"></div>
:<code>ls r0 d0 0 Mature # Store 1 in r0 if d0 has a mature crop</code>
:<code>ls vMature dThisVictim 0 Mature # Store 1 in vMature if dThisVictim has a mature crop</code>
:    Unique Identifier of a Device, this value is different for every device in a save.
<div id="ReferenceId"></div>
Previous examples were obsolete due to game changes, or confusing, they have been moved into the Discussions section
===Harvie automation===
This script uses the batch instruction <code>sb ...</code> to control all Harvie devices on the network. But only one Harvie and one Tray will be the ''master'' and have their values read, the rest of the Harvies will repeat exactly what this unit does. Some problems with this design is that different types of crops mature at different speeds, and if seeds were manually planted and the master unit recieved the first seed, the harvesting action will be performed too early on all the other plants since they are growing a few seconds slower.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="{{int:Expand, Automated Harvie Script}}" data-collapsetext="{{int:Collapse, Automated Harvie Script}}">
alias dHarvie d0
alias dTray d1
alias rHarvieHash r8
alias rTrayHash r9
l rHarvieHash dHarvie PrefabHash
l rTrayHash dTray PrefabHash
#read plant data from the Tray
ls r0 dTray 0 Mature
#harvestable plants return 1, young plants return 0
#nothing planted returns -1
beq r0 -1 plantCrop
beq r0 1 harvestCrop
ls r0 dTray 0 Seeding
#seeds available returns 1, all seeds picked returns 0
#plants too young or old for seeds returns -1
beq r0 1 harvestCrop
j main
#stop the planting if no seeds available
#otherwise it will plant nothing repeatedly
ls r0 dHarvie 0 Occupied
beq r0 0 main
sb rHarvieHash Plant 1
j main
sb rHarvieHash Harvest 1
j main
### End Script ###
===Solar Panel 2-axis tracking===
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="{{int:Expand, Solar Panel 2-axis tracking}}" data-collapsetext="{{int:Collapse, Solar Panel 2-axis tracking}}">
#2 Axis Solar Tracking adapted from CowsAreEvil.
#Place all panels in uniform manner.
#Set one to 15 Vertical(Min value). 0 Horizontal.
#Take note direction panel faces.
#Place daylight sensor flat pointing in the direction
#the panel now faces. (Cable port facing opposite)
#Alias the sensor to d0
alias sensor d0
# define the Panel variants
define Heavy -934345724
define HeavyDual -1545574413
define Solar -2045627372
define SolarDual -539224550
#Check for daylight.
l r0 sensor Activate
beqz r0 reset
#Read the Horizontal data.
l r0 sensor Horizontal
#Set batch to the panels.
sb Heavy Horizontal r0
sb HeavyDual Horizontal r0
sb Solar Horizontal r0
sb SolarDual Horizontal r0
#Read the Vertical data and subtract 90
l r0 sensor Vertical
sub r0 90 r0
#Set batch to the panels.
sb Heavy Vertical r0
sb HeavyDual Vertical r0
sb Solar Vertical r0
sb SolarDual Vertical r0
j start
sb Heavy Horizontal 270 #Edit this to face sunrise.
sb HeavyDual Horizontal 270 #Edit this
sb Solar Horizontal 270 #Edit this
sb SolarDual Horizontal 270 #Edit this
sb Heavy Vertical 0
sb HeavyDual Vertical 0
sb Solar Vertical 0
sb SolarDual Vertical 0
sleep 10
j start
===Example experiment: how many lines of code are executed each tick?===
To determine this, a script without <code>yield</code> will be used. It should have as few lines as possible (so no labels are used, but a reset value at the top will be needed) and count the number of lines, the IC Housing will be used to display the result.
move r0 1  #the first line has number 0
add r0 r0 3
s db Setting r0
j 1
Result (the numbers appears every 0.5 seconds):
<br>256 (+129)
<br>385 (+129)
<br>511 (+126)
<br>640 (+129)
<br>769 (+129)
<br>895 (+126)
<br>1024 (+129)
<br>1153 (+129)
There is a repeating +129, +129, +126 sequence, a hint that the real value is 128. Which also happens to be the number of lines in a script, which makes sense. A variation of this experiment will show that empty rows are also counted towards this number.
* Bulleted list item
* Bulleted list item
* Bulleted list item[[Category:MIPS Programming]]
=MIPS scripting language for IC10 housings / chips=
MIPS is [[Stationeers]]' inspiration for the in-game scripting language called IC10. It runs on [[Integrated Circuit (IC10)|IC10 chips]] crafted at the [[Electronics Printer]].  
MIPS is [[Stationeers]]' inspiration for the in-game scripting language called IC10. It runs on [[Integrated Circuit (IC10)|IC10 chips]] crafted at the [[Electronics Printer]].  
Line 72: Line 790:
To set a device specific value (like '''On'''), you can write into this value.
To set a device specific value (like '''On'''), you can write into this value.
<code>s d0 On r0</code><br>Writes the value from register '''r0''' out to '''On''' parameter of device '''d0'''. In this example the device will be turned On, if valve of register r0 equals 1, otherwise (register r0 equals 0) it will turned off. See section [[IC10#Device_Variables|Device Variables]].
<code>s d0 On r0</code><br>Writes the value from register '''r0''' out to '''On''' parameter of device '''d0'''. In this example the device will be turned On, if valve of register r0 equals 1, otherwise (register r0 equals 0) it will turned off. See section [[MIPS#Device_Variables|Device Variables]].
It's recommended to use labels (like: ''someVariable'') instead of a direct reference to the register. See '''alias''' in section [[IC10#Instructions|Instructions]].
It's recommended to use labels (like: ''someVariable'') instead of a direct reference to the register. See '''alias''' in section [[MIPS#Instructions|Instructions]].
=== Special registers ===
=== Special registers ===
Line 80: Line 798:
==Stack Memory==
==Stack Memory==
;push r?: adds the value  '''r?''' and increments the '''sp''' by 1.
;push r?: adds the value  '''sp''' and increments the '''sp''' by 1.
;pop r?: loads the value in the stack memory at index <code>sp-1</code> into register '''r?''' and decrements the '''sp''' by 1.
;pop r?: loads the value in the stack memory at index <code>sp-1</code> into register '''r?''' and decrements the '''sp''' by 1.
;peek r?: loads the value in the stack memory at index <code>sp-1</code> into register '''r?'''.
;peek r?: loads the value in the stack memory at index <code>sp-1</code> into register '''r?'''.
Line 97: Line 815:
Traversing the stack can be done similarly to how an array would be traversed in some other languages:
Traversing the stack can be done similarly to how an array would be traversed in some other languages:
#this will traverse indices {min value} through {max value}-1
#this will traverse indices {min value} through {max value}-1
move sp {min value}
move sp {min value}
Line 112: Line 830:
Alternatively, you can use the pop function's decrementing to make a more efficient loop:
Alternatively, you can use the pop function's decrementing to make a more efficient loop:
move sp {max value}
move sp {max value}
add sp sp 1
add sp sp 1
Line 132: Line 850:
The '''l''' (load) or '''s''' (set) instructions you have to read or set these values to your device. Examples:
The '''l''' (load) or '''s''' (set) instructions you have to read or set these values to your device. Examples:
#Reads the 'Temperature' from an atmosphere sensor
#Reads the 'Temperature' from an atmosphere sensor
# at device port 'd0' into register 'r0'.
# at device port 'd0' into register 'r0'.
l r0 d0 Temperature
l r0 d0 Temperature
# Writes the value of the register 'r0' to the
# Writes the value of the register 'r0' to the
# device on port 'd1' into the variable 'Setting'.
# device on port 'd1' into the variable 'Setting'.
Line 145: Line 863:
Labels are used to make it easier to jump between lines in the script. The label will have a numerical value that is the same as its line number. Even though it's possible to use a labels value for calculations, doing so is a bad idea since any changes to the code can change the line numbers of the labels.
Labels are used to make it easier to jump between lines in the script. The label will have a numerical value that is the same as its line number. Even though it's possible to use a labels value for calculations, doing so is a bad idea since any changes to the code can change the line numbers of the labels.
main: # define a jump mark with label 'main'
main: # define a jump mark with label 'main'
j main # jumps back to 'main'
j main # jumps back to 'main'
Line 151: Line 869:
Instead of using a register to store a fixed value, a constant can be made. Using this name will refer to the assigned value. With the help of Constants you can save register places.
Instead of using a register to store a fixed value, a constant can be made. Using this name will refer to the assigned value. With the help of Constants you can save register places.
# defines a Constant with name 'pi'
# defines a Constant with name 'pi'
# and set its value to 3.14159
# and set its value to 3.14159
Line 157: Line 875:
You can use these constants like any other variables (see: alias in section [[IC10#Instructions|Instructions]]). Example:
You can use these constants like any other variables (see: alias in section [[MIPS#Instructions|Instructions]]). Example:
# set the value of register 'r0' to the value of constant named 'pi'.
# set the value of register 'r0' to the value of constant named 'pi'.
move r0 pi  
move r0 pi  
Line 179: Line 897:
==Indirect referencing==
==Indirect referencing==
This is a way of accessing a register by using another register as a pointer. Adding an additional r in front of the register turns on this behaviour. The value stored in the register being used as the pointer must be between 0 to 15, this will then point to a register from r0 to r15, higher or lower values will cause an error.
This is a way of accessing a register by using another register as a pointer. Adding an additional r in front of the register turns on this behaviour. The value stored in the register being used as the pointer must be between 0 to 15, this will then point to a register from r0 to r15, higher or lower values will cause an error.
move r0 5 # stores the value 5 in r0
move r0 5 # stores the value 5 in r0
move rr0 10  
move rr0 10  
Line 187: Line 905:
Additional r's can be added to do indirect referencing multiple times in a row.
Additional r's can be added to do indirect referencing multiple times in a row.
move r1 2
move r1 2
move r2 3
move r2 3
Line 196: Line 914:
This also works with devices
This also works with devices
move r0 2 # stores the value 2 in r0
move r0 2 # stores the value 2 in r0
s dr0 On 1  
s dr0 On 1  
Line 208: Line 926:
The 8 channels (Channel0 to Channel7) are however volatile, in that data is destroyed if any part of the cable network is changed, removed, or added to, and also whenever the world is exited. All these channels default to NaN. Strictly speaking, they default to what we would call "quiet NaN", in that its not an error it simply means its not a number yet. Recommend you use these channels for reading and writing between networks, rather than as a data store. This effectively means an IC can read all the networks for all devices to connected to it, so not just their own local network, but any networks any device they can reference is connected to.
The 8 channels (Channel0 to Channel7) are however volatile, in that data is destroyed if any part of the cable network is changed, removed, or added to, and also whenever the world is exited. All these channels default to NaN. Strictly speaking, they default to what we would call "quiet NaN", in that its not an error it simply means its not a number yet. Recommend you use these channels for reading and writing between networks, rather than as a data store. This effectively means an IC can read all the networks for all devices to connected to it, so not just their own local network, but any networks any device they can reference is connected to.
# d0 is device zero, and the :0 refers
# d0 is device zero, and the :0 refers
# to that device's 0 connection
# to that device's 0 connection
Line 217: Line 935:
Comments can be placed using a '''#''' symbol. All comments are ignored by the game when it reads commands. Below is an example of valid code with two comments.
Comments can be placed using a '''#''' symbol. All comments are ignored by the game when it reads commands. Below is an example of valid code with two comments.
alias MyAlias r0 # Text after the hash tag will be ignored to the end of the line.
alias MyAlias r0 # Text after the hash tag will be ignored to the end of the line.
# You can also write comments on their own lines, like this.
# You can also write comments on their own lines, like this.
Line 229: Line 947:
<code>s db Setting 137</code>  # sets/writes the number 137 into the parameter '''Setting''' of the IC Housing('''db''')
<code>s db Setting 137</code>  # sets/writes the number 137 into the parameter '''Setting''' of the IC Housing('''db''')
Always use unique names for labels. When a label is named after a IC10 keyword like "Temperature:" or "Setting:" the original meaning of the keyword is overwritten, so when an instruction tries to use it an error will occur.
Always use unique names for labels. When a label is named after a MIPS keyword like "Temperature:" or "Setting:" the original meaning of the keyword is overwritten, so when an instruction tries to use it an error will occur.
A [[Cartridge#Configuration|configuration cartridge]] installed in a [[Handheld_Tablet|tablet]]  can be used to see all available values and configuration parameter for all devices you focus on.
A [[Cartridge#Configuration|configuration cartridge]] installed in a [[Handheld_Tablet|tablet]]  can be used to see all available values and configuration parameter for all devices you focus on.
==Learning IC10==
==Learning MIPS==
IC10 can be difficult to get started with. So here is a list of instructions that are useful for beginners. These can be used to write many different scripts.
MIPS can be difficult to get started with. So here is a list of instructions that are useful for beginners. These can be used to write many different scripts.
Line 285: Line 1,003:
<br>-All instructions and variables can be seen in-game in the IC editor window by clicking the "f", "x" and "s(x)" buttons on the top right.
<br>-All instructions and variables can be seen in-game in the MIPS editor window by clicking the "f", "x" and "s(x)" buttons on the top right.
<br>-The stationpedia is the best source to see which variables are available to each device.
<br>-The stationpedia is the best source to see which variables are available to each device.
<br>-Most scripts are loops, they end with a jump instruction that leads back up to the start. Otherwise they will just run once and then stop.
<br>-Most scripts are loops, they end with a jump instruction that leads back up to the start. Otherwise they will just run once and then stop.
Line 346: Line 1,064:
See [[IC10/instructions]]
See [[MIPS/instructions]]
[ Other examples]
[ Other examples]
Line 387: Line 1,105:
| -nan || if a == NaN || bnan ||  || brnan || snan
| -nan || if a == NaN || bnan ||  || brnan || snan
| -nanz || if a != NaN ||  ||  || || snanz
| -nan || if a != NaN ||  ||  || || snanz
| -dns || if device d is not set          || bdns || bdnsal || brdns || sdns
| -dns || if device d is not set          || bdns || bdnsal || brdns || sdns
Line 446: Line 1,164:
<div id="Color"></div>
<div id="Color"></div>
:    <div style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; height: 20px; width: 20px; border: 1px solid black; margin-right: 5px; background-color:#212AA5;"></div>&nbsp;0 (or lower) = Blue
:    <span style="color:blue;">▇▇▇</span>&nbsp; 0 (or lower) = Blue
:    <div style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; height: 20px; width: 20px; border: 1px solid black; margin-right: 5px; background-color:#7B7B7B;"></div>&nbsp;1 = Grey  
:    <span style="color:grey;">▇▇▇</span>&nbsp;1 = Grey  
:    <div style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; height: 20px; width: 20px; border: 1px solid black; margin-right: 5px; background-color:#3F9B39;"></div>&nbsp;2 = Green  
:    <span style="color:green;">▇▇▇</span>&nbsp;2 = Green  
:    <div style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; height: 20px; width: 20px; border: 1px solid black; margin-right: 5px; background-color:#FF662B;"></div>&nbsp;3 = Orange  
:    <span style="color:orange;">▇▇▇</span>&nbsp;3 = Orange  
:    <div style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; height: 20px; width: 20px; border: 1px solid black; margin-right: 5px; background-color:#E70200;"></div>&nbsp;4 = Red  
:    <span style="color:red;">▇▇▇</span>&nbsp;4 = Red  
:    <div style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; height: 20px; width: 20px; border: 1px solid black; margin-right: 5px; background-color:#FFBC1B;"></div>&nbsp;5 = Yellow  
:    <span style="color:yellow;">▇▇▇</span>&nbsp;5 = Yellow  
:    <div style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; height: 20px; width: 20px; border: 1px solid black; margin-right: 5px; background-color:#E7E7E7;"></div>&nbsp;6 = White  
:    <span style="color:white;">▇▇▇</span>&nbsp;6 = White  
:    <div style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; height: 20px; width: 20px; border: 1px solid black; margin-right: 5px; background-color:#080908;"></div>&nbsp;7 = Black  
:    <span style="color:black;">▇▇▇</span>&nbsp;7 = Black  
:    <div style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; height: 20px; width: 20px; border: 1px solid black; margin-right: 5px; background-color:#633C2B;"></div>&nbsp;8 = Brown  
:    <span style="color:brown;">▇▇▇</span>&nbsp;8 = Brown  
:    <div style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; height: 20px; width: 20px; border: 1px solid black; margin-right: 5px; background-color:#63633F;"></div>&nbsp;9 = Khaki  
:    <span style="color:khaki;">▇▇▇</span>&nbsp;9 = Khaki  
:    <div style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; height: 20px; width: 20px; border: 1px solid black; margin-right: 5px; background-color:#E41C99;"></div>&nbsp;10 = Pink  
:    <span style="color:pink;">▇▇▇</span>&nbsp;10 = Pink  
:    <div style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; height: 20px; width: 20px; border: 1px solid black; margin-right: 5px; background-color:#732CA7;"></div>&nbsp;11 (or higher) = Purple  
:    <span style="color:purple;">▇▇▇</span>&nbsp;11 (or higher) = Purple  
<div id="CompletionRatio"></div>
<div id="CompletionRatio"></div>
Line 646: Line 1,364:
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="{{int:Expand, Automated Harvie Script}}" data-collapsetext="{{int:Collapse, Automated Harvie Script}}">
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="{{int:Expand, Automated Harvie Script}}" data-collapsetext="{{int:Collapse, Automated Harvie Script}}">
alias dHarvie d0
alias dHarvie d0
alias dTray d1
alias dTray d1
Line 690: Line 1,408:
===Solar Panel 2-axis tracking===
===Solar Panel 2-axis tracking===
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="{{int:Expand, Solar Panel 2-axis tracking}}" data-collapsetext="{{int:Collapse, Solar Panel 2-axis tracking}}">
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="{{int:Expand, Solar Panel 2-axis tracking}}" data-collapsetext="{{int:Collapse, Solar Panel 2-axis tracking}}">
#2 Axis Solar Tracking adapted from CowsAreEvil.
#2 Axis Solar Tracking adapted from CowsAreEvil.
#Place all panels in uniform manner.
#Place all panels in uniform manner.
Line 748: Line 1,466:
===Example experiment: how many lines of code are executed each tick?===
===Example experiment: how many lines of code are executed each tick?===
To determine this, a script without <code>yield</code> will be used. It should have as few lines as possible (so no labels are used, but a reset value at the top will be needed) and count the number of lines, the IC Housing will be used to display the result.
To determine this, a script without <code>yield</code> will be used. It should have as few lines as possible (so no labels are used, but a reset value at the top will be needed) and count the number of lines, the IC Housing will be used to display the result.
move r0 1  #the first line has number 0
move r0 1  #the first line has number 0
add r0 r0 3
add r0 r0 3
Line 776: Line 1,494:
** [] Stationeers IC10 Editor & Emulator - A feature packed code editor for Stationeers IC10 code, paired with a robust debugger and emulator. Edit, test, and share code.
** [] Stationeers IC10 Editor & Emulator - A feature packed code editor for Stationeers IC10 code, paired with a robust debugger and emulator. Edit, test, and share code.
** [] Stationeering provides a simulation of the IC10 chip inside Stationeers. IDE with error checking, full visibility of stack and registers.
** [] Stationeering provides a simulation of the IC10 chip inside Stationeers. IDE with error checking, full visibility of stack and registers.
* [] EASy68K is a 68000 Structured Assembly Language IDE.
* [] syntax highlighting for IC10 MIPS for Visual Studio Code (updated Feb 10th 2022)
* [] syntax highlighting for IC10 MIPS for KDE kwrite/kate text editor
* [] syntax highlighting for IC10 MIPS for Notepad++
* [] syntax highlighting for IC10 MIPS for Notepad++ (updated: 11/08/2022)
* [] syntax highlighting for IC10 MIPS for Notepad++ (updated: 23/03/2024)
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
|+Device Variables
<div  class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
|+Slot Variables
<div  class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
[] offers a programmable circuits simulator so you can develop your code without repeatedly dying in game!
* [] EASy68K is a 68000 Structured Assembly Language IDE.
* [] EASy68K is a 68000 Structured Assembly Language IDE.
* [] syntax highlighting for IC10 MIPS for Visual Studio Code (updated Feb 10th 2022)
* [] syntax highlighting for IC10 MIPS for Visual Studio Code (updated Feb 10th 2022)

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