
Kit (Automated Rocket Salvage)

From Unofficial Stationeers Wiki

Warning Warning: This item is deprecated.
Kit (Automated Rocket Salvage Module)
Created With Electronics Printer Mk2
Cost 15g Copper, 30g Steel, 20g Electrum, 15g Constantan, 20g Stellite

Automated Rocket Salvage Module
Placed with Kit (Automated Rocket Salvage)
Placed on Large Grid
Stage 1
Item received Kit (Automated Rocket Salvage)
Stage 2
Next Stage Construction
Constructed with tool Welding Torch
Constructed with item 10 x Steel Sheets
Item received 10 x Steel Sheets
Stage 3
Next Stage Construction
Constructed with tool Welding Torch
Constructed with item 10 x Plastic Sheets
Item received 10 x Plastic Sheets
Stage 4
Next Stage Construction
Constructed with item 10 x Electronic Parts
Item received 10 x Electronic Parts

The so-called Sinotai 'space junk' collector modular is really a high-end automated salvaging unit, purpose designed to interface with the ExMin autonomous rocket. It sweeps the local region of space for wrecks, abandoned ship shipments, and other detritus. As such, it returns a fairly random assortment of items.

The module must be connected to a Automated Rocket Silo Module by a properly placed Automated Rocket Coupling Module (Down) or Automated Rocket Coupling Module (Up), in order for the salvage to pass from the collector unit into the silo.

It has two modes - active (1), and inactive (0), which should only be triggered when the rocket has arrived in space and is idle (mode 4).

Data Network Properties[edit]

These are all Data Network properties of this device.

Data Parameters[edit]

These are all parameters that can be written with a Logic Writer, Batch Writer, or Integrated Circuit (IC10).

Parameter Name Data Type Description
Mode Boolean Unknown
Lock Boolean Unknown
ClearMemory Boolean Resets internal counters, such as ExportCount, to zero when set to 1.
Activate Boolean Sets the mode of the module. Set to 0 to stop salvaging, or 1 to begin salvaging. Salvaging should only occur when the Automated Rocket Automation Module's Mode variable is 4 and the CollectableGoods variable is 1.
Setting Float Unknown
Open Boolean Unknown
On Boolean Unknown

Data Outputs[edit]

These are all parameters, that can be read with a Logic Reader or a Slot Reader. The outputs are listed in the order a Logic Reader's "VAR" setting cycles through them.

Output Name Data Type Description
Mode Integer The current mode of the module. 0 means idle, 1 means salvaging.
Maximum Integer Unknown
Lock Boolean Unknown
ImportCount Integer Unknown
ExportCount Integer Unknown
Error Boolean Returns whether the Salvager is flashing an error. Typically an error will be indicating if the coupler and silo are not correctly configured. (0 for no, 1 for yes)
Activate Integer The desired activation state. 0 means idle, 1 means salvaging.
Setting Integer Unknown
RequiredPower Integer Returns the current amount of power, required by the Salvager, in watts.
Ratio Float Unknown
PrefabHash Integer Unknown
Power Boolean Returns whether the Salvager is turned on and receives power. (0 for no, 1 for yes)
Open Boolean Unknown.
On Boolean Returns whether the Salvager is turned on. (0 for no, 1 for yes)